Valid Names Results
Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero, 1977 (Pseudococcidae: Phenacoccus)Nomenclatural History
- Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero 1977: 146. Type data: PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Niari valley, on Manihot esculenta. Holotype, female, Type depository: Paris: Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, France; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Phenaccocus manihoti; Ahmed, et al. 2023: 746. misspelling of genus name
Common Names
- cassava mealybug Matile1977
- Cassava mealybug Matile1977
- Chinche harinosa de la yuca KondoWaTa2022
- cochonilha da mandioca KondoWaTa2022
- kyassaba-kona-kaigaramushi KondoWaTa2022
- maniok-schmierlaus KondoWaTa2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 11 | Genera: 12
- Amaranthaceae
- Alternanthera sessilis | JoshiPaDe2020
- Asteraceae
- Blumea lacera | JoshiPaDe2020
- Synedrella nodiflora | JoshiPaDe2020
- Cyperaceae
- Cyperus | BenDov1994 Matile1977
- Euphorbiaceae
- Manihot esculenta | BenDov1994 FoldiKo2006 Matile1977 WilliaGr1992
- Fabaceae
- Glycine max | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Lamiaceae
- Ocimum | BenDov1994 Matile1977
- Malvaceae
- Sida acuta | BenDov1994 Matile1977 | (= Sida carpinifolia)
- Sida rhombifolia | ZarkanApTu2021
- Nyctaginaceae
- Boerhavia diffusa | BenDov1994 Matile1977
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Solanaceae
- Solanum | Granar2003
- Talinaceae
- Talinum triangulare | BenDov1994 Matile1977
Families: 16 | Genera: 41
- Anthocoridae
- Cardiastethus exiguus | Fabres1980a Fabres1981c FabresMa1980
- Aphelinidae
- Encarsia | SupartYuWi2020
- Cecidomyiidae
- Arthrocnodax | HerrenNe1991
- Coccodiplosis citri | Fabres1980a Fabres1981c FabresMa1980
- Dicrodiplosis | Fabres1980a Fabres1981c FabresMa1980
- Dicrodiplosis manihoti | HerrenNe1991 NeuensHa1988 GilCoMa2023
- Lestodiplosis | Fabres1981c
- Chrysopidae
- Plesiochrysa ramburi | SattayUrSu2016
- Coccinellidae
- Clitostethus neuenschwanderi | Fursch1987
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri | FananiRaMa2023
- Diomus | ChakupMaNe1994 HerrenNe1991
- Diomus hennesseyi | Fursch1987 Neuens1996 NeuensAj1995
- Exochomus | GutierNeSc1988 HerrenNe1991 NeuensHa1988
- Exochomus concavus | Fabres1980a Fabres1981c FabresKiEp1981 FabresMa1980
- Exochomus flaviventris | Fabres1980a Fabres1981c FabresKiEp1981 FabresMa1980 LeRuMi2000
- Exochomus troberti | CudjoeNeCo1992 NeuensAj1995
- Hyperaspis | GutierNeSc1988 HerrenNe1991
- Hyperaspis jucunda | ChakupMaNe1994 NsiiamOdHe1984 SheOd1984
- Hyperaspis maindroni | SreedeVeJo2020
- Hyperaspis raynevali | HerrenNe1991
- Hyperaspis senegalensis | Fabres1981c Fabres1981d FabresKiEp1981 HerrenNe1991
- Hyperaspis senegalensis hottentotta | FabresKi1985 FabresMa1980
- Nephus derroni | Fabres1981c
- Nephus phenacoccophagus | Fursch1987
- Scymnus coccivora | JoshiPaDe2020
- Scymnus majeri | MinkoFo1999 | (= Scymnus couturieri)
- Scymnus plebejus | Fabres1981c
- Scymnus rufifrons | Fabres1981c
- Serangium giffardi | Fabres1981c
- Stethorus | HerrenNe1991
- Tenuisvalvae bisquinquepustulata | SantosCaPe2017
- Tenuisvalvae notata | ChakupMaNe1994 HerrenNe1991 Neuens1996 SantosCaPe2017 Staubl1995 StaublBaNe1997 | (= Hyperaspis notata)
- Drosophilidae
- Cacoxenus multidentatus | TsacasCh1999
- Cacoxenus perspicax | TsacasCh1999
