Valid Names Results
Planococcus ficus (Signoret, 1875) (Pseudococcidae: Planococcus)Nomenclatural History
- Coccus vitis; Nedzilskii 1869: 19. misidentification (discovered by CoxBe1986, 483). Notes: The author name Nedzilskii was also transliterated by various authors as Niedielski, Nedelski, or Nedzel'skii.
- Dactylopius vitis; Lichtenstein 1870: L. misidentification (discovered by Cox1989, 25).
- Dactylopius ficus Signoret 1875c: 315. Type data: FRANCE: Hyeres and Nice, on figs.. Syntypes, female, accepted valid name Notes: Type material probably lost according to Ben-Dov & Matile-Ferrero (1995).
- Dactylopius vitis Signoret 1875c: 324. unavailable name that is placed
- Dactylopius subterraneus Hempel 1901b: 388. Type data: ARGENTINA: La Plata, on roots of cultivated grapes. Syntypes, female, Type depository: Curitiba: Departamento de Zoologia, Setor de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidade Federal do Parana, Brazil; junior synonym (discovered by Cox1989, 25).
- Pseudococcus ficus (Signoret, 1875); Fernald 1903b: 101. change of combination
- Pseudococcus vitis Fernald 1903b: 112. unavailable name that is placed
- Coccus vitis; Lindinger 1912b: 365. incorrect synonymy (discovered by CoxBe1986, 481). Notes: Cited as Coccus vitis Nied. Unavailable Name. Incorrectly synonymized with Phenacoccus aceris.
- Pseudococcus vitis Leonardi 1920: 408. unavailable name that is placed
- Pseudococcus citrioides Ferris 1922a: 208. Type data: LIBYA: Guarsica. Holotype, female, Type depository: Davis: The Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, California, USA; junior synonym (discovered by CoxBe1986, 483). Illustr.
- Pseudococcus vitis Bodenheimer 1924: 84. unavailable name that is placed Notes: Syntypes nymphs (probably third instar) (Ben-Dov & Matile-Ferrero, 1995).
- Pseudococcus citri; Balachowsky & Mesnil 1935: 729. misidentification
- Dactylopius ficus; Borchsenius 1949: 132. incorrect synonymy (discovered by CoxBe1986, 483). Notes: Incorrect synonymy with Pseudococcus citri (Risso).
- Coccus vitis Borchsenius 1949: 132. unavailable name that is placed Notes: Cited as Coccus vitis Niedielski - Unavailable name. Incorrectly synonymized with Pseudococcus citri (Risso).
- Planococcus citrioides (Ferris, 1922); Ferris 1950b: 164. change of combination
- Planococcus ficus (Signoret, 1875); Ezzat & McConnell 1956: 79. change of combination
- Planococcus vitis Ezzat & McConnell 1956: 103. unavailable name that is placed
- Pseudococcus praetermissus Ezzat 1962c: 165. nomen nudum (discovered by Ezzat1962c, 166).
- Planococcus vitis Matile-Ferrero 1984c: 227. unavailable name that is placed
- lanococcus ficus; Moghaddam 2009: 34. misspelling of genus name Notes: Misspelling of ficus, lanococcus for ficus, Planococcus.
Common Names
- cocciniglia farinosa della vite BalachMe1935
- cochonilha algodeo da vinha BalachMe1935
- cotonet de la vid BalachMe1935
- grapevine mealybug McKenz1967
- la cochenille farineuse de la vigne BalachMe1935
- Mediterranean vine mealybug Berlin1977
- subterranean vine mealybug Bodenh1924
- vine mealybug DeLott1975b
Ecological Associates
Families: 31 | Genera: 41
- Adoxaceae
- Viburnum tinus | YerlikBaKa2023 | (= Viburnum lucidum)
- Aizoaceae
- Mesembryanthemum cordifolium | YerlikBaKa2023 | (= Aptenia cordifolia)
- Amaranthaceae
- Beta vulgaris | BatsanKaKi2017
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera indica | BenDov1994 Cox1989 EzzatMc1956
- Apocynaceae
- Nerium oleander | EzzatMc1956
- Araliaceae
- Schefflera arboricola | YerlikBaKa2023
- Arecaceae
- Phoenix dactylifera | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Asteraceae
- Dahlia | EzzatMc1956
- Euryops pectinatus | YerlikBaKa2023
- Osteospermum ecklonis | YerlikBaKa2023
- Bignoniaceae
- Catalpa bignonioides | YerlikBaKa2023
- Capparaceae
- Capparis cartilaginea | BenDov2012
- Cistaceae
- Cistus | BenDov2012
- Crassulaceae
- Kalanchoe | YerlikBaKa2023
- Cucurbitaceae
- Citrullus lanatus | Moghad2013a | (= Citrullus vulgaris)
- Cucurbita | Moghad2013
- Cucurbita moschata | PlattStMa2018 | experimental host
- Cucurbita pepo |
- Fabaceae
- Ceratonia siliqua | MifsudMaRu2014
- Dichrostachys cinerea | BenDov1994 Cox1989 | (= Dichrostachys glomerata)
- Prosopis farcta | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Tephrosia purpurea | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Geraniaceae
- Pelargonium peltatum | YerlikBaKa2023
- Juglandaceae
- Juglans | EzzatMc1956
- Lauraceae
- Persea americana | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Lythraceae
- Punica granatum | BenDov1994 Cox1989 EzzatMc1956 Moghad2013
- Malvaceae
- Theobroma cacao | EzzatMc1956
- Moraceae
- Ficus | UygunSeEr1998
