Valid Names Results
Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret, 1875) (Pseudococcidae: Pseudococcus)Nomenclatural History
- Dactylopius viburni Signoret 1875c: 323. Type data: FRANCE: Gall. mer., Hyeres, on Viburnum tinus.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (BenDovMa1995,252). Type depository: Vienna: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria; accepted valid name
- Dactylopius indicus Signoret 1875c: 317. Type data: FRANCE: Var, Hyeres, on Laurus indicus. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (BenDovMa1995,248). Type depository: Vienna: Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria; junior synonym (discovered by BenDovMa1995, 248).
- Dactylopius affinis Maskell 1894b: 90. Type data: AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, on tubers of Dahlia sp.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (MillerWi1985DR,480). Type depository: Auckland: New Zealand Arthropod Collection, Landcare Research, New Zealand; junior synonym (discovered by BenDovMa1995, 248).
- Pseudococcus affinis (Maskell, 1894); Fernald 1903b: 97. change of combination
- Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret, 1875); Fernald 1903b: 111. change of combination
- Pseudococcus obscurus Essig 1909a: 43. Type data: U.S.A.: California, Los Angeles, on Opuntia sp.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (MillerGiWi1984,709). Type depository: San Francisco: California Academy of Sciences, Department of Entomology, California, USA; junior synonym (discovered by MillerGiWi1984, 707).
- Pseudococcus capensis Brain 1912: 182. Type data: SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Province, Rosebank, on Phytolacca dioica. Holotype, female, Type depository: Washington: United States National Entomological Collection, U.S. National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia, USA; junior synonym (discovered by MillerGiWi1984, 707).
- Pseudococcus nicotianae Leonardi 1913: 76. Type data: ITALY: Scafati, on Nicotiana colossaea. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (Marott1992a,96). Type depository: Portici: Dipartimento de Entomologia e Zoologia Agraria di Portici, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Italy; junior synonym (discovered by Marott1992, 95). Illustr.
- Pseudococcus longispinus latipes Green 1917a: 264. Type data: ENGLAND: Camberley, on Fuchsia (in greenhouse). Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (MillerGiWi1984,709). Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by MillerGiWi1984, 707).
- Pseudococcus capensis; Joubert 1928: 209. incorrect synonymy Notes: Joubert (1928) suggested that Pseudococcus capensis was a synonym of P. maritimus McKenzie (1967) , however the it was found to be a synonym of P. affinis (= P. viburni).
- Pseudococcus fathyi Bodenheimer 1944b: 90. Type data: IRAN: Haraj, in galls of Prociphilus on Fraxinus. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (BenDov1991,14). Type depository: Bet Dagan: Department of Entomology, The Volcani Center, Israel; junior synonym (discovered by BenDov1991a, 14).
- Pseudococcus malacearum Ferris 1950b: 185. Type data: U.S.A.: California, Santa Ana County, Santa Clara, on pear.. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (WilkeyMc1962,246). Type depository: Davis: The Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, California, USA; junior synonym (discovered by MillerGiWi1984, 246). Illustr.
- Pseudococcus indicus (Signoret, 1875); Ben-Dov 1994: 394. change of combination
- Pseudococcus affinis; (Maskell, 1894); Ben-Dov 1994: 376. subsequent use
- Pseudococcus viburni; (Signoret, 1875); Ben-Dov 1994: 414. subsequent use
- Pseudococcus viburni; (Signoret, 1875); Uygun, Sengonca, Erkilic & Schade 1998: 186. subsequent use Notes: Incorrect citation of "Maskell" as author.
- Pseudococcus viburni; (Signoret, 1875); Ripa & Rojas 2008b: 203. subsequent use Notes: Erroneous citation of 'Maskell' as author.
- Pseudococcus vibuni (Signoret, 1875); Konan et al. 2024: 727. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
- Canchito blanco de la vid RipaRo2008b
- glasshouse mealybug Malump2011a
- obscure mealybug Bartle1978e GimpelMi1996 Koszta1996 McKenz1967
Ecological Associates
Families: 97 | Genera: 282
- Acanthaceae
- Thunbergia natalensis | GimpelMi1996
- Acoraceae
- Acorus | GimpelMi1996
- Actinidiaceae
- Actinidia deliciosa | Gonzal2011
- Adoxaceae
- Sambucus cerulea | BenDov1994 Essig1909a | (= Sambucus glauca)
- Sambucus nigra | BenDov1994 Essig1909a
- Viburnum odoratissimum | GimpelMi1996
- Viburnum tinus | BenDov1994 Signor1875c | (= Viburnum lucidum)
- Aizoaceae
- Faucaria | JansenAl2023
- Amaranthaceae
- Amaranthus blitum | Moghad2013
- Atriplex lampa | GranarGo2018
- Beta vulgaris | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Willia1985 WilliaGr1992
- Chenopodium album | Gonzal2011
- Amaryllidaceae
- Allium sativum | GimpelMi1996
- Amaryllis | GimpelMi1996
- Clivia | JansenAl2023
- Haemanthus | BenDov1994 DeLott1967
- Hippeastrum | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Narcissus | GimpelMi1996
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera indica | Willia2004a
- Pistacia terebinthus | BenDov2012 | subsp. palaestina
- Annonaceae
- Annona | GimpelMi1996
- Annona cherimola | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Annona reticulata | GimpelMi1996
- Apiaceae
- Apium graveolens | Willia2004a
- Daucus carota | BenDov1994 Cox1987
- Apocynaceae
- Gomphocarpus physocarpus | BenDov1994 Cox1987 | (= Asclepias physocarpa)
- Hoya | GimpelMi1996
- Hoya carnosa | BenDov1994 Marott1987a Tranfa1973
- Mandevilla | BenDov1994 Cox1987
- Nerium oleander | BenDov1994 Marott1992a
- Pachypodium lamerei | BenDov1994 Marott1992a
- Aquifoliaceae
- Ilex | GimpelMi1996
- Ilex crenata | GimpelMi1996
- Ilex vomitoria | GimpelMi1996
- Araceae
- Aglaonema | GimpelMi1996
- Calla | GimpelMi1996
- Dieffenbachia | Moghad2013 Moghad2013a
- Dieffenbachia seguine | GimpelMi1996 | (= Dieffenbachia picta)
- Philodendron hederaceum | GertssSc2020 | (= Philodendron scandens)
- Typhonodorum | GimpelMi1996
- Zantedeschia | GimpelMi1996
- Araliaceae
- Hedera | GimpelMi1996
- Hedera helix | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Marott1987a Marott1992a
- Plerandra elegantissima | BenDov1994 Marott1992a | (= Aralia elegantissima)
- Polyscias | JansenAl2023
- Arecaceae
- Arecaceae | GimpelMi1996
- Phoenix | GimpelMi1996 Moghad2013a
- Asparagaceae
- Asparagus aethiopicus | GimpelMi1996 | (= Asparagus sprengeri)