- Cacoxenus polyodous | TsacasCh1999
- Encyrtidae
- Acerophagus | SupartYuWi2020
- Acerophagus coccois | DornMaBe2001
- Aenasius vexans | DornMaBe2001
- Anagyrus diversicornis | ChakupMaNe1994 HerrenNe1991 | (= Epidinocarsis diversicornis) (= Apoanagyrus diversicornis)
- Anagyrus lopezi | ChakupMaNe1994 CudjoeNeCo1992 GoergeNe1992 HennesNeMu1990 HerrenNe1991 KondoGuRa2012 Moore1988 Neuens2001 Watson1997 | (= Epidinacarsis lopezi) (= Apoanagyrus lopezi)
- Anagyrus mirzai | Boussi1988 | (= Anagyrus nyombae)
- Blepyrus | SupartYuWi2020
- Cheiloneurus cyanonotus | Fabres1980a Fabres1981c FabresMa1980
- Coccidoctonus pseudococci | Fabres1980a FabresMa1980 | (=Xyphigaster pseudococci)
- Homalotylus flaminius | Fabres1980a Fabres1981c FabresMa1980
- Parapyrus manihoti | Noyes1984
- Prochiloneurus | HerrenNe1991 NeuensHa1988
- Prochiloneurus insolitus | CudjoeNeCo1993 GoergeNe1992
- Prochiloneurus pulchellus | Fabres1980a Fabres1981c FabresMa1980
- Entomophthoraceae
- Entomophthora | HerrenNe1991
- Entomophthorales
- Neozygites fumosa | AlfredDAsPa2020 HerrenNe1991 LeRuIz1990a
- Triplosporium | HerrenNe1991
- Hypocreales
- Hirsutella | HerrenNe1991
- Hirsutella thompsonii | HerrenNe1991
- Lycaenidae
- Spalgis epeus | JoshiPaDe2020
- Spalgis lemolea | Fabres1980a Fabres1981c FabresMa1980 HerrenNe1991
- Phytoseiidae
- Amblydromalus limonicus | HerrenNe1991
- Amblyseius aerialis | HerrenNe1991
- Euseius concordis | HerrenNe1991
- Galendromus annectens | HerrenNe1991
- Galendromus floridanus | HerrenNe1991
- Galendromus helveolus | HerrenNe1991
- Neoseiulus anonymus | HerrenNe1991
- Neoseiulus californicus | HerrenNe1991
- Neoseiulus idaeus | HerrenNe1991
- Platygasteridae
- Allotropa | ChakupMaNe1994 HerrenNe1991
- Allotropa suasaardi | SarkarSuUr2015
- Signiphoridae
- Chartocerus | HerrenNe1991 NeuensHa1988
- Chartocerus hyalipennis | GoergeNe1992
- Staphylinidae
- Holobus | HerrenNe1991
- Thripidae
- Scolothrips | HerrenNe1991
Families: 2 | Genera: 5
- Ampelovirus
- MEaV-1 | AhmedApKa2023
- Formicidae
- Anoplolepis gracilipes | FananiRaMa2020
- Camponotus | CudjoeNeCo1993
- Crematogaster | CudjoeNeCo1993
- Pheidole | CudjoeNeCo1993
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 49
- Angola | BenDov1994 CABI1984
- Argentina
- Cordoba | Granar2003
- Benin | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991
- Bolivia | BenDov1994 WilliaCoYa1981 WilliaGr1992
- Brazil | BenDov1994 Matile1977 WilliaGr1992
- Amazonas | FoldiKo2006
- Mato Grosso do Sul | KondoWaTa2022
- Para | KondoWaTa2022
- Parana | KondoWaTa2022
- Rio Grande do Sul | KondoWaTa2022
- Burma (=Myanmar) | GrazioMiAl2015
- Burundi | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991
- Cameroon | KondoWaTa2022
- Central African Republic | KondoWaTa2022
- Colombia | Kondo2001
- Congo | BenDov1994 Matile1977
- Cote d'Ivoire (=Ivory Coast) | BenDov1994 NeuensHaGu1989
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (=Zaire) | BenDov1994 Matile1977 | KondoWaTa2022
- Equatorial Guinea | KondoWaTa2022
- French Guiana | GermaiDeLa2016
- Gambia | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991
- Ghana | BenDov1994 NeuensHaGu1989
- Guinea | BenDov1994 CABI1984
- Guinea-Bissau | BenDov1994 CABI1984
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | KondoWaTa2022
- India
- Kerala | JoshiPaDe2020 SampatMoSh2021
- Tamil Nadu | SreedeVeJo2020
- Indonesia