- Ficus benjamina | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Ficus carica | BenDov1994 EzzatMc1956 GranarScTe1997 Marott1987a Martin1985 Matile1984c Signor1875b
- Nyctaginaceae
- Mirabilis jalapa | YerlikBaKa2023
- Oleaceae
- Olea europaea | BenDov2012
- Platanaceae
- Platanus orientalis | Martin1985 WilliaMo2000
- Poaceae
- Bambusa | EzzatMc1956
- Rhamnaceae
- Ziziphus spina-christi | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Rosaceae
- Cydonia oblonga | GranarScTe1997
- Eriobotrya japonica | YerlikBaKa2023
- Malus | UygunSeEr1998
- Malus domestica | GranarScTe1997
- Malus pumila | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Rosa | YerlikBaKa2023
- Salicaceae
- Salix | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Solanaceae
- Solanum lycopersicum | BatsanKaKi2017
- Solanum tuberosum | BenDov2012
- Styracaceae
- Styrax officinalis | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Tamaricaceae
- Tamarix | BenDov2012
- Vitaceae
- Ampelopsis vitifolia | Moghad2013a
- Vitis californica | Moghad2013
- Vitis vinifera | Archan1930 BenDov1994 Bodenh1924 Cox1989 Granar1991 GranarScTe1997 Marott1987a Matile1984c UygunSeEr1998 Willia2004a
Families: 22 | Genera: 55
- Anthocoridae
- Orius | CoccoPaBe2020
- Aphelinidae
- Ablerus capensis | CoccoPaBe2020 | (= Azotus capensis)
- Coccophagus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Coccophagus lycimnia | Yasnos2001
- Marietta | CoccoPaBe2020 FallahJaSa2011 Yasnos2001
- Marietta carnesi | CoccoPaBe2020
- Marietta connecta | CoccoPaBe2020
- Marietta leopardina | CoccoPaBe2020
- Marietta picta | JaposhErCa2018
- Bionectriaceae
- Clonostachys rosea | CoccoPaBe2020 | f. catenulata
- Cecidomyiidae
- Dicrodiplosis californica | CoccoPaBe2020
- Dicrodiplosis manihoti | FallahJaSa2011
- Chamaemyiidae
- Leucopina bivittata | GonzalCoSa2024
- Leucopis | CoccoPaBe2020
- Leucopis alticeps | Rzaeva1985
- Chrysopidae
- Chrysopa | CoccoPaBe2020
- Chrysopa coloradensis | CoccoPaBe2020
- Chrysopa nigricornis | CoccoPaBe2020
- Chrysopa oculata | CoccoPaBe2020
- Chrysoperla asoralis | CoccoPaBe2020
- Chrysoperla carnea | Rzaeva1985 | (= Chrysopa carnea)
- Chrysoperla comanche | CoccoPaBe2020
- Clavicipitaceae
- Beauveria bassiana | CoccoPaBe2020 ElAalaRaSb2024a
- Coccinellidae
- Cheilomenes | CoccoPaBe2020
- Cheilomenes lunata | AhmedApKa2023 | (= Cydonia lunata)
- Coccinella transversoguttata | CoccoPaBe2020
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri | MansouGrSu2016
- Exochomus | FallahJaSa2011
- Exochomus quadripustulatus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Hippodamia | CoccoPaBe2020
- Hyperaspis | CoccoPaBe2020 FallahJaSa2011
- Hyperaspis felixi | CoccoPaBe2020
- Hyperaspis lanatii | CoccoPaBe2020
- Hyperaspis polita | JalilvShFa2014
- Nephus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Nephus angustus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Nephus binaevatus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Nephus bipunctatus | FallahJaSa2011
- Nephus quadrivittatus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Nephus reunioni | CoccoPaBe2020
- Rhyzobius | CoccoPaBe2020 | (= Rhizobiellus)
- Rhyzobius lophanthae | CoccoPaBe2020 MansouGrSu2016
- Scymnus | CoccoPaBe2020 FallahAbSa2013
- Scymnus (Pullus) syriacus | FallahAbSa2013
- Scymnus apetzi | CoccoPaBe2020
- Scymnus nubilis | CoccoPaBe2020
- Scymnus subvileosus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Cordycipitaceae
- Isaria farinosa | CoccoPaBe2020
- Encyrtidae
- Acerophagus angelicus | WatsonKo2022
- Anagyrus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Anagyrus agraensis | FallahJaSa2011
- Anagyrus bohemanni | WatsonKo2022
- Anagyrus dactylopii | FallahJaSa2011 JaposhErCa2018
- Anagyrus mirzai | FallahJaSa2011
- Anagyrus novickyi | MoghadWa2022
- Anagyrus pseudococci | Blumbe1997 FallahJaSa2011 KaydanJa2010 MahfouDh2009 Rzaeva1985 TrjapiTr1999
- Anagyrus vladimiri | CoccoPaBe2020 IzraelLaNe2020 | (= Anagyrus sp. near pseudococci)
- Aphycus | WatsonKo2022
- Cheiloneurus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Chrysoplatycerus splendens | WatsonKo2022
- Clausenia josefi | Berlin1977 JaposhErCa2018 Rosen1965a Trjapi1989
- Coccidoxenoides perminutus | Berlin1977 JoyceHoBe2001 MahfouDh2009 Trjapi1989 | (= Pauridia peregrina)
- Homalotylus quaylei | JaposhYeKa2023
- Homalotylus turkmenicus | FallahJaSa2011
- Leptomastidea abnormis | Berlin1977 MahfouDh2009 Trjapi1989 TrjapiTr1999
- Leptomastidea matritensis | CoccoPaBe2020
- Leptomastix | CoccoPaBe2020
- Leptomastix dactylopii | FallahJaSa2011 MahfouDh2009 Trjapi1989
- Leptomastix flava | Berlin1977 FallahJaSa2011
- Metaphycus stagnarum | JaposhErCa2018
