Valid Names Results
Orthezia urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) (Ortheziidae: Orthezia)Nomenclatural History
- Aphis urticae Linnaeus 1758: 453. Type data: GERMANY: on Urtica sp.. Holotype, female, Type depository: London: The Linnean Society of London, England; accepted valid name Notes: According to Douglas Williams (personal communication July 8, 2003) no material of this species is present in the Linnaen Society collection.
- Dorthezia characias (Bosc d'Antic, 1784); Bosc d'Antic 1784: 207. change of combination
- Orthezia characias Bosc d'Antic 1784: 171. Type data: FRANCE: Nîmes, on Euphorbia characias. Unknown type status, unknown, junior synonym (discovered by Signor1876a, 389-390). Notes: Type material is presumed lost.
- Coccus characias (Bosc d'Antic, 1784); Olivier 1791: 99. change of combination
- Coccus dubius Fabricius 1794: 228. Type data: ITALY: by Dr. Allioni. Syntypes, unknown, Type depository: Copenhagen: Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Department of Entomology, Denmark; junior synonym (discovered by Dufour1833, ).
- Aphis urticata Linnaeus, 1758; Stewart 1802: 120. misspelling of species epithet
- Dorthezia delavauxii Thiebaut 1825: 289-291. Type data: FRANCE: near Paris, on Teucrium scorodonia, 24/05/1824, by Delavaux. Unknown type status, unknown, junior synonym (discovered by Lindin1912b, ). Notes: Types presumed lost (Matile-Ferrero, personal communication, December 2, 1999). Illustr.
- Dorthesia urticae (Linnaeus, 1758); Burmeister 1835: 76. change of combination
- Coccus glechomae Burmeister 1835: 77. nomen nudum (discovered by Lindin1912b, 364). Notes: Douglas (1881) states that this species was cited by Burmeister, but that he was unable to find a description. Burmeister cites this species as "Cocc. Glechomae Fabr." but there is no evidence of this species epithet in any of Fabricius' publications. Since no reference to this name can be found in Fabricius, Burmeister is listed as the author of the name.
- Dorthezia dispar Kaltenbach 1874: 486. nomen nudum Notes: Douglas (1881) states that "Orthezia dispar Kaltenbach, was never described so far as I can ascertain; it is given thus by Kaltenbach in "Die Pflanzenfeinde" p. 486 (1874): 'Dortesia dispar? = urticae, Brm.' It is, therefore, merely a superfluous name."
- Orthezia urticae (Linnaeus, 1758); Signoret 1876a: 389. change of combination
- Orthezia cataphracta; Signoret 1876a: 389. incorrect synonymy
- Orthezia maenariensis Douglas 1884: 81-86. Type data: ITALY: Montecristo, on Erica arborea, by J. Lichtenstein. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Laing1922, ). Notes: There are two slides in the BMNH labeled "Montecriscto Douglas Collection/ 110.2/ 1904 120/ Orthezia maenariensis Dougl./ type" and "Montecristo Douglas Collection 109.24 in Douglas ledger/ 1904 102/ Orthezia maenariensis Dougl/ male/ type" (Williams, personal communication, October 14, 1998). Illustr.
- Orthezia martelli Leonardi 1908: 150. Type data: ITALY: Catanzaro, Calabria, on Gramineae, by G. Martelli. Syntypes, unknown, Type depository: Portici: Dipartimento de Entomologia e Zoologia Agraria di Portici, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Italy; junior synonym (discovered by Morris1925, 141). Notes: Morrison (1925) examined a single adult female from the type material and determined that this species is indeed identical with O. urticae. He does note however, that this conclusion was reached on the examination of a single decidedly imperfect specimen. There are dry specimens and some preserved in alcohol in IFSP labeled "Catanzaro, su graminacee" (Marotta, personal communication, September 29, 1998). Illustr.
- Orthezia japonica; Kuwana 1917: 3. incorrect synonymy
- Orthezia arenariae Vayssière 1924: 28-29. Type data: MOROCCO: Djebel Tachdirt, on Arenaria pungens, ?/07/1923, by Peyerimhoff. Syntypes, female, by original designation Type depository: Paris: Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, France; junior synonym (discovered by Morris1952, 14-15). Notes: Matile-Ferrero states that there are 7 syntypes on 7 slides (personal communication, December 3, 1999). Illustr.
