Fabres, G. 1980a Entomophagous insects associated with the cassava mealybug in the People's Republic of Congo.. Tropical Root Crops: Research Strategies for the 1980's. International Society for Tropical Root Crops

Notes: [Proceedings of the First Triennial Root Crops Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, 8-12 September 1980. Ibadan, Nigeria.] The occurrence of several predators, parasites, and hyperparasites is reported and their relationship is studied in detail. A new species of the genus, Anagyrus is recorded. Several Coccinellids (Exochomus flaviventris, E. concavus, Hyperaspis senegalensis, Coccodiplosis citri, Dicrodiplosis sp., Spalgis lemolea, Cardiasthemus exiguus are involved in the natural regulation of the pest population. Hyperparasites Xyphigaster pseudococci, Homalotylus flaminius and Prochiloneurus pulchellus have been found attacking Anagyrus, Exochomus and Coccodiplosis species. An additional Encyrtis (Cheiloneurus cyanonotus develops upon the hyperparasite Homalotylus. Data is given on the dynamics of the entomophagous insect populations, the time of their intervention, and the rates of parasitism and predatism.