- Microterys cneus | JaposhErCa2018
- Neoplatycerus kemticus | TrjapiTr2002
- Neoplatycerus palestinensis | TawfikAwIb2005a
- Prochiloneurus aegyptiacus | AbdRab2001d | (= Achrysopophagus aegyptiacus)
- Prochiloneurus bolivari | FallahJaSa2011 Trjapi1989
- Prochiloneurus pulchellus | Trjapi1989
- Pseudococcobius dolus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Pseudococcobius vinealis | Prinsl2003
- Zaplatycerus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Zaplatycerus kemticus | WatsonKo2022
- Zaplatycerus palestinensis | WatsonKo2022
- Eulophidae
- Aprostocetus trjapitzini | FallahJaSa2011
- Baryscapus sugonjaevi | FallahJaSa2011
- Tetrastichus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Forficulidae
- Forficula auricularia | CoccoPaBe2020
- Formicidae
- Linepithema micans | GuindaNoPa2018
- Geocoridae
- Geocoris pallens | CoccoPaBe2020
- Hemerobiidae
- Hemerobius pacificus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Sympherobius barberi | CoccoPaBe2020
- Sympherobius californicus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Sympherobius pygmaeus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Heterorhabditidae
- Heterorhabditis noenieputensis | MalanKn2024
- Heterorhabditis zealandica | CoccoPaBe2020
- Nabidae
- Nabis americoferus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Platygastridae
- Allotropa mecrida | Rzaeva1985 Yasnos2001
- Pteromalidae
- Pachycrepoideus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Pachyneuron | CoccoPaBe2020
- Pachyneuron muscarum | FallahJaSa2011 Rzaeva1985 | (= Pachyneuron concolor, = Pachyneuron siculum)
- Pachyneuron solitarium | CoccoPaBe2020
- Pyralidae
- Cacotherapia angulalis | SalasMGoCo2022
- Signiphoridae
- Chartocerus | Rzaeva1985
- Chartocerus kurdjumovi | FallahJaSa2011
- Chartocerus subaeneus | JaposhErCa2018
- Signiphora | CoccoPaBe2020
- Thysanus | CoccoPaBe2020
- Steinernematidae
- Steinernema jeffreyense | PlattStMa2018
- Steinernema yirgalemense | CoccoPaBe2020
Families: 9 | Genera: 15
- Ampelovirus
- PAVA | AhmedApKa2023
- Betaflexiviridae
- GVA virus | HerrbaAlPr2017
- GVB Virus | HerrbaAlPr2017
- Grapevine virus H (GVH) | JaguniLaNi2021
- Betaproteobacteria
- Candidatus Tremblaya princeps | ChoiLe2022
- Botryosphaeriaceae
- Diplodia tumefaciens | WatsonKo2022
- Caulimoviridae
- BSV | PalmaJBlGu2019
- Badnavirus decoloratiovitis (GRLDaV) | SassalPaCh2023
- Banana Streak Virus | PooranAnTh2024
- GRLDaV | JaguniDePr2022
- Closteroviridae
- GLRaV-1 | TsaiRoGo2010
- GLRaV-3 | JonesNi2016
- GLRaV-4 | HerrbaAlPr2017
- GLRaV-5 | TsaiRoGo2010
- GLRaV-9 | TsaiRoGo2010
- Enterobacteriaceae
- Enterobacter | RosenbSaSa2012
- Formicidae
- Anoplolepis steingroeveri | CostelWe2014
- Crematogaster peringueyi | CostelWe2014
- Linepithema humile | GuindaNoPa2018
- Pheidole pallidula | BeltraNaCa2017
- Plagiolepis schmitzii | BeltraNaCa2017
- Tapinoma nigerrimum | BeltraNaCa2017
- Tetramorium immigrans | MercerHaDa2025
- Iflaviridae
- PflV1 | MartinDuGa2022
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 47
- Afghanistan | KozarFoZa1996
- Argentina | EzzatMc1956
- Catamarca | TrjapiTr1999
- La Rioja | TrjapiTr1999
- Mendoza | GranarCl2003
- San Juan | TrjapiTr1999
- Tucuman | BenDov1994 Granar1991 Hempel1901b WilliaGr1992
- Azerbaijan | BenDov1994 FrancoRuMa2011 Rzaeva1985
- Azores | EzzatMc1956 FrancoRuMa2011
- Brazil | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Rio Grande do Sul | FoldiKo2006
- Bulgaria | TrenchTo2014
- Canary Islands | BenDov1994 CarnerPe1986 MatileOr2001 PerezGCa1987
- Chile | EzzatMc1956
- Corsica | Foldi2003
- Crete | Argyri1983 BenDov1994 Cox1989 PellizPoSe2011
- Croatia | WatsonKo2022
- Cyprus | BenDov1994 Cox1989 SismanUl2010
- Dominican Republic | EzzatMc1956
- Egypt | BenDov1994 Cox1989 EzzatMc1956
- France | BenDov1994 BenDovMa1995 Foldi2001 Signor1875c
- Georgia (Republic of) | BatsanKaKi2017
- Greece | EzzatMc1956
- Haiti | PerezG2008
- India | BenDov1994 Varshn1992
- Iran | BenDov1994 Cox1989 KozarFoZa1996 Moghad2009 WilliaMo2000
- Iraq | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Israel | BenDov1994 Bodenh1924 CoxBe1986
- Italy | BenDov1994 Duso1990 Leonar1920 Marott1987a Tranfa1976
- Sicily | LongoMaPe1995 RussoMa1997
- Jordan | BenDov2006a
- Lebanon | BenDov1994 Cox1989
- Libya | BenDov1994 Ferris1922a
- Madeira Islands | FrancoRuMa2011
- Malta | Borg1919 MifsudMaRu2014
- Mauritius | EzzatMc1956
- Mexico
- Baja California Norte | MartinDuGa2022
- Sonora | Arroyo2002
- Pakistan | BenDov1994 Cox1989 Willia2004a
- Portugal | EzzatMc1956 FrancoRuMa2011
- Russia
- Moscow Oblast | DanzigGa2010
- Sardinia | BenDov1994 LongoMaPe1995 Melis1930 PellizFo1996
- Saudi Arabia | Beccar1971 BenDov1994 Matile1984c
