Renard, S., Le Rü, B.P., Calatayud, P.A., Lognay, G., & Gaspar, C. 1996 Comportement de sélection de la plante hôte par la cochenille farineuse du manioc P. manihoti: rôle des composés biochimiques. [Plant host selection behavior by the cassava mealybug, P. manihoti: role of biochemical compounds.]. [Insect Plant Interactions.] Interactions insectes-plantes. Colloques, CIRAD-CA Montpelier, France 96 pp. 1995


  • behavior
  • host
  • Notes: [Papers of the Fifth Meeting of the working group on insect-plant relations, 26-27 October 1995, Montpelier, France.] Phenacoccus manihoti causes serious damage to Manihot esculenta; video camera observations have revealed details of host selection behavior.