Common Names
- cochenille de l'Ortie Richar1998
- ensign coccid KosztaKo1988F
- nettle ensign scale KosztaKo1988F
Ecological Associates
Families: 31 | Genera: 88
- Amaryllidaceae
- Allium | KozarGuBa1994
- Apiaceae
- Aegopodium | Morris1925
- Aegopodium podagraria | Stalaz2021
- Eryngium bungei | Moghad2013a
- Heracleum | Morris1925
- Apocynaceae
- Vinca minor | Flachs1931
- Araliaceae
- Hedera helix | Flachs1931
- Asteraceae
- Achillea | Morris1925
- Achillea millefolium | MoghadWa2024
- Anthemis | KosztaKo1988F
- Artemisia | Morris1925
- Artemisia argyi | TangLi1988
- Artemisia capillaris | Suh2020
- Artemisia dubia | Suh2020
- Artemisia princeps | Suh2020
- Artemisia scoparia | TangLi1988
- Aster | Morris1925
- Boltonia lautureana | Suh2020 | (= Aster lautureanus)
- Centaurea | Morris1925
- Chrysanthemum indicum | Suh2020 | (= Dendranthema indicum)
- Chrysanthemum morifolium | Suh2020
- Chrysanthemum zawadskii | Suh2020 | (= Dendranthema zawadskii)
- Dendranthema | Tao1999
- Echinops pungens | Moghad2013a | (= Echinops pungens)
- Echinops ritro | Moghad2013a
- Gundelia | Moghad2013a
- Hieracium | Morris1925 | (= Hieraceum)
- Leontodon | Morris1925
- Leontodon hispidus | Hua2000 | (= Leontodon hastilis)
- Matricaria | Morris1925
- Pilosella officinarum | MalumpOsPy2010
- Plagius | Richar1998
- Solidago | Tao1999
- Taraxacum | Morris1925
- Boraginaceae
- Symphytum | Morris1925
- Brassicaceae
- Arabidopsis | KosztaKo1988F | (= Cardaminopsis)
- Cannabaceae
- Humulus | Green1918
- Caryophyllaceae
- Arenaria pungens | Vayssi1924
- Petrorhagia | Morris1925 | (= Tunica)
- Petrorhagia saxifraga | Hua2000 | (= Tunica saxifraga)
- Silene | MatilePe2002
- Stellaria holostea | Dougla1881a Stalaz2021
- Cistaceae
- Cistus | Richar1998
- Halimium | Richar1998
- Convolvulaceae
- Cuscuta | Morris1925
- Ericaceae
- Erica arborea | Fernal1903b
- Vaccinium oxycoccos | Stalaz2021
- Euphorbiaceae
- Euphorbia | Morris1925
- Fabaceae
- Acacia | Tao1999
- Acacia oshanesii | Tao1999
- Adenocarpus | Richar1998
- Astracantha gossypina | TorabiVaHo2010 | (= Astragalus gossypinus)
- Astragalus | Moghad2013a
- Coronilla | Morris1925
- Dorycnium | KosztaKo1988F
- Dorycnium pentaphyllum | Kozar1999a | ssp. germanicum
- Lathyrus | Morris1925
- Lespedeza bicolor | Suh2020
- Lotus | MatilePe2002
- Onobrychis | Morris1925
- Tetragonolobus | MatilePe2002
- Trifolium | Morris1925
- Vicia | MatilePe2002
- Geraniaceae
- Geranium | Morris1925
- Lamiaceae
- Ballota | Morris1925
- Calamintha | Richar1998
- Glecoma | Morris1925
- Lavandula | Richar1998
- Leonurus cardiaca | Stalaz2021
- Melittis | Morris1925
- Origanum vulgare | Kozar1999a
- Phlomis | Morris1925
- Satureja | KosztaKo1988F
- Teucrium | Kozar1999a MatilePe2002
- Teucrium chamaedrys | Kozar1999a
- Teucrium scordonia | Thieba1825
- Thymus | Kozar1999a
- Thymus vulgaris | MatilePe2002
- Malvaceae
- Hibiscus | Efimof1937
- Oleaceae
- Ligustrum | Kozar1999a
- Orobanchaceae
- Melampyrum | MatilePe2002 Morris1925
- Melampyrum nemorosum | Stalaz2021
- Odontites | KosztaKo1988F
- Plantaginaceae
- Linaria vulgaris | MalumpOsPy2010
- Plumbaginaceae
- Armeria maritima | Harris1916
- Statice limonium | Harris1916
- Poaceae
- Agrostis capillaris | BatsanKaKi2017
- Festuca rupicola | BatsanKaKi2017
- Poaceae | Morris1925
- Primulaceae
- Glaux | Morris1925
- Ranunculaceae
- Caltha | Morris1925
- Clematis vitalba | KozarGuBa1994
- Rhamnaceae
- Frangula alnus | Stalaz2021
- Rosaceae
- Filipendula | KosztaKo1988F
- Filipendula ulmaria | Stalaz2021
- Potentilla | KosztaKo1988F
- Pyrus | Morris1952
- Rosa | KosztaKo1988F
- Rubus | Morris1925
- Rubus ulmifolius | Foldi2002
- Sanguisorba | KosztaKo1988F
- Spiraea | KosztaKo1988F
- Spiraea hypericifolia | BatsanKaKi2017
- Rubiaceae
- Galium | Morris1925
- Saxifragaceae
- Bergenia | KosztaKo1988F
- Thymelaeaceae
- Daphne mucronata | Moghad2013a | (= Daphne angustifolia)
- Urticaceae
- Parietaria | Morris1925
- Urtica | Morris1925
- Urtica cannabina | Stalaz2021
- Urtica dioica | Kozar1999a
- Vitaceae
- Vitis | KosztaKo1988F
Families: 2 | Genera: 2
- Aphididae
- Aphis urticata | Kawai1980
- Coccinellidae
- Hyperaspis campestris | HertinSi1972
- Hyperaspis concolor | Balach1930e
Families: 1 | Genera: 1
- Anaplasmataceae
- Wolbachia | MichalSzKa2019
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 40
- Algeria | Morris1925
- Austria | KosztaKo1988F Morris1925
- Bulgaria | KