Gutierrez, A.P., Wermelinger, B., Schulthess, F., Baumgärtner, J.U., Herren, H., Ellis, C.K., & Yaninek, J.S. 1988 Analysis of biological control of cassava pests in Africa. I. Simulation of carbon, nitrogen and water dynamics in cassava.. Journal of Applied Ecology 25: 901-920.

Notes: A model for the growth and development of cassava, Manihot esculenta as modified by weather, soil nitrogen and water is described, and used in later papers to evaluate damage by exotic cassava pests (such as Phenacoccus manihoti) and the effectiveness of control by natural enemies. Analogous relationships between trophic level models at the population and per capita levels were exploited to develop a model that has a common mathematical form across trophic levels.