- Beaucarnea | JansenAl2023
- Dracaena | BenDov2012
- Ruscus | GimpelMi1996
- Ruscus aculeatus | GimpelMi1996
- Asphodelaceae
- Aloe distans | JansenAl2023 | (=Aloe brevifolia)
- Asteraceae
- Achillea millefolium | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Ageratum | GimpelMi1996
- Artemisia | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Aster | GimpelMi1996
- Asteraceae | BenDov2013
- Baccharis pilularis | GimpelMi1996
- Baccharis salicifolia | Gonzal2011
- Bidens pilosa | PachecKaBa2020
- Cineraria | GimpelMi1996
- Commidendrum robustum | BenDov1994 Matile1976
- Cynara scolymus | BenDov1994 Cox1987
- Dahlia | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Willia1985 WilliaGr1992
- Erigeron canadensis | CostelWe2014 | (= Conyza canadensis)
- Eupatorium | Willia2004a
- Gerbera | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Willia1985 WilliaGr1992
- Grindelia glutinosa | BenDov1994 Matile1976 | (= Aster glutinosa)
- Gynura aurantiaca | BenDov1987 BenDov1994
- Helianthus | GimpelMi1996
- Helianthus tuberosus | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Helichrysum | GimpelMi1996
- Matricaria discoidea | CostelWe2014 | (= Chamomilla suaveolens)
- Schizogyne sericea | BenDov1994 CarnerPe1986
- Sonchus oleraceus | CostelWe2014
- Taraxacum officinale | Gonzal2011
- Tragopogon porrifolius | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Begoniaceae
- Begonia | GimpelMi1996
- Begonia rex | JansenAl2023
- Bignoniaceae
- Bignonia | BenDov1994 DeLott1967
- Catalpa | GimpelMi1996
- Catalpa speciosa | Moghad2013
- Brassicaceae
- Brassica | GimpelMi1996
- Bromeliaceae
- Ananas comosus | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Matile1976
- Bromelia | GimpelMi1996
- Puya | Gonzal2011
- Buxaceae
- Buxus microphylla | GimpelMi1996 | (= Buxus japonica)
- Buxus sempervirens | Moghad2013 | (= Buxus hyrcana)
- Cactaceae
- Acanthocereus | GimpelMi1996
- Astrophytum | GimpelMi1996
- Austrocactus spiniflorus | GimpelMi1996 GranarGo2018 | (= Cereus spiniflora)
- Austrocylindropuntia floccosa | GimpelMi1996 | (= Opuntia floccosa)
- Cactaceae | GimpelMi1996
- Cereus | GimpelMi1996
- Cleistocactus baumannii | GimpelMi1996 | (= Cereus boumannii)
- Cleistocactus serpens | GimpelMi1996 | (= Cereus serpens)
- Copiapoa cinerea | Gonzal2011
- Disocactus flagelliformis | BenDov1994 Marott1987a | (= Aporocactus flagelliformis )
- Echinocactus | GimpelMi1996
- Echinocereus | GimpelMi1996
- Echinocereus pectinatus | GimpelMi1996
- Echinopsis | GimpelMi1996
- Echinopsis candicans | GimpelMi1996 | (= Cereus candicans)
- Echinopsis oxygona | BenDov1994 Marott1987a | (= Echinopsis multiplex)
- Epiphyllum | GimpelMi1996 | (= Phyllocactus)
- Epiphyllum anguliger | GimpelMi1996
- Epithelantha micromeris | GimpelMi1996
- Ferocactus recurvus | JansenAl2023
- Hylocereus | GimpelMi1996
- Lemaireocereus | JansenAl2023
- Lepismium lumbricoides | GimpelMi1996 | (= Rhipsalis leucorhaphis)
- Leptocereus quadricostatus | GimpelMi1996 | (= Cereus quadricostatus)
- Mammillaria | GimpelMi1996
- Mammillaria pectinifera | GimpelMi1996
- Opuntia | BenDov1994 Essig1909a GimpelMi1996
- Opuntia cylindrica | CaballPaKa2021
- Opuntia ficus-indica | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Opuntia tuna | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Pereskia | GimpelMi1996
- Pereskia aculeata | GimpelMi1996
- Pereskiopsis | GimpelMi1996
- Quiabentia chacoensis | BenDov1994 GranarGo2018 WilliaGr1992
- Rhipsalis | GimpelMi1996
- Schlumbergera | GimpelMi1996 | (= Zygocactus)
- Schlumbergera truncata | GimpelMi1996 | (= Zygocactus truncatus)
- Selenicereus grandiflorus | GimpelMi1996
- Stenocereus | JansenAl2023
- Cannaceae
- Canna | GimpelMi1996
- Caprifoliaceae
- Lonicera tatarica | GimpelMi1996
- Caricaceae
- Carica papaya | Beards1965 BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Marott1992a
- Caryophyllaceae
- Arenaria | GimpelMi1996
- Dianthus | BenDov1994 Cox1987 GimpelMi1996 Marott1987a
- Dianthus caryophyllus | BenDov1994 DeLott1967 Martin1985
- Sagina procumbens | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Celastraceae
- Euonymus | GimpelMi1996
- Euonymus alatus | GimpelMi1996
- Euonymus fortunei | GimpelMi1996 | (= Euonymus radicans)
- Euonymus japonicus | GimpelMi1996
- Convolvulaceae
- Convolvulus arvensis | CostelWe2014
- Ipomoea | GranarGo2018
- Crassulaceae
- Aeonium | JansenAl2023
- Crassula | GimpelMi1996
- Crassula alba | GimpelMi1996 | (= Crassula rubicunda)
- Echeveria | GimpelMi1996
- Echeveria setosa | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Kalanchoe globulifera | GimpelMi1996
- Sedum | GimpelMi1996
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucumis melo | GranarGo2018
- Cucurbita | GimpelMi1996
- Cucurbita maxima | PachecKaBa2020
- Cucurbita pepo | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Sechium edule | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Willia1985
- Cupressaceae
- Cupressus | Moghad2010
- Juniperus drupacea | UlgentDo2019
- Thuja | GimpelMi1996
- Cycadaceae
- Cycadaceae | GimpelMi1996
- Cyperaceae
- Cyperus | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Marott1987a
- Cyperus rotundus | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Dilleniaceae
- Hibbertia perfoliata | GimpelMi1996
- Dioscoreaceae
- Dioscorea elephantipes | JansenAl2023
- Droseraceae
- Dionaea muscipula | JansenAl2023
- Ebenaceae
- Diospyros | GimpelMi1996
- Diospyros kaki | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Marott1987a
- Elaeagnaceae
- Elaeagnus pungens | GimpelMi1996 | subsp. variegata
- Ericaceae
- Erica vagans | GimpelMi1996
- Gaultheria shallon | GimpelMi1996
- Rhododendron | GimpelMi1996
- Vaccinium | GimpelMi1996
- Escalloniaceae
- Escallonia paniculata | CaballPaKa2021
- Euphorbiaceae
- Acalypha | GimpelMi1996
- Codiaeum variegatum | Moghad2013
- Croton | GimpelMi1996
- Euphorbia | GimpelMi1996
- Euphorbia pulcherrima | GimpelMi1996
- Manihot esculenta | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Ricinus | GimpelMi1996
- Sapium | BenDov2012
- Vernicia cordata | BatsanKaKi2017
- Fabaceae
- Acacia | GimpelMi1996
- Albizia | GimpelMi1996
- Bauhinia | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Caesalpinia | GimpelMi1996
- Ceratonia siliqua | MifsudMaRu2014
- Cercis siliquastrum | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Cytisus | GimpelMi1996
- Cytisus scoparius | GimpelMi1996
- Dolichos | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Willia1985
- Dorycnium pentaphyllum | KozarFr1995