- Slovenia | Seljak2008 Seljak2010
- South Africa | BenDov1994 Cox1989 DeLott1975b EzzatMc1956
- Spain | BenDov1994 EzzatMc1956 GomezM1937 Martin1985
- Syria | EzzatMc1956
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Trinidad | EzzatMc1956
- Tunisia | BenDov1994 Cox1989 MahfouDh2009
- Turkey | KaydanKiKo2005 UygunSeEr1998
- Turkmenistan | Archan1930 BenDov1994
- United States
- Alabama | EzzatMc1956
- California | DaaneWeBe2004 SeenoDa1994
- Florida | EzzatMc1956
- Georgia | EzzatMc1956
- Louisiana | EzzatMc1956
- Maryland | EzzatMc1956
- Mississippi | EzzatMc1956
- North Carolina | EzzatMc1956
- South Carolina | EzzatMc1956
- Texas | EzzatMc1956
- Uruguay | GranarScTe1997 PachecKaBa2020
- Yemen | PorcelPe2019
- Yugoslavia | Masten2009 MastenSiKr2008
- ZarkanFaAp2024: pp.234-238 ( Adult (F) ) [Planococcus in southern Asia]
- EvansAb2023: pp.8-13 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococccidae of Egypt]
- MoghadWa2022: pp.107 ( Adult (F) ) [species of Planococcus in Iran]
- MoghadNe2020: pp.387-3.88 ( Adult (F) ) [Planococcus in Iran]
- Moghad2020: pp.387-388 ( Adult (F) ) [Planococcus in Iran]
- PachecKaBa2020: pp.504-505 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcidae in Uruguay]
- Suh2019a: pp.2-6 ( Adult (F) ) [mealybugs interepted in S. Korea]
- MoghadEs2014: pp.59 ( Adult (F) ) [Species on Ficus in Iran]
- Moghad2013: pp.63 ( ) [Key to species of Genus Planococcus Ferris from Iran]
- Gonzal2011: pp.135 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to separating species of Planococcus on fruit]
- WilliaMa2009a: pp.97-101 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcidae species from Mauritius]
- Willia2004a: pp.620-622 ( Adult (F) ) [Planococcus species of southern Asia]
- WilliaGr1992: pp.393 ( Adult (F) ) [Central and South America]
- Cox1989: pp.7-10 ( Adult (F) ) [World]
- CoxBe1986: pp.482 ( Adult (F) ) [Mediterranean basin]
- Systematics: Planococcus vitis (Nedzilskii, 1869) OF AUTHORS (e.g. Fernald, 1903b; Ezzat & McConnell, 1956) is an unavailable name which has been erroneously used for Planococcus ficus (Signoret, 1875) until the early 1980's. For a detailed history of the error, see Cox & Ben-Dov (1986). Danzig & Gavrilov-Zimin (2015) considered Planococcus citri and P. ficus to be synonyms based on variation in morphological characters under different environmental conditions. However, we do not accepted this synonymy since there is strong evidence that they have distinct female sex pheromones (Rotundo & Tremblay 1975) and are closely related but distinct using a combination of morphological and molecular characters (Hardy et al., 2008) (Correa, et al., 2022) Kol-Maimon, et al., 2014, reported that P. citri and P. ficus are easily hybridized in the laboratory, and the hybrids are fertile to some extent, therefore, the possible occurrence of natural populations including hybrids should be taken into account. It is interesting to note that laboratory generated hybrids that resulted from crossing P. ficus females with P. citri males resulted in high mortality, as compared with lower mortality of the reciprocal crossing. Offspring produced as a result of cross-mating between P. ficus females and P. citri males hardly ever survive in the laboratory, therefore, P. ficus males displaying characteristics of P. citri males are unlikely to complete their development on plants in the field. The P. ficus clade split into two well-supported clades: one clade (Group I) formed by Egyptian and USA samples and another (Group II) formed by mealybugs collected in France and South Africa. The character that can be used to distinguish specimens from Group I (Eastern Mediterranean and California) and Group II (other countries) is mainly the number of multilocular pores near the fore coxae and on the whole ventral thorax. Multilocular pore numbers varied from 0 to 4 near fore coxae and 0 to 6 across ventral thorax in the Egyptian and North American individuals, while it ranged from 4 to 8 near fore coxae and 12 to 32 across ventral thorax in individuals from the other evaluated countries . (Correa, et al., 2022)
- Structure: The adult female is 2–4 mm long, mobile with elongated legs. The female has 18 pairs of short wax filaments around the edge of the body; the anal pair measures up to a quarter of the body. The body is covered with grayish-white wax. The female larvae and the rst two male instars are similar but the latter are smaller. The male is dark brown, having a single pair of wings and a length of 1.5 mm. (Gharbi, 2021) The female sex phromone - monoterpene (S)-lavandulol and the corresponding ester (S)-(+)-lavandulol senecioate - was identified by Hinkens et al. (2001).
