Brahmachari, V., Kohli, S., & Gulati, P In praise of mealybugs. Journal of Genetics 97(2): 379-389
Notes: The hope is to uncover novel players in genomic imprinting and epigenetic regulation in the mealybug system which shows differential regulation of the entire genome, with 50% of its genome being transcriptionally inactivated in a parental-origin-specific and sex specific manner. In addition to being a model for epigenetic regulation, the mealybugs are being utilized for the analysis of radiation resistance as well as metabolic interactions between the microbiome and the host. The overview presented here is an attempt to bring out some of the work carried out in these directions.We also discuss the areas that remain poorly explored in this system, such as the role/involvement of noncoding RNA in male-specific inactivation and the molecular dissection of heterochromatin, the cytological manifestation of the inactive state of genes and chromosome.