- Erythrina crista-galli | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Erythrina speciosa | GranarGo2018
- Glycine max | BenDov1994 Granar1991 WilliaGr1992
- Glycyrrhiza glabra | BenDov2012
- Inga | BenDov1994 GranarGo2018 WilliaGr1992
- Laburnum | BenDov1994 Cox1987
- Medicago polymorpha | CostelWe2014
- Medicago sativa | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Granar1991 Willia1985
- Melilotus alba | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Mimosa | GimpelMi1996
- Ononis natrix | KozarFr1995 | subsp. hispanicus
- Robinia pseudoacacia | BenDov1994 GranarGo2018 WilliaGr1992
- Sesbania punicea | BenDov1994 DeLott1967 GimpelMi1996 | (= Daubentonia tripetti)
- Sophora | GimpelMi1996
- Trifolium fragiferum | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Ulex | BenDov1994 Matile1976
- Fagaceae
- Quercus | UlgentDo2019
- Geraniaceae
- Geranium | BenDov1994 DeLott1967 GimpelMi1996
- Pelargonium | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Kozar1980
- Gesneriaceae
- Gloxinia | JansenAl2023
- Saintpaulia | BenDov1994 Matile1976
- Streptocarpus | JansenAl2023
- Ginkgoaceae
- Ginkgo biloba | Moghad2013
- Iridaceae
- Crocus | GimpelMi1996
- Gladiolus | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Willia1985 WilliaGr1992
- Iridaceae | GimpelMi1996
- Watsonia | GimpelMi1996
- Juglandaceae
- Carya illinoinensis | GranarGo2018 Quiroz2003
- Juglandaceae | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Lamiaceae
- Holmskioldia sanguinea | GimpelMi1996
- Lauraceae
- Laurus | GimpelMi1996
- Laurus nobilis | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Signor1875c | (= Laurus indicus)
- Persea | GimpelMi1996
- Persea americana | Gonzal2011
- Umbellularia californica | GimpelMi1996
- Liliaceae
- Cardiocrinum giganteum | GimpelMi1996 | (= Lilium giganteum)
- Lilium | GimpelMi1996
- Lilium pumilum | GimpelMi1996 | (= Lilium tenuifolium)
- Tulipa | GimpelMi1996
- Loranthaceae
- Notanthera | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Lythraceae
- Punica | GimpelMi1996
- Punica granatum | BenDov1987 BenDov1994 Moghad2013
- Magnoliaceae
- Magnolia grandiflora | UlgentDo2019
- Malvaceae
- Abutilon | GimpelMi1996
- Ceiba | GimpelMi1996
- Fremontodendron | JansenAl2023
- Hibiscus | Gonzal2011
- Malva | Gonzal2011
- Malva nicaeensis | Gonzal2011
- Malva parviflora | CostelWe2014
- Sparrmannia africana | GimpelMi1996
- Theobroma cacao | GimpelMi1996
- Marantaceae
- Megaphrynium | JansenAl2023
- Moraceae
- Ficus | GimpelMi1996
- Ficus benjamina | JansenAl2023
- Ficus carica | GimpelMi1996
- Ficus elastica | GimpelMi1996 | (= Ficus elastica decora)
- Morus | GimpelMi1996
- Morus alba | Moghad2013a
- Musaceae
- Ensete ventricosum | JansenAl2023
- Musa | JansenAl2023
- Myrtaceae
- Callistemon citrinus | YerlikBaKa2023
- Eucalyptus | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Eugenia | JansenAl2023
- Myrceugenia | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Plinia cauliflora | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992 | (= Myrciaria jaboticaba)
- Psidium guajava | Gonzal2011
- Syzygium jambos | JansenAl2023
- Nepenthaceae
- Nepenthes mirabilis | GimpelMi1996 | (= Nepenthes hainanensis)
- Nephrolepidaceae
- Nephrolepis | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Nephrolepis exaltata | GimpelMi1996 | (= Nephrolepis bostoniensis)
- Nyctaginaceae
- Bougainvillea | BenDov1994 Matile1976
- Oleaceae
- Forsythia | GimpelMi1996
- Fraxinus | BenDov1994 Borchs1949
- Jasminum | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Phillyrea latifolia | BenDov2012
- Onagraceae
- Fuchsia | BenDov1994 Green1917a
- Orchidaceae
- Brassia maculata | GimpelMi1996
- Cattleya | GimpelMi1996
- Cypripedium | GimpelMi1996
- Dendrobium | JansenAl2023
- Epidendrum | GimpelMi1996
- Eria vagans | GimpelMi1996
- Orchidaceae | GimpelMi1996
- Rossioglossum grande | GimpelMi1996 | (= Odontoglossum grande)
- Passifloraceae
- Passiflora | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Marott1987a Willia2004a
- Passiflora caerulea | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Passiflora edulis | BenDov1994 DeLott1968a GimpelMi1996
- Passiflora quadrangularis | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Marott1992a
- Philesiaceae
- Lapageria rosea | GimpelMi1996
- Phytolaccaceae
- Phytolacca dioica | GimpelMi1996
- Pinaceae
- Cedrus libani | BenDov2012 | (= Cedrus libanotica)
- Pinus | GimpelMi1996
- Pinus mugo | BenDov1994 Marott1992a
- Pinus radiata | GimpelMi1996
- Pittosporaceae
- Pittosporum | BenDov2012 GimpelMi1996
- Pittosporum tobira | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Pittosporum undulatum | GimpelMi1996
- Plumbaginaceae
- Limonium | BenDov2012
- Poaceae
- Bambusa | GimpelMi1996
- Poaceae | GimpelMi1996
- Triodia pungens | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Zea mays | GimpelMi1996
- Zizania | GimpelMi1996
- Polygonaceae
- Eriogonum | GimpelMi1996
- Fallopia convolvulus | BenDov1994 Cox1987 | (= Polygonum convolvulus)
- Persicaria orientalis | GimpelMi1996 | (= Polygonum orientalis)
- Rumex | BenDov1994 Cox1987
- Rumex obtusifolius | FoldiKo2006
- Portulacaceae
- Portulaca | Gonzal2011
- Primulaceae
- Cyclamen | BenDov1994 DeLott1967 GimpelMi1996
- Primula | BenDov1994 Marott1992a
- Proteaceae
- Grevillea robusta | Gonzal2011
- Ranunculaceae
- Anemone | GimpelMi1996
- Aquilegia | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Clematis | GimpelMi1996
- Clematis paniculata | GimpelMi1996
- Ranunculus | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Rosaceae
- Crataegus | GimpelMi1996
- Cydonia | GimpelMi1996
- Cydonia oblonga | Gonzal2011
- Eriobotrya japonica | UlgentDo2019
- Fragaria | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 WilliaGr1992
- Malus | GimpelMi1996
- Malus domestica | Gonzal2011
- Malus prunifolia | BenDov2012
- Malus pumila | BenDov1994 Cox1987 Willia1985
- Malus sylvestris | BenDov1990g BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996
- Prunus | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Granar1991 KozarFr1995 WilliaGr1992
- Prunus armeniaca | Gonzal2011
- Prunus avium | Gonzal2011
- Prunus domestica | BenDov1994 Cox1987 GimpelMi1996 GonzalCuBa1996 WilliaGr1992
- Prunus laurocerasus | BatsanKaKi2017
- Prunus persica | BenDov1994 Cox1987 | (= Persica vulgaris, Prunus nectarina)
- Pyracantha | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Pyrus | GimpelMi1996
- Pyrus communis | BenDov1994 Cox1987 GimpelMi1996 Willia1985 WilliaGr1992
- Rosa | Moghad2013
- Rubus idaeus | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Spiraea | KozarFr1995