- Biology: Duso (1989) studied the population dynamics on grapevine in Italy, observed three annual generation and evaluated sampling methods. Rotundo & Tremblay (1982) reported on hybridization between this species and Pl. citri. Mean longevity for adult males is 77.1 ± 1.5 h. Planococcus ficus (Signoret) males mated a maximum of 19 times. There is a sexual maturation period of the adult males which lasted for about 43 h., indicated by maximum growth of waxy caudal filaments. (Mendel, et al., 2012)
- Economic Importance: A pest of grapevine in the Mediteranean region, South Africa, Pakistan and Argentina (Ben-Dov, 1994). Cabaleiro & Segura (1997) studied in Spain the field transmission of Grapevine Leafroll Associated Virus 3 (GLRa V-3) by a mealybug which was named Planococcus citri (Risso). However, specimens from this study were sent by Cabaleiro to Yair Ben-Dov and identified as Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Yair Ben-Dov, unpublished data, July, 1998). P. ficus constitutes the major and most damaging species in Tunisian vineyards and several other grape-growing areas around the world. Some studies estimated yield losses, due to leafroll viral disease transmitted by the P. ficus, of as much as 30% to 40% in California vineyards (Mansour, et al., 2016) Sugar provisioning was effective in reducing ant tending. (Pérez-Rodríguez, et al., 2021) The use of plastic covering in southern Brazil vineyards can increase the temperature between the cover and the canopy to as much as 31°C. Such high temperatures may shorten the development time of P. ficus, and increase the number of generations in a growing season. (Pacheco da Silva, et al., 2016) The levels of attraction of the tested males to a pheromone source differed for Pl. ficus whose male attraction to the pheromone was significantly greater in arenas operated during 08:00-10:00 than in those operated during 16:00-18:00. (Mendel, et al., 2012)
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by De Lotto (1975b), Cox (1981; 1989), Williams & Granara de Willink (1992), Williams (2004a) and by Danzig & Gavrilov (2010). Planococcus ficus from North America likely originated from the Middle Eastern group as one haplotype from Israel (haplotype 35) is most closely related to those from California and Mexico (haplotype 36) being separated by only one substitution. The presence of haplotype 37, the most abundant in California, as the unique one present in Mexico suggest a single invasion event that was shared by both California and Mexico. Both Argentina (haplotype 23) and South African (haplotypes 29 and 30) Pl. ficus populations were likely introduced from western Europe. (Daane, et al., 2018)
- AbdRab2001d: biological control, distribution, 1363
- AbdRabEv2021: distribution, host, 43
- AchechFaMH1999: chemistry, economic importance, life history, 31-42
- AddisoMgNy2011: ant association, control, natural enemies,
- AddisoSa2000: biological control, distribution, host, 251-260
- AhmedApKa2023: control, virus transmission, 741
- Aldric1996: chemical ecology, chemistry, 199-233
- AlmeidDaBe2013: Grapevine leafroll disease transmission, 3
- Archan1930: distribution, host, 78
- Argyri1983: distribution, host, 364-367
- Arroyo2002: distribution, economic importance, host, 40-48
- AtwaMoSh1987: chemistry, life history, taxonomy, 1655-1676
- Avidov1961: distribution, host, life history,
- AvidovHa1969: distribution, host, life history,
- AwadalAmTa2002: biological control, distribution, host, 83
- BahderPoAl2013: economic importance, 1293
- BalachMe1935: economic importance, life history, taxonomy, 729-731
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 265
- Beccar1971: distribution, host, 195
- BeltraNaCa2017: ant association, control, distribution, 2473-2480
- BenDov1994: catalog, 359-360
- BenDov2006a: distribution, host, 206
- BenDov2012: catalog, distribution, host, 37, 44
- Bentle1999: distribution, host, 2
- Berlin1977: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 3-14
- Blumbe1997: biological control, ecology, 225-236
- BlumbeFrSu2002: biological control, life history, structure, 385-395
- BlumbeKlMe1995: biological control, life history, structure, 157-163
- Bodenh1924: distribution, host, taxonomy, 84-85
- BorbonGrGo2004: disease transmission, distribution, host, 283-285
- Borchs1949: taxonomy, 132
- BorgoMi2000: disease transmission, economic importance, life history, 3-13
- BrahmiArHa2022: control,
- BugilaFrSi2014: behavior, biological control, evolution, 439–453
- CabaleSe1997: ecology, economic importance, 283-287
- CabaleSeGa1999: economic importance, 40-44
- Capra1927: biological control, distribution, host, 152-160
- CarnerPe1986: distribution, host, 56-57
- CastraGiSp2022: ant association, biological control,
- CavaliMaTr2008: molecular data, taxonomy, 65-68
- CebeciAr2006: distribution, host, 141
- ChoiLe2022: endosymbiont, phylogeny, 358,359