- Bali | SupartYuWi2020
- Java | MuniapShWa2011
- Sumatra | KondoWaTa2022
- Timor | KondoWaTa2022
- Kampuchea (=Cambodia) | GrazioMiAl2015 ParsaKoWi2012 | KondoWaTa2022
- Kenya | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991 KondoWaTa2022
- Laos | GrazioMiAl2015
- Liberia | KondoWaTa2022
- Madagascar | KondoWaTa2022
- Malawi | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991
- Malaysia | SartiaWaRo2015
- Mali | MuniapWaVa2012
- Mozambique | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991
- Niger | KondoWaTa2022
- Nigeria | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991
- Paraguay | BenDov1994 WilliaCoYa1981 WilliaGr1992
- Philippines | KondoWaTa2022
- Republic of the Congo | HerrenNe1991
- Rwanda | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991
- Senegal | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991
- Sierra Leone | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991 James1987
- South Africa | KondoWaTa2022
- Sudan | BenDov1994 CABI1984
- Tanzania | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991
- Thailand | MuniapShWa2011 WinotaGoTa2010
- Togo | BenDov1994 CABI1984
- Uganda | BenDov1994 CABI1984
- Vietnam | GrazioMiAl2015 ParsaKoWi2012
- Zambia | BenDov1994 HerrenNe1991
- Zanzibar | WilliaMa2005a
- Zimbabwe | KondoWaTa2022
- JoshiSuRe2021: pp.118-119 ( Adult (F) ) [Field characters of mealybugs in cassava]
- JoshiSuRe2021: pp.119-120 ( Adult (F) ) [Microscopic characters of mealybugs in cassava]
- ZhaoWaSu2014: pp.116-117 ( Adult (F) ) [Phenacoccus in China]
- ParsaKoWi2012: pp.10-Aug ( Adult (F) ) [Key to mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) recorded on Manihot spp. (Euphorbiaceae) in the World]
- GranarSz2007: pp.41-43 ( Adult (F) ) [Phencoccus species of South America]
- WilliaGr1992: pp.349 ( Adult (F) ) [Central and South America]
- Systematics: The species is most similar in life to Phenacoccus herreni Cox & Williams which is yellowish and reproduces bi-parentally. However, P. manihoti always reproduces parthenogenetically. (Parsa, et al., 2012).
- Structure: In life, species pinkish, covered in a white mealy secretion, with tufts of flocculent waxy secretion at posterior end and around margins. (Parsa, et al., 2012) Body oval, dorsoventrally flattened; irrespective of the age of the female, body colour rosy pink or yellow; completely grown up females with two different body colours can be seen in one single patch of infestation; body lightly dusted with fine mealy wax powder but body colour can be seen through; segmentation clearly visible; caudal and lateral wax filaments poorly developed, stub like, formed as wax flakes on the dermal swelling on each body segment, giving wavy appearance to the body margin. Eggs bright yellow; ovisac ventral, thick, cottony; body remains yellow or pink in 70 percent alcohol. (Joshi, et al., 2021)
- Biology: Biology, life history and population dynamics in Congo were studied by Fabres (1981, 1981a, 1989) and by Fabres & Boussiengue (1981). Giordanengo & Nenon (1990a) studied the encapsulation respond to the encyrtid Epidinocarsis lopezi. Le Ru & Iziquel (1990) evaluated the effect of rains on population dynamics in Congo, under laboratory conditions. Associated with ants Camponotus, Crematogaster, Pheidole (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). (Cudjoe, Neuenschwander & Copland, 1993).