- Rubiaceae
- Bouvardia | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Coffea | BenDov1994 Matile1976
- Gardenia | GimpelMi1996
- Gardenia jasminoides | BenDov1994
- Uncaria | JansenAl2023
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | GimpelMi1996 KaydanKiKo2005 UygunSeEr1998
- Citrus aurantium | BenDov1994 GranarScTe1997 LongoRu1988
- Citrus limon | BenDov1994 Foldi2000 Marott1992a Willia1985
- Citrus paradisi | BatsanKaKi2017
- Citrus reticulata | BenDov1994 Panis1986
- Citrus sinensis | GranarGo2018
- Salicaceae
- Salix | GimpelMi1996
- Santalaceae
- Viscum | GimpelMi1996
- Sapindaceae
- Acer | GimpelMi1996
- Aesculus hippocastanum | Martin1985
- Litchi chinensis | BenDov1994 CarnerPe1986 GimpelMi1996
- Sarraceniaceae
- Sarracenia | GimpelMi1996
- Sarracenia purpurea | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Saxifragaceae
- Bergenia crassifolia | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Heuchera sanguinea | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Willia1985
- Scrophulariaceae
- Myoporum | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Simmondsiaceae
- Simmondsia chinensis | BenDov1987 BenDov1994
- Solanaceae
- Capsicum annuum | JansenAl2023
- Capsicum frutescens | JansenAl2023
- Cestrum latifolium | JansenAl2023
- Cestrum nocturnum | GimpelMi1996
- Cyphomandra | BenDov1994 Cox1987
- Datura | WatsonOuKa2021
- Lycium australe | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Lycium ferocissimum | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Nicotiana | GimpelMi1996
- Nicotiana tabacum | PachecKaBa2020
- Nicotiana tomentosa | Leonar1913 Marott1987a Marott1992a | (= Nicotiana colossea)
- Physalis philadelphica | JansenAl2023
- Solanum | GimpelMi1996
- Solanum betaceum | CaballPaKa2021
- Solanum giganteum | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Solanum lycopersicum | BenDov1994 Cox1987 SchoenMa1999 Willia1985 Willia2004a | (= Solanum esculentum, Lycopersicon esculentum)
- Solanum melongena | PachecKaBa2020
- Solanum muricatum | GimpelMi1996
- Solanum tuberosum | Afifi1968 BenDov1994 Cox1987 GimpelMi1996 Willia1985 WilliaGr1992
- Strelitziaceae
- Strelitzia reginae | GimpelMi1996
- Tamaricaceae
- Tamarix | GimpelMi1996
- Tamarix gallica | GimpelMi1996
- Taxaceae
- Taxus | GimpelMi1996
- Taxus baccata | BenDov1994 Marott1987a
- Taxus cuspidata | GimpelMi1996
- Theaceae
- Camellia | GimpelMi1996
- Camellia sinensis | AbbasiTaAs2007 Moghad2013 Willia2004a | (= Thea sinensis)
- Thymelaeaceae
- Daphne | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Vitaceae
- Ampelopsis vitifolia | Moghad2013 | (= Vitis persica)
- Vitis | GimpelMi1996
- Vitis vinifera | BenDov1994 Cox1987 Gonzal1983RH GonzalCuBa1996 PhilliSh1991 Willia1985
- Zingiberaceae
- Zingiber officinale | GimpelMi1996
Families: 7 | Genera: 14
- Chamaemyiidae
- Leucopis | GaimarGoEl2024
- Coccinellidae
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri | Heidar2001a
- Nephus reunioni | Heidar2001a
- Encyrtidae
- Acerophagus | DaaneCoTr2008 KreiteDeGi2005 | (=Pseudaphycus)
- Acerophagus flavidulus | MathulMaSt2021 | (= Pseudaphycus flavidulus)
- Acerophagus maculipennis | Charle2001 KreiteDeGi2005 Yasnos2001 | (= Pseudaphycus maculipennis)
- Aenasius vexans | AcevedRoLo2024
- Anagyrus | PachecAqCr2021
- Anagyrus aligarhensis | KreiteDeGi2005 SolerFaHe2021 | (= Anagyrus punctulatus)
- Anagyrus borrianensis | SolerFaHe2021
- Anagyrus calyxtoi | PachecAqCr2021
- Anagyrus fusciventris | BlumbeVa2001 SolerFaHe2021
- Anagyrus novickyi | KreiteDeGi2005
- Anagyrus pseudococci | KreiteDeGi2005
- Blepyrus | PachecAqCr2021
- Blepyrus clavicornis | PachecGaBo2017
- Chrysoplatycerus splendens | Moore1988
- Leptomastix dactylopii | BlumbeVa2001
- Leptomastix epona | BlumbeVa2001 KreiteDeGi2005
- Zaplatycerus | PachecAqCr2021
- Heterorhabditidae
- Heterorhabditis noenieputensis | MathulMaSt2021
- Heterorhabditis zealandica | MathulMaSt2021
- Platygasteridae
- Allotropa | PachecAqCr2021
- Signiphoridae
- Chartocerus axillaris | PachecAqCr2021
- Steinernematidae
- Steinernema yirgalemense | MathulMaSt2021
Families: 5 | Genera: 5
- Betaflexiviridae
- GVA virus | PachecGaBo2017
- GVB Virus | HerrbaAlPr2017
- Betaproteobacteria
- Candidatus Tremblaya princeps | ChoiLe2022
- Caulimoviridae
- GRLDaV | JaguniDePr2022
- Closteroviridae
- GLRaV-3 | BahderPoAl2013 HerrbaAlPr2017
- Formicidae
- Linepithema humile | ZhouLuZe2012
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 63
- Afghanistan | KozarFoZa1996
- Argentina | GimpelMi1996
- La Pampa | BenDov1994 Granar1991
- Neuquen | DapotoOlBo2011
- Rio Negro | DapotoOlBo2011
- Tucuman | BenDov1994 Granar1991
- Australia | GimpelMi1996
- New South Wales | BenDov1994 Maskel1894b
- Northern Territory | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Queensland | BenDov1994 Brimbl1962 Willia1985
- South Australia | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Victoria | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Western Australia | BenDov1994 Willia1985
- Austria | Malump2011a
- Azores | GimpelMi1996
- Belgium | GimpelMi1996
- Bolivia | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Brazil | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 WilliaGr1992
- Espirito Santo | CulikGu2005 CulikMaVe2007
- Rio Grande do Sul | FoldiKo2006
- Bulgaria | BenDov1994 KozarTzVi1979
- Canada | GimpelMi1996
- British Columbia | BenDov1994 KozarHuFo1989
- New Brunswick | Koszta1996
- Canary Islands | BenDov1994 BenDov2013 CarnerPe1986 GimpelMi1996 MatileOr2001
- Chile | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Gonzal1983RH GonzalCuBa1996 RipaRo2008b WilliaGr1992
- Coquimbo | PizarrAlBa2020
- China | GimpelMi1996
- Guizhou (=Kweichow) | WangZhTi2018
- Colombia | CaballPaKa2021
- Corsica | FoldiGe2018
- Costa Rica | GimpelMi1996
- Cote d'Ivoire (=Ivory Coast) | KonanMiNd2024
- Cuba | GimpelMi1996
- Cyprus | SismanUl2010
- Czech Republic | BenDov1994 Zahrad1990
- Denmark | GimpelMi1996
- Dominican Republic | JansenAl2023
- Easter Island (=Rapa Nui) | GimpelMi1996
- Ecuador | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 WilliaGr1992
- France | BenDov1994 Foldi2000 Foldi2001 GimpelMi1996 MatileGePi2004 Panis1968 Signor1875c
- Georgia (Republic of) | Yasnos1995 YasnosTaCh2005
- Germany | GimpelMi1996 SchmutHo2016
- Greece | KozarPaPa1991 PellizChMi2015
- Guadeloupe | MatileEt2006
- Guatemala | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 WilliaGr1992
- Guiana | GermaiDeLa2016
- Hawaiian Islands