- CoccoLeSe2014: catalog, reproduction,
- CoccoPaBe2020: GLRV, ant association, biology, control, economic importance, illustration, natural enemies,
- Cocker1897: distribution, host, 201
- CorcorMa2024: chemistry, control, reproductive system,
- CorreaGeMa2012: description, distribution, economic importance, 1-7
- CorreaPaPa2022: DNA, control, molecular data, morphology, taxonomy,
- CostelWe2014: 1198
- Cox1981: taxonomy, 47-53
- Cox1989: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 2-17, 25-28
- CoxBe1986: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 481-489
- CoxWe1988: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 561-571
- DaaneCoMe2021: control,
- DaaneCoTr2008a: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 167-171
- DaaneKrWa2005: biological control, natural enemies, 512
- DaaneMaGu2003: biological control, 389-398
- DaaneMaWa2004: biological control, distribution, host, 123-132
- DaaneMiSt2018: dispersal, distribution, economic importance, genetics,
- DaaneWeBe2004: distribution, economic importance, host,
- DaaneYoWa2020: biological control, illustration, reproduction,
- DanzigGa2010: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy,
- DeLott1975b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 125-130
- DowellGiJe2016: distribution, 119
- DownieGu2004: distribution, host, molecular data, phylogeny, 258-259
- Dunkel1999: chemical ecology, chemistry, 251-276
- Duso1990: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 3-20
- EPPO2024a: control,
- Egger1990: chemical control, economic importance, 27-28
- ElAalaRaSb2024a: biological control, entomopathogenic fungi, 1082
- EngelbKa1984: economic importance, physiology,
- EngelbKa1987: disease transmission, distribution, economic importance, host, 23-29
- EngelbKa1990a: disease transmission, distribution, economic importance, host, 347-354
- EvansAb2023: host, illustration, importance, key, taxonomy, 7, 9, 24, 67
- Ezzat1962c: distribution, host, taxonomy, 165-166
- EzzatMc1956: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 78-80, 105-106
- EzzatNa1987: distribution, 89
- FallahAbSa2013: biological control, distribution, host, 673-679
- FallahJa2017: distribution, host, natural enemies, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18. 26, 35
- FallahJaSa2011: biological control, distribution, host, 427-433
- FallahSaOs2009: distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 263-276
- Fernal1903b: 101, 112
- Ferris1922a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 203-204
- Ferris1950b: taxonomy, 164
- FiliaFeRo2019: genetics, reproduction,
- FlaherWi1999: biological control, 853-869
- Foldi2000: distribution, host, 79
- Foldi2001: distribution, 303-308
- Foldi2003: distribution, host, 149
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, list, 13
- FoldiKo2006: distribution, host, 308
- FrancoCoLu2021: control, reproduction,
- FrancoCoLu2021: reproduction, 254
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, host, 2,20,25
- FrancoRuSu2005: biological control, chemical ecology, ecology, life history, 232-233
- FrancoSiCo2008: chemical ecology, life history, 122-130
- FrancoSiFo2011: biological control, chemical ecology, natural enemies,
- GeigerDaBe2001: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 19-27
- Gharbi2021: biology, distribution, host, structure, 13
- GhoshMe2024: host, 3
- Giliom2015: ant association, distribution, host, 4
- GomezM1937: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 341-342
- Gonzal2008a: distribution, economic importance, host, 5-17
- Gonzal2011: description, distribution, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 143-151
- Gonzal2016: distribution, 247, 306, 312
- GonzalCoSa2024: natural enemies, record,
- GonzalVo2004: distribution, economic importance, host, 41-62
- Goszcz2020: GVA virus, virus transmission,
- Gouge2024: biological control, 395
- Granar1991: distribution, economic importance, host, 264, 266, 268
- GranarCl2003: distribution, host, 625-637
- GranarScTe1997: biological control, distribution, host, 97-99
- Grande1986: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, 27-34
- GugliuMaMa2019: distribution, host, list, 4, 7
- GuindaNoPa2018: ant association, natural enemies, 1-11
- GuindaNoWo2017: diagnosis,
- GutierDaPo2008: biological control, distribution, host, 524-536
- HarbiAbBr2025: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, natural enemies,
- HardyGuHo2008: molecular data, phylogeny, taxonomy, 51-71
- HavilaBeDa2005: control, economic importance, heat-treatment, 1109-1115
- Hellri2004: distribution, host, 83
- Hempel1901b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 388-389
- HerrbaAlPr2017: Grapevine leafroll disease transmission, 485
- HinkenMcMi2001: chemistry, life history, structure, 1619-1621
- HommayAlBe2024: GLRV, GVA virus, Grapevine leafroll disease transmission, 5