- Economic Importance: Several non-preferred host species can support P. manihoti reproduction, but only cassava is known to experience significant damage by this insect. When it feeds on cassava, P. manihoti causes severe distortion of terminal shoots, yellowing and curling of leaves, reduced internodes, stunting, and weakening of stems used for crop propagation. (Parsa, et al., 2012) It is now considered to be one of the most destructive cassava pests. (Joshi, et al., 2020) The ants, Camponotus, Crematogaster, Pheidole (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), interfere in the biological control of the cassava mealybug in Ghana. (Cudjoe, Neuenschwander & Copland, 1993). The parasitoid Epidinocarsis lopezi (De Santis) - Encyrtidae is the most successful natural enemy that became established in 26 African countries (Neuenschwander, 2001). Predictions for invasion of Asia by P. manihoti, maps and models analysed in Parsa, et al., 2012. Cassava mealybug has no major natural enemies in India at present and efforts are in progress to introduce an exotic parasitoid, Anagyrus lopezi (De Santis) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) for its management. (Poorani, et al., 2022)
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Matile-Ferrero (1977), Williams & Granara de Willink (1992) and by Granara de Willink & Szumik (2007).
- AcevedRoLo2024: biological control, 2
- AgricoFi1991: biological control, economic importance, 127-132
- AhmedApKa2023: natural enemies, 747
- AlfredDAsPa2020: economic importance, entomopathogenic fungi, host, natural enemies, 1000
- AllardSkNe1994: biological control, distribution, host,
- AriasMoFo2024: biological control, 8
- AuamriSh1986: biological control, ecology, physiology, 73-82
- Ayanru1987: ecology, economic importance, 5-10
- BarillRhWe2021: biological control, host,
- BellotCaRe1983: biological control, 82
- BellotHeVa1985: distribution, economic importance, host, 441-470
- BellotKa1980: biological control, 312-335
- BellotReGu1985: distribution, economic importance, host, 393-416
- BellotReVa1984: biological control, ecology, economic importance, life history, 21-26
- BellotSc1985: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-5
- BellotSc1985: distribution, economic importance, host, 341-392
- BenDov1994: catalog, 330
- BennetYa1978: biological control, 59-69
- Bhatna1984: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-78
- Bin1991: biological control, life history,
- Blumbe1997: biological control, ecology, 225-236
- BogranHeCi2002: ecology, life history, 653-668
- BorowkHeHu2005: distribution, economic importance, host, 18-26
- Boussi1988: biological control, distribution, host, 277-283
- CABI1984: distribution,
- Calata2000: chemistry, life history, physiology, 81-86
- CalataAuTh2001: biological control, chemistry, life history, 2203-2217
- CalataBoNi1996: chemistry, life history, physiology, structure, 242-245
- CalataDeGu1998: chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 325-329
- CalataLe1996: chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 391-398
- CalataLe1997: biological control, chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, 59-66
- CalataNaRa1996: control, life history, physiology, 239-241
- CalataRaDe1994: chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 45-57
- CalataRaTj1994: host, life history, physiology, 219-232
- CalataRoLe1997: chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 427-432
- CalataRu2006: control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 1-110
- CalataSePo2001: biological control, host, life history, physiology, 271-278
- CalataTeLe1992: chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 255-257
- CalataTeLe1994: chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 453-459
- ChakupMaNe1994: biological control, 254-262
- ChakupMaNe1996: biological control, distribution, host, 19-25
- CudjoeNeCo1992: biological control, 77-82
- CudjoeNeCo1993: biological control, 15-22
- DornMaBe2001: biological control, life history, 331-339
- DornMaBe2003: biological control, life history, 1-10
- DreyerNeBa1997: biological control, 249-256
- DreyerNeBo1997: biological control, 85-92
- ElAalaRaKa2024: biological control, 2
- EmehutEg1991: biological control, economic importance, life history, 144-145
- EtzelLe1999: biological control, 125-197
- Fabres1980a: biological control, 81-83
- Fabres1981: life history, 483-486
- Fabres1981a: life history, 84-87
- Fabres1981c: biological control, 145-146
- Fabres1981d: biological control, 3-8
- Fabres1989: life history, 35-42
- FabresBo1981: biological control, 82-89
- FabresKi1985: biological control, economic importance, 339-348
