Herren, H.R. 1981 Biological control of the cassava mealybug.. Tropical Root Crops: Research Strategies for the 1980's. International Development Research Centre Ottawa, Canada 279 pp.

Notes: [Proceedings of the First Triennial Root Crops Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops--Africa Branch, 8-12 September 1980, Ibadan, Nigeria.] The loss of a basic food supply for Africa to an exotic insect, the cassava mealybug, can be overcome through classical biological control. A search is being conducted for natural enemies (parasitoids and predators) in the area of origin in Latin America. After basic ecological studies and quarantine processing they are shipped to Africa. Detailed studies on the biology, ecology and behaviour of the cassava mealybug have been undertaken and are also being carried out for the newly discovered natural enemy species. For follow-up studies on the effectiveness of these natural enemies, life tables and key factor analyses are used. A proper economic analysis of the project may provide interesting figures about the economic benefits obtained from biological control.