- HommayBeHe2022a: virus, virus transmission,
- HosseiHa2011: molecular data, 46
- IzraelLaNe2020: Wolbachia, natural enemies,
- JaguniDePr2022: virus transmission, 2
- JaguniLaNi2021: distribution, host, virus, virus transmission,
- JalilvShFa2014: distribution, host, natural enemies, 3, 5
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 30
- JaposhBaKi2020: distribution, host, 67
- JaposhErCa2018: biological control, natural enemies,
- JaposhYeKa2023: natural enemies, 579-582
- JiHaLu2020: climate change, distribution, ecology, radiation,
- JoyceHoBe2001: biological control, life history, 49-57
- KamelZoEr2022: distribution, host, illustration, 727
- KaydanJa2010: host, natural enemies, 468
- KaydanKiKo2005: distribution, host, 91
- KaydanKo2010a: distribution, host, 37
- KaydanUlEr2007: catalog, distribution, host, 102
- KaydanUlZe2004: distribution, host, 222
- KohliGuNa2021: genetic structure, symbionts,
- KolMaiGhFr2014: DNA, genetics, reproduction,
- KolMaiLeFr2010: chemical ecology, distribution, host, life history, physiology, 1047-1057
- KolMaiMeFr2014: male, reproduction,
- KolMimZaDu2008: chemical ecology, chemistry, life history, physiology, 229
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 24
- KozarFoZa1996: distribution, host, 64
- LeMaguFuCh2013: economic importance, host, 416
- Leonar1920: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 408-413
- LeviZeFeDa2014: control,
- Lichte1870: taxonomy, L
- Lindin1912b: taxonomy, 54, 365
- Liu2010: biological control, chemical control, 1-6
- LiuBeDa2010: chemical control, 272-276
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 120
- LucchiSuLa2019: control, reproduction,
- MahfouDh2009: biological control, distribution, host, 154-160
- MalagnPeDu2005: molecular data, taxonomy, 349
- MalanKn2024: biological control, host, life cycle, natural enemies, 339
- MalausFeWa2011: distribution, molecular data, phylogeny, 142-155
- Maleno1928: taxonomy, 51-62
- MalumpBa2012: distribution, host, 33
- MansouBaGo2023: chemical control,
- MansouBeSu2018: chemical control, economic importance, 1-20
- MansouGrRe2010: chemical control, distribution, host, 21-33
- MansouGrSu2016: biological control, biology, diagnosis, economic importance, 3-5
- MansouKaLa2009: diagnosis, distribution, host, life history, male, natural enemies,
- MansouMaLa2011: ant association, distribution, host,
- ManzonCa1952: chemical control, 171-192
- Marott1987a: distribution, host, 111
- MarottTr1995a: taxonomy, 70-71
- Martin1985: distribution, host, taxonomy, 96
- MartinDuGa2022: genetic structure, vector, virus,
- MarzoBVaNa2024: chemical, reproductive system, 21493
- Masten2009: distribution, economic importance, host, 357-368
- MastenSiKr2008: distribution, host, 157-168
- Matile1984c: distribution, host, taxonomy, 227
- MatileOr2001: distribution, host, 195
- Melis1930: distribution, host, 17
- MendelGrBl1995: biological control, 55-64
- MendelJaPr2012: behavior,
- MendelPrJa2012: biological control, ecology, 385-394
- MercerHaDa2025: ant association, chemical control,
- MgocheAd2009: ant association, biological control, natural enemies,
- MgocheAd2010: ant association, ecology, natural enemies,
- MifsudFsMa2012: distribution, host, illustration, 16, 18
- MifsudMaRu2014: distribution, host, 516
- MillarDaMc2002: chemical ecology, chemistry, life history, 706-714
- MilonaKoMa2011: biological control, ecology, natural enemies,
- Moghad2008: distribution, economic importance, host, 155-156
- Moghad2009: distribution, host, taxonomy, 25,34
- Moghad2013: distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 66-67, 99
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 71
- Moghad2020: distribution, key, 384, 388
- MoghadEs2014: key, 59
- MoghadWa2022: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key, natural enemies, taxonomy, 11, 107, 109-111, 147
- MohameBaEl2012: control, economic importance, host, natural enemies,
- MohammGh2008: distribution, 156
- MoharuBa2015: distribution, host, 102-103
- MoloinAdAc2020: biological control, entomopathogenic fungi,
- MustuDeKa2015: ant association, biological control, chemical, entomopathogenic fungi,
- MustuDeTa2022: natural enemies,
- MustuKiUl2008: biological control, life history, 360-367
- MustuTa2024: biological control, natural enemies,
- MyartsNi1986: biological control, distribution, host, 1-93
- MyburgSi1965: host, 296-298
- MyburgVa1969: chemical control, distribution, host, 344-345
- NaegelCoDa2020: GLRV, ant association, control, economic importance, illustration, natural enemies,
- Nedzil1869: taxonomy, 19
- Olivei2019: natural enemies,
- OliveiSaOl2023: DNA, phylogeny, 6
- Orlins1985: distribution, host, 42
- OrlinsRzSh1989: biological control, 25-26
- PachecAqCr2021: host, natural enemies,
- PachecBoPr2016: GLRV, biology, control, diagnosis, distribution, illustration, natural enemies,
- PachecGaMa2016: distribution, economic importance,