- FabresKiEp1981: biological control, distribution, host, 3-8
- FabresLeKi1986: distribution, ecology, economic importance, host, life history, 1-114
- FabresMa1980: biological control, 509-515
- FananiRaMa2020: ant association, natural enemies,
- FananiRaMa2023: control, ecology, natural enemies,
- FoldiKo2006: distribution, host, 308
- FrancoZaMe2009: economic importance,
- Fursch1987: biological control, 387-394
- GermaiDeLa2016: host, list of species, 4
- GilCoMa2023: natural enemies, 2
- GiordaNe1990a: biological control, 155-163
- Goerge1992: biological control, economic importance, 1-140
- GoergeNe1992: biological control, 182-189
- Granar2003: distribution, host, 81
- GranarSz2007: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 77,84
- GrazioMiAl2015: climate change, description, economic importance, 1071-1073
- Greath1986: biological control, 289-318
- GreathGr1992: biological control, 61-68
- GuptaSaMo2021: biological control, ecology, natural enemies,
- GutierNeSc1988: biological control, 921-940
- GutierWeSc1987: biological control, economic importance, 919-925
- GutierWeSc1988: biological control, chemical control, 901-920
- HammonNe1990: biological control, 515-526
- HammonNeHe1987: biological control, economic importance, 887-891
- HaugHeNa1987: biological control, life history, 879-881
- Hawkin1994: biological control, 3
- HennesNeMu1990: biological control, distribution, host, 103-107
- Herren1981: biological control, economic importance, 79-80
- Herren1981a: control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-4
- Herren1982: economic importance, 1
- HerrenLa1983: biological control, economic importance, 87
- HerrenLe1982: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 185
- HerrenLeNe1983: biological control, 782
- HerrenNe1991: biological control, distribution, host, 257-283
- HouWeZh2023: phylogeny, 343, 344, 346
- HuangLiCh2024: climate change, dispersal, distribution, ecology,
- IITA1982a: control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1-128
- IITA1985a: biological control, distribution, host, 35-39
- IITA1986: biological control, distribution, host, 25
- IITA1986a: biological control, distribution, host, 105-106
- IITA1986b: biological control, distribution, host, 107-109
- James1987: distribution, economic importance, host, 61-66
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 30
- JervisCo1996: biological control, 63
- JoshiPaDe2020: diagnosis, distribution, illustration,
- JoshiRaAm2024: economic importance, 1
- JoshiSuRe2021: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key,
- Kampan1992: biological control, chemical control, distribution, host,
- KaydanCaUl2013: economic importance, 169
- KoganGeMa1999: biological control, 789-818
- Kondo2001: distribution, host, taxonomy, 37
- KondoGuRa2012: biological control, 13
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 24
- KondoWaTa2022: biology, diagnosis, distribution, illustration, natural enemies, 167-169
- KraaijVa1986: biological control, life history, 1986
- KumaraKoRa2024: biological control, natural enemies, 3
- LaneesSuBa2020: biological control, natural enemies, 459
- LangenVa1987: biological control, physiology, 429-430
- LeGrCi2018: biological control, natural enemies, 129-139
- LeRiiMi2002: ecology, host, life history, 175-182
- LeRuCa1994: distribution, economic importance, host, 385-390
- LeRuIz1990: life history, 741-754
- LeRuIz1990a: biological control, 173-183
- LeRuMa2001: biological control, economic importance, life history, physiology, 557-572
- LeRuMi2000: biological control, 209-212
- LemaHe1982: biological control, 68-69
- LemaHe1985a: ecology, life history, 165-169
- LohrVaSa1990: biological control, 417-425
- LozanoNo1985: distribution, economic importance, host, 595-609
- MarottTr1995a: taxonomy, 70-71
- Matile1976a: economic importance, 2
- Matile1977: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 145-152
- MinkoBe2005: distribution, host, 136-140
- MinkoFo1999: biological control, 171-174
- Moore1988: biological control, 209-225
- MuniapShWa2011: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 168-171
- MuniapWaVa2012: distribution, 1-5
- MurthyChRa2024: DNA, biology, host plant, life cycle, morphology,
- NaimahSaMa2023: biological control, natural enemies,
- Neuens1993: biological control, 143-177
- Neuens2001: biological control, 214-229
- NeuensBoPh1991: biological control, 297-310
- NeuensHa1988: biological control, 894-902
- NeuensHaAj1989: biological control, distribution, host, 409-420
- NeuensHaGu1989: biological control, 579-594
- NeuensHaHe1991: biological control, 120-127
- NeuensHe1988: biological control, 319-333