- Hawaii | Beards1965 BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996
- Hungary | BenDov1994 Kozar1980
- Indonesia
- Java | Willia2004a
- Iran | BenDov1994 Bodenh1944b KozarFoZa1996 Moghad2009
- Israel | BenDov1987 BenDov1994
- Italy | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Leonar1913 LongoMaPe1995 Marott1987a Marott1992a Tranfa1973
- Sicily | LongoMaPe1995 RussoMa1997
- Jamaica | GimpelMi1996
- Kenya | WatsonOuKa2021
- Madeira Islands | GimpelMi1996
- Malta | MifsudMaRu2014
- Mexico | GimpelMi1996
- Morocco | GimpelMi1996
- Netherlands | GimpelMi1996 SchoenMa1999
- New Zealand | BenDov1994 Cox1987 GimpelMi1996 Ward1966
- Panama | GimpelMi1996
- Peru | BenDov1994 Salaza1972 WilliaGr1992
- Philippines | Willia2004a
- Portugal | CarvalFrAg1996 FrancoMa2001 GimpelMi1996 KozarFr1995
- Saint Helena | BenDov1994 Matile1976
- Sardinia | LongoMaPe1995 PellizFo1996
- Slovenia | Seljak2008 Seljak2010
- South Africa | BenDov1994 Brain1912 DeLott1967 GimpelMi1996
- Spain | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 GomezM1937 Martin1985
- Sri Lanka | GimpelMi1996 Willia2004a
- Suriname | JansenAl2023
- Sweden | GimpelMi1996
- Turkey | KaydanKiKo2005 UygunSeEr1998
- United Kingdom
- Channel Islands | BenDov1994 Willia1962
- England | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Green1917a
- Scotland | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 Willia1962
- Wales | BenDov1994 Willia1962
- United States
- Alabama | GimpelMi1996
- California | BenDov1994 Essig1909a Ferris1950b GimpelMi1996
- Connecticut | GimpelMi1996
- Delaware | GimpelMi1996
- District of Columbia | GimpelMi1996
- Georgia | GimpelMi1996
- Illinois | GimpelMi1996
- Indiana | GimpelMi1996
- Iowa | GimpelMi1996
- Maryland | GimpelMi1996
- Massachusetts | GimpelMi1996
- Michigan | GimpelMi1996
- Missouri | GimpelMi1996
- New Jersey | GimpelMi1996
- New York | GimpelMi1996
- North Carolina | GimpelMi1996
- Ohio | GimpelMi1996
- Oregon | GimpelMi1996
- Pennsylvania | GimpelMi1996
- South Carolina | GimpelMi1996
- Utah | GimpelMi1996
- Virginia | GimpelMi1996
- Washington | GimpelMi1996
- West Virginia | GimpelMi1996
- Wisconsin | GimpelMi1996
- Uruguay | GimpelMi1996 GranarScTe1997
- Venezuela | BenDov1994 GimpelMi1996 WilliaGr1992
- Zimbabwe | BenDov1994 DeLott1968a
- SzitaFeGe2023: pp.5 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcidae on imported fruits in Hungary]
- MoghadWa2022: pp.115 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcus species in Iran]
- Hodgso2020: pp.32-34 ( Adult (M) ) [higher groups of Pseudococcidae]
- PachecKaBa2020: pp.504-505 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcidae in Uruguay]
- Suh2019a: pp.2-6 ( Adult (F) ) [mealybugs intercepted in S. Korea]
- GranarGo2018: pp.10-14 ( Adult (F) ) [Central & South American Pseudococcus]
- LiLiWa2018: pp.538-539 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of Pseudococcus]
- VonEllWa2016: pp.74-75 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcus species present in the New World]
- DanzigGa2015: pp.289 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcus species found in Europe]
- MoghadEs2014: pp.59 ( Adult (F) ) [Species on Ficus in Iran]
- Moghad2013: pp.71 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of Pseudococcus Westwood in Iran]
- ParsaKoWi2012: pp.10-Aug ( Adult (F) ) [Key to mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) recorded on Manihot spp. (Euphorbiaceae) in the World]
- GranarDu2012: pp.35 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcus affecting forage crops]
- Gonzal2011: pp.81 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to the developmental stages of P. viburni female]
- WangWu2010: pp.245 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to the species of Pseudococcus from China (in Chinese)]
- Willia2004a: pp.668-669 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcus species of southern Asia]
- GimpelMi1996: pp.21 ( Adult (F) ) [World]
- GimpelMi1996: pp.137 ( Immature (F) ) [World]
- Koszta1996: pp.177 ( Adult (F) ) [Northeastern North USA]
- Tang1992: pp.236 ( Adult (F) ) [China]
- WilliaGr1992: pp.427 ( Adult (F) ) [Central and South America]
- Willia1985: pp.280 ( Adult (F) ) [Australia]
- TerGri1973: pp.40 ( Adult (F) ) [Armenia]
- McKenz1967: pp.288 ( Adult (F) ) [U.S.A., California]
- Beards1966: pp.457 ( Adult (F) ) [Federated States of Micronesia ]
- McKenz1964: pp.255 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- McKenz1962: pp.655 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Willia1962: pp.39 ( Adult (F) ) []
- McKenz1960: pp.725 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Ferris1953a: pp.418 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Ferris1950b: pp.173 ( Adult (F) ) [North America]
- Zimmer1948: pp.177 ( Adult (F) ) [Hawaii]
- Systematics: GenBank accesssion (South Africa, JQ651125.1 and JQ651124.1) (Ecuador, KP402188.1) (Spain, JF714166.1)(Hardy et al., 2008, AY427309)(Malausa et al., 2016, KU499447)
Joubert (1928) suggested that Pseudococcus capensis is a synonm of P. maritimus, however, the former is a synonym of P. affinis (McKenzie, 1967). Psudococcus viburni (Signoret) was listed in Williams (2004a: 36) as a synonym of Pseudococcus saccharicola Takahashi; this was a lapsus calami. For a long time, P. viburni was misidentified as P. maritimus in Iran; Heidari (1986) was the first Iranian taxonomist to use the correct name. The species differ as follows (character states of P. maritimus in brackets): (i) hind tibia inflated, with curved sides (parallel-sided); (ii) without a dorsal oral rim duct between C2 and anterior ostiole (duct usually present); (iii) venter of abdominal segment III usually without multilocular pores (a few pores usually present); (iv) ventral margin between C9 and C11 [opposite metacoxa] with fewer than 4 oral collar ducts (more than 4 ducts usually present); and ostiolar fluid in life colourless (pink or red). (Moghaddam & Watson, 2022)
- Structure: The adult female of P. viburni has the following traits: discoidal pores associated with eyes, not within a sclerotized rim; cerarius 12 (C12) with 15–23 trilocular pores and more than 7 associated oral-collar tubular ducts circulus present, more than 70 μm wide, with an intersegmental line; translucent pores absent from hind coxa and trochanter, present on both hind femur and tibia; ventral multilocular pores present on abdominal segment IV and posterior segments; dorsal multilocular pores absent. (Caballero, et al., 2021) Various aspects of the chromosome system was studied, and reported as P. obscurus, by Nur (1962, 1962a, 1966a, 1966b, 1977a). Colour photograph McKenzie (1967), Gonzalez (1983), Zahradnik (1990) and by Matile-Ferrero et al. (2004).