- PachecKaBa2020: key, phylogeny, 505, 506
- PachecKaMa2017: DNA sequencing, distribution, host, illustration, 3
- PalmaJBlGu2019: distribution, host, virus transmission, 290
- ParrilPrCa2021: ant association, biological control,
- Pelliz2011: distribution, 313
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 72
- PellizFo1996: distribution, 120
- PellizPoSe2011: distribution, 292
- PellizPoSe2011: distribution, host, 293
- PerezG2008: distribution, 216
- PerezGCa1987: distribution, host, 129
- PerezPeTe2021: ant association, biological control,
- PlattStMa2018: GLRV, biological control, natural enemies,
- PlattStMa2020: biological control, host,
- PooranAnTh2024: natural enemies, virus transmission, 526, 534
- Poutie1922: biological control, 3-28
- Prinsl2003: biological control, 77-89
- ReinekTh2016: climate change, ecology, economic importance, host, natural enemies, radiation, vector, 323
- RenAsHu2017: DNA, phylogeny, 5, 6
- RicciaBeSu2022: control, reproduction,
- RicciaZeMi2021: biological control, natural enemies,
- RizzoMoCa2024: DNA, 44
- RoscigCa1985: economic importance, physiology, 186-188
- Rosen1965a: biological control, distribution, host, 61-64
- RosenbSaSa2012: ecology, molecular data, physiology, 2357-2368
- RotundTr1980: chemistry, taxonomy, 431-435
- RussoMa1997: distribution, 51
- Rzaeva1985: biological control, distribution, host, 34-39
- SaccagKrPi2008: chemistry, molecular data, taxonomy, 27-33
- SalasMGoCo2022: natural enemies,
- SalehSa1971: chemistry, life history, 1661-1663
- SassalPaCh2023: virus, virus transmission,
- SayedSoSa1962: life history, taxonomy, 449-457
- SayedSoSa1962a: distribution, host, life history, 459-463
- SchartCoMa2021: control, ecology,
- SchulzCoPa2021: ecology, economic importance,
- SeenoDa1994: distribution, host, taxonomy, 3
- Seljak2008: distribution, host, 121-127
- Seljak2010: distribution, host, 102
- SforzaDa2008: biological control, 293-294
- ShirazVaMi2013: distribution, host, 1382
- Signor1875c: 315, 324
- SimeDa2014: biological control, natural enemies,
- SismanUl2010: distribution, host, 219-224
- SisterUc2024: dispersal,
- SongWaTa2024: phylogeny, 5, 8-9
- Suh2019a: key, 5
- SwartBa1979: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 222-226
- SzitaFeBe2017: distribution, host, 473
- TabataIcMo2017: chemistry, reproduction, 8
- TanneBeRa1989: economic importance, physiology, 55
- TawfikAwIb2005: biological control, distribution, host, 278
- TawfikAwIb2005a: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 279
- TollerRuDo2004: biological control, distribution, host, 213-217
- Tranfa1976: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 138-141
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 67
- Trjapi1989: biological control, distribution, host,
- TrjapiTr1999: biological control, distribution, host, 174-179
- TrjapiTr2002: biological control, distribution, host, 203-210
- TsaiChFe2008: GLRV, Grapevine leafroll disease transmission,
- TsaiRoGo2010: vector, virus transmission,
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S126
- UlubasEkKa2024: host, virus transmission,
- UlubasKaKi2007: molecular data, 232-238
- UrbanBr2000: biological control, distribution, host, 1-24
- UrbanMy2000: biological control, distribution, host, 1-30
- UrbanStBr1980: biological control, distribution, host, 1-22
- UygunSeEr1998: distribution, host, 183-191
- VarikoBiBa2010: ecology, life history, 943-948
- Varshn1992: distribution, host,
- VasqueCo2002: distribution, economic importance, host, 8-10
- WaltonDaBe2006: control,
- WaltonDaPr2004: chemical ecology, distribution, host, life history, 1089-1096
- WaltonKrSa2009: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-6
- WaltonPr2003: biological control, distribution, host, 524-532
- WaltonPr2004: biological control, distribution, host, 23-25
- WaltonPr2004a: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 54-62
- WaterwWrMi2011: biology, reproduction,
- WatsonKo2022: biology, control, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, natural enemies, taxonomy, 182-185
- Willia2004a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 636-639
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 251
- WilliaBe2009: catalog, taxonomy, 48
- WilliaBe2015: taxonomy, 164, 168
- WilliaGr1992: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 397, 398
- WilliaMa2009a: taxonomy, 97-101
- WilliaMa2012: distribution, host, 89
- WilliaMo2000: distribution, host, taxonomy, 34-35, 39-40
- Yasnos2001: biological control, distribution, host, 435-440
- YerlikBaKa2023: distribution, host, illustration, list, 11-12, 13
- ZadaDuAs2002: chemical ecology, chemistry, 275-281
- ZadaDuAs2003: chemical ecology, chemistry, life history, 977-987
- ZadaDuAs2008: chemical ecology, chemistry, life history, 480-489
- ZadaDuHa2002: chemical ecology, chemistry, 38-41
- Zandig2002: distribution, host, 21-22
- ZarkanFaAp2024: key, 237