- NeuensMa2001: biological control, 127-146
- NeuensScMa1986: biological control, distribution, 133-138
- NicoleBoVa1996: chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 19-28
- NopriaRaKu2019: DNA, genetics,
- Noyes1984: biological control, distribution, host, 529-533
- NsiiamOdHe1984: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 87-93
- Nweke1994: distribution, economic importance, host, 407-417
- Nweke2004: distribution, economic importance, host, 118
- OdebiyBo1986: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 251-260
- Okonkw2002: host, life history, 29-35
- OuvrarKoGu2013: biological control, distribution, economic importance, illustration, 2
- PalmaJBlGu2019: distribution,
- ParsaKoWi2012: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, structure, taxonomy, 1-11
- PolaniCaBe1999: host, life history, physiology, 1-9
- PooranJoTh2022: diagnosis, distribution, illustration,
- PowellDeMo2024: morphology, 8
- Rajabp2024: chemical control, 6
- RauwanOdMi2018: genetics, host, resistance,
- RazafiDaDe1999: biological control, chemical control, economic importance, life history, 127-136
- ReitzTr2002: biological control, ecology, 435-465
- RenardCaPi1998: chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 429-450
- RenardLeCa1996: chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 59-62
- RossHaOk2012: phylogeny, taxonomy, 199
- RueMa2001: biological control, life history, 557-572
- RueMi2000: biological control, host, life history, 209-212
- SampatMoSh2021: biological control, distribution, host, illustration,
- Samway1981a: biological control, distribution, host, 1
- SannonPuIn2018: chemical control, 53-59
- SantosCaPe2017: natural enemies,
- SarkarSuUr2015: natural enemies,
- SattayUrSu2016: biological control, natural enemies, 460-464
- SchultBaDe1991: economic importance, life history, 155-165
- SchultChGo2004: biological control, distribution, ecology, host, life history, 261-272
- SheOd1984: biological control, life history, 87-93
- ShivakArTh2024: DNA, control, diagnosis,
- ShylesJo2012: dispersal, 272
- Singh1982: control, distribution, economic importance, host, 70-72
- SinghLu1982: biological control, ecology, host, 23-27
- SobczyOtRe2024: biological control, history, 53
- SouissCaLe1996: biological control, chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 65-67
- SounthSmKr2023: control,
- SreedeVeJo2020: biological control, natural enemies,
- Staubl1995: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 1-95
- StaublBaNe1996: biological control, distribution, host, 656
- StaublBaNe1997: biological control, 21-28
- SupartYuWi2020: natural enemies,
- TertulCaLe1999: chemistry, host, life history, physiology, 91-98
- TertulDoLe1993: biological control, economic importance, life history, 657-665
- ThanchLaMo2018: biological control, economic importance, 1199-1211
- ThreshOtFa1994: distribution, economic importance, host, 337-592
- ThreshOtFa1998: disease transmission, life history, 670-677
- TokunaSeUt2018: distribution, history, host, 142, 143
- TranNgBu2022: control,
- TsacasCh1999: biological control, 107, 112, 114
- Umeh1988: biological control, life history, 605-611
- VanAlpJe1996: biological control, 1
- VanDijVa1991a: biological control, life history, 195-201
- WaageGr1988: biological control, 111-128
- WangTiWa2019: DNA, DNA sequencing, control, economic importance,
- WangZhTi2018: distribution, host, 2
- Watson1997: biological control, distribution, taxonomy, 3
- Watson2021: distribution, 526
- WatsonOu2021: dispersal, economic importance, 152
- Willia1986c: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 49-50
- WilliaCoYa1981: biological control, distribution, host, 88
- WilliaGr1992: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 375-377
- WilliaMa2005a: distribution, host, 147
- WilliaMa2012: distribution, host, 89
- WilliaMi1999: life history, taxonomy, 524
- WinotaGoTa2010: biological control, distribution, economic importance, 10N-11N
- WyckhuGrBu2017: biological control, ecology, 3
- WyckhuHuBu2019: biological control, ecology, economic importance,
- WyckhuWoRa2018: biological control,
- WyckhuZhPr2018: biological control, economic importance, natural enemies,
- YanineSc1993: biological control, economic importance, 305-324
- Yaseen1980a: biological control, distribution, host, 37-39
- Yaseen1980b: biological control, distribution, host, 41-49
- YonowKrOt2017: economic importance,
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 183
- ZhaoWaSu2014: key, 116
- vanDijVaVa1988: biological control, 1097-1108
- vanLen2003b: biological control, distribution, host, 167-179
- vandenHaVa1988: biological control, 1063-1077