- Biology: Found on all parts of the host plant. Franco & Pereira (1992) described a method for studying the fecundity and fetility of the female. Natural enemies listed by Moore (1988). Mean longevity of adult males is 87.7 ± 3.7 h. There is a sexual maturation period of the adult males which lasted for about 45 h., indicated by maximum growth of waxy caudal filaments. (Mendel, et al., 2012) The density of Pseudococcus viburni in California coastal vineyards significantly increased when tended by the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, and the density of encyrtidae parasitoids and predators decreased in vineyards with the Argentine ant. (Zhou, et al., 2012)
- Economic Importance: Considered as probably the commonest greenhouse mealybug in Britain (Williams, 1962). Reported as a pest of tomato in greenhouses in the Netherlands (Schoen & Martin, 1999). Reported as the most important underground mealybug pest in Australia (Williams, 1985). Reported as an apple pest in New Zealand (Ward, 1966) and in Israel (Ben-Dov, 1990). A pest of grapevine in California, but its control has been improved by elimination of the attending ants (Phillips & Sherk, 1991). Panis (1986) discussed its status as a citrus pest in the French Riviera. Besides the importance of P. viburni in South American vineyards, the ability of this species to develop and reproduce on apple and persimmon leaves suggests that it is a threat to fruit crops grown in this region. With rapid development and high survival rates, P. viburni can cause significant damage to many economically important crops. If the ecological conditions are suitable, a female P. viburni can complete its development in about a month, and produce up to 200 eggs. (Pacheco da Silva, et al., 2017)
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Ferris (1950b), McKenzie (1967), Ter-Grigorian (1973), Cox (1987), Williams & Granara de Willink (1992), Gimpel & Miller (1996) and by Williams (2004a). Good description and illustration of the female second-instar nymph and third-instar nymph given by Ter-Grigorian (1973). Good description of the first-instar nymph given by Ter-Grigorian (1973). Good description and illustration of the third instar female given by Gimpel & Miller (1996). Tremblay et al. (1977) evaluated the degree of affinity of this species to three mealybug species, using female and male morphology, chromosome number, endosymbionts and immunoelectrophoresis. Although Gimpel (1983) reported that Pseudococcus viburni was found in south Korea, it has been shown to occur neither in the wild nor in nurseries in that location. (Koo, et al., 2017)
- AbbasiTaAs2007: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, A120
- AbdRab2004b: biological control, distribution, 334-335
- AcevedRoLo2024: biological control, natural enemies, 9
- Afifi1968: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 131-135
- AlfaroVaGo2024: chemical ecology, control, nymph,
- AllsopErMa2024: biological control, entomopathogenic fungi, 76
- AlmeidDaBe2013: Grapevine leafroll disease transmission, 3
- BahderPoAl2013: economic importance, 1293
- Bartle1969: biological control, 875-878
- Bartle1978e: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 166
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 265
- Beards1960: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 230-231
- Beards1963a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 220-230
- Beards1965: distribution, host,
- BeltraSoMa2012: molecular data, phylogenetics, 167-171
- BenDov1987: distribution, host, 116
- BenDov1990g: distribution, host, 95-100
- BenDov1991: distribution, host, taxonomy, 13-14
- BenDov1994: catalog, 376-378
- BenDov2012: catalog, distribution, host, 37, 44
- BenDov2013: ecology, illustration, 73
- BettenSi2008: distribution, economic importance, host, 251-252
- BlumbeFrSu2002: biological control, life history, structure, 385-395
- BlumbeVa2001: biological control, life history, 191-199
- Bodenh1944b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 90-91
- BrahmaKoGu2018: genetics, molecular biology,
- Brain1912: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 182-183
- Brimbl1962: distribution, host, 228
- BrownPaHa2018: chemical control,
- BugilaFrSi2014: behavior, biological control, evolution, 439–453
- CaballPaKa2021: distribution, host, molecular data, morphology,
- CaballPoRu2022: distribution, host, 86
- CaldweLe2024: biology, control, diagnosis, host, 4
- CamposSa1983: distribution, economic importance, host, 9
- Canakc1977: distribution, host, 52-53
- CarnerPe1986: distribution, host, 57
- CarvalFrAg1996: distribution, economic importance, host, 614
- CebeciAr2006: distribution, host, 142
- Charle2001: biological control, distribution, host, 37-41
- Charle2001: biological control, 37-41
- Charle2011: biological control, distribution, 155-161
- CharleAlZy2002: biological control, 37-41
- CharleBeHa2015: natural enemies,
- CharleWa1981: chemical control, distribution, host, 252-253
- CharleWaBe2008: GLRV, Grapevine leafroll disease transmission, distribution, 293
- ChoiLe2022: endosymbiont, phylogeny, 358,359
- ChongOe2006a: biological control,
- CiampoLuSu2002: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 97-108
- Cocker1897: distribution, host, 201
- CoplanPeHe1992: biological control, distribution, host, 44-47
- CorreaAgGe2011: distribution, host, 46
- CorreaGeMa2012: distribution, economic importance, host, molecular data, taxonomy, 1-7
- CorreaGuVo2024: biological control, ecology, natural enemies,
- CorreaPaMa2019: DNA, dispersal, genetics,
- CostelWe2014: distribution, economic importance, host, 1194,1196
- Cox1987: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 77, 196
- CulikGu2005: distribution, host, 1-8
- CulikMaVe2007: distribution, host, 1-5
- CurkovChVi2019: control, entomopathogenic fungi,
- DaaneCoTr2008: biological control, distribution, 43-57
- DaaneCoTr2008a: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 167-171
- DaaneMaGu2003: biological control, 389-398
- DaaneSiFa2007: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 583-596
- DanzigGa2015: diagnosis, distribution, illustration, key, taxonomy, 296-298
- DapotoOlBo2011: description, distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, structure, 497-504
- DavidsDiFl1991: chemical control, 1-47
- DeLott1967: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 18
- DeLott1968a: distribution, host, 86
- DeitzTo1980: taxonomy, 52
- DowellGiJe2016: distribution, 119
- DownieGu2004: distribution, host, molecular data, phylogeny, 258-259
- DreistClFl1994: control, description, economic importance, life history, taxonomy,
- EPPO2024a: control,
- Essig1909a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 39-41, 43
- Fernal1903b: taxonomy, 97, 111
- Ferris1950b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 185-186
- FlaherWi1999: biological control, 853-869
- Foldi2000: distribution, host, 79
- Foldi2001: distribution, 303-308
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, list, 13
- FoldiKo2006: distribution, host, 309
- FrancoCoLu2021: reproduction, 254
- FrancoMa2001: distribution, host, 191-196
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 21,25
- FrancoSiCa2000: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 1-142
- FrancoSuBo2004: biological control, 507-522
- GaimarGoEl2024: host, natural enemies, 562
- GatehoSuFo2012: Grapevine leafroll disease transmission, endosymbiont,
- GavaraVaNa2024: control, 8
- GeigerDaBe2001: distribution, ecology, economic importance, life history, 19-27
- Germai2011: distribution, economic importance, 31-34
- Germai2011a: distribution, economic importance, 8
- GermaiDeLa2016: host, list of species, 4
- GermaiKrTh2003: biological control, distribution, host, 90-95
- GermaiMaPi2002: distribution, host, 255
- GertssSc2020: distribution, host, 137
- Gimpel1983: distribution, taxonomy, 1-272
- GimpelMi1996: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 130-136, 156-159
- GiraldWiDo2024: behavior, distribution, host, Dataset S4
- GomezM1937: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 339-341
- Gonzal1983RH: chemical control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 44-50
- Gonzal1991: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 3-7
- Gonzal2003a: distribution, economic importance, host, 89-98
- Gonzal2008a: distribution, economic importance, host, 5-17
- Gonzal2011: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 27,29,73-91
- Gonzal2016: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, history, illustration, life cycle, male, taxonomy, 48, 235-241, 245, 250-268
- GonzalCuBa1995: chemical control, 995-998
- GonzalCuBa1996: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 45-57
- GonzalPoBa2001: chemical control, distribution, host, life history, taxonomy, 17-26
- GonzalVo2004: distribution, economic importance, host, 41-62
- Granar1979: distribution, host, 155
- Granar1991: distribution, host, 268
- GranarDu2012: key, 35
- GranarGo2018: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key, taxonomy, 4-14, 46-47
- GranarScTe1997: distribution, economic importance, host, 97, 99
- Greath1971: biological control, distribution, host,
- Green1917a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 264
- GugliuMaMa2019: distribution, host, list, 4, 7
- GuindaNoWo2017: ant association, diagnosis,
- Gullan2000: description, taxonomy, 160-166
- HajareDaVy2010: chemistry,
- HardyGuHo2008: molecular data, phylogeny, taxonomy, 51-71
- Heidar2001a: biological control, distribution, host, 397-402
- HeidarJa2000: biological control, 49-53
- Hellri2004: distribution, host, 83
- HerbetRo2023: chromosome, genetics, reproduction, 7
- HerrbaAlPr2017: Grapevine leafroll disease transmission, 488
- Hodgso2012: taxonomy, 64
- Hodgso2020: key, 33
- HodgsoMi2002IMa: phylogeny, taxonomy, 511
- HosseiHa2011: molecular data, 46
- IslamJa1992: biological control, 17-22
- JalilvShFa2014: biological control, natural enemies, 1, 3
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 30,36
- JaposhBaKi2020: distribution, host, 67
- JervisCo1996: biological control, 63
- JiSu2012: distribution, host, illustration, 1-5
- JimeneRoGo1997: chemistry, structure, 636-644
- Jouber1928: taxonomy, 209
- KakotiDeRo2022: biology, distribution, host, list, 9
- Karama1999: biological control, life history,
- KaramaCo2000: biological control, life history, 301-308
- KaramaCo2008a: biological control, life history, 271-272
- KaydanKiKo2005: distribution, host, 91
- KaydanUlEr2007: catalog, distribution, host, 102
- KoffiBaDe2025: survey, 20
- KonanMiNd2024: distribution, natural enemies,
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 25
- KooJeKi2017: distribution, 439-440
- Koszta1996: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 177-179
- Kozar1980: distribution, host, 67
- KozarFoZa1996: distribution, host, 64
- KozarHuFo1989: distribution, host, 72
- KozarTzVi1979: distribution, host, 130
- KreiteDeGi2005: biological control, distribution, host, 161-164
- KreiteGeVi2005: biological control, distribution, host, 48-52
- KreiteGrTh2004: biological control, distribution, host, 38-40
- KuznetGaGr2021: chromosomes, cytogenetics, 290,292
- LaflinGuPa2004: distribution, host, 475-477
- Leonar1913: taxonomy, 76
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 120
- LopezMBeRe2014: endosymbionts,
- MalausFeWa2011: distribution, molecular data, phylogeny, 142-155
- MalausFeWa2011: molecular data, phylogenetics, taxonomy,
- Malump2011a: distribution, host, illustration, 55-57
- Malump2012: host, 59
- MalumpBa2012: distribution, economic importance, 31,41
- MalumpKa2011a: distribution, host, illustration, 56,57
- ManiJoKa2013: molecular data, 244
- Marott1987a: distribution, host, 111
- Marott1992a: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 95-96
- MarottTr1995a: taxonomy, 70-71
- Martin1985: distribution, host, taxonomy, 97
- Maskel1894b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 90-91
- MathulMaSt2021: ant association, biological control, biology, control, diagnosis, economic importance, life cycle,
- MathulMaSt2021a: biological control, control, entomopathogenic fungi, illustration,
- MathulMaSt2023: control, entomopathogenic fungi,
- MathulMaSt2023a: control, entomopathogenic fungi,
- Matile1976: distribution, host, 299-300
- MatileEt2006: distribution, host, 183
- MatileGePi2004: distribution, host, 35-37
- MatileOr2001: distribution, host, 195
- MazzeoSuRu2008: distribution, host, 149-152
- McKenz1964: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 259-260
- McKenz1967: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 313-318
- MendelPrJa2012: biological control, ecology, 385-394
- MendelPrZa2008: life history, physiology, 231
- MifsudMaRu2014: distribution, host, 516
- MillarMiMc2005: chemical ecology, chemistry, physiology, 2999-3005
- MillerGiWi1984: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 706-707
- MilonaKoKo2008: distribution, host, 33
- Moghad2009: distribution, host, 27-28
- Moghad2013: description, distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 6, 76-78, 100
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 72
- MoghadEs2014: key, 59
- MoghadWa2022: diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, key, taxonomy, 11, 115, 118-119, 148
- MoghadWa2024: economic importance, 18
- Moore1988: biological control, 212
- MorandPaGr2015: biology, distribution, host,
- MudavaAdKe2011: chemical control, 919-924
- Nechay2002: chromosome, structure, 254
- NechayKuNo2004: chromosome, structure, 23-31
- Nur1962: structure, 173-199
- Nur1962a: structure, 1679-1690
- Nur1966a: structure, 1225-1238
- Nur1966b: structure, 1239-1249
- Nur1977a: structure, 149-160
- OberemLaGa2024: DNA, control,
- ObokWeAl2018: virus transmission,
- OliveiSaOl2023: DNA, phylogeny, 6
- OyarzuGo2005: life history, taxonomy, 5-12
- OzodbeKhKo2024: molecular biology, phylogenetics, 3
- PachecAqCr2021: DNA sequencing, host, natural enemies,
- PachecBeBl2014: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, phylogeny, 1-13
- PachecBeBl2014: molecular data, 6
- PachecBoPr2016: GLRV, biology, control, diagnosis, distribution, illustration, natural enemies,
- PachecGaBo2017: natural enemies, 257-261
- PachecKaBa2020: distribution, host, key, phylogeny, 505. 506, 516
- PachecKaMa2017: DNA sequencing, distribution, host, illustration, 3
- PachecKaSi2019: DNA, phylogeny, 535
- PachecNoWe2017: host, life history, reproduction, 718-724
- PalmaJBl2016: distribution, phylogeny, 127-128, 130-132
- PalmaJBl2017: molecular biology, 1213
- PalmaJBlSa2018: DNA, economic importance, genebank, illustration, morphology, phenology, phylogenetics,
- Panis1986: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 59-65
- ParsaKoWi2012: taxonomy, 8-10
- Pelliz2011: distribution, 313
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 64,72
- PellizFo1996: distribution, 120
- PhilliSh1991: economic importance, 26-28
- PicartMa2000: distribution, host, 14-20
- PieterMuVu2010: molecular data, taxonomy, 23-28
- PizarrAlBa2020: distribution, host, 28
- PizarrAlMu2021: distribution,
- PlataGoBe2023c: climate change, distribution, host,
- PlattStMa2018: biological control, 209
- PlattStMa2020: biological control, host,
- Pryke2005: chemical control, life history, 25
- Quiroz2003: distribution, host, 99-104
- RadrigBeAl2021: chemical control, natural enemies,
- RamziSeGo2018: chemical control, economic importance, 941–956
- RamziSeGo2022: control,
- RenAsHu2017: DNA, phylogeny, 5, 6
- RipaRo1990: biological control, economic importance, life history, 82-87
- RipaRo2008b: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 203-205
- RisWaRu2010: molecular data, taxonomy, 39-43
- RohimaRaSa2024: molecular biology, phylogeny, 302-303
- RossHaOk2012: phylogeny, taxonomy, 199
- RussoMa1997: distribution, 51
- Salaza1972: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 282
- Sassce1915: distribution, host, taxonomy, 29, 30
- SchmutHo2016: distribution, host, illustration, 28, 82
- SchoenMa1999: distribution, economic importance, host, 39-40
- Seljak2008: distribution, host, 121-127
- Seljak2010: distribution, host, 102
- ShawChWa2017: distribution, host, natural enemies, 1-6
- Signor1875c: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 323-324
- SilvaFrMe2008: life history, reproduction, 274-275
- SilvaMeFr2010: life history, reproduction, 19-21
- SismanUl2010: distribution, host, 219-224
- SolerFaHe2021: natural enemies,
- Stimme1987: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 25
- StokweMa2016: biological control, entomopathogenic fungi, host, life history, 119-128
- Suh2019a: key, 3
- SwirskWyIz2002: distribution, host, life history, taxonomy, 74
- SzitaFeGe2023: key, 5
- Tang1992: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 237-239
- TerGri1973: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 44-50
- Thwait1997: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-34
- Tranfa1973: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 294-299
- TremblTrRo1977: structure, taxonomy, 113-135
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 66, 67
- TurgutUl2007: ant association, 315
- UlgentCa2004: distribution, host, 79-84
- UlgentCaKa2004: distribution, host, 102
- UlgentDo2019: distribution, host, 484
- UlgentDo2019: distribution, host, 487
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S126
- UlubasKaKi2007: molecular data, 232-238
- UneliuElTw2011: molecular data, 170
- UrbinaVeLo2018: chemical ecology, natural enemies, 1996–1999
- UygunSeEr1998: distribution, host, 183-191
- VillaSaRo2011: control,
- WakgarGi2004: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 29-38
- WakgarGi2004b: biological control, distribution, host, 7-11
- WaltonPr2004: distribution, host, 23-25
- WangZhTi2018: disease transmission, genebank, host, 2
- WaqasShCh2019: reproduction,
- Ward1966: distribution, economic importance, host, 453
- WardOnVa2023: distribution, genetics, host,
- WaterwWrMi2011: biology, reproduction,
- Watson2021: distribution, 527
- WatsonKoLa2022: control, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, natural enemies, symbiont, taxonomy, 203-206
- WatsonOuKa2021: distribution, host, 85
- WeiNiZh2024: climate change, dispersal, distribution,
- WhitinHoMa1998: chemical control, economic importance, 1458-1463
- Willia1962: distribution, host, 40
- Willia1985: distribution, host, taxonomy, 281-282
- Willia1986c: host, 54
- Willia2004a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 708-710
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 245
- WilliaBe2015: taxonomy, 162, 165, 168
- WilliaGr1992: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 428-430
- WilliaMa2012: distribution, taxonomy, 85, 86
- WilliaMi2010: distribution, host, 47
- WynneHoCo2025: distribution, list of species, 19
- Yasnos1995: distribution, economic importance, host, 247-251
- Yasnos2001: biological control, distribution, host, 435-440
- YasnosTaCh2005: biological control, distribution, host, 295-302
- YerlikBaKa2023: distribution, host, illustration, list, 13, 15
- Zahrad1990b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 32-34
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 186
- ZhouLuZe2012: ecology, 1
- Zimmer1948: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 222-225
- ZouChMi2013: biological control, chemistry, economic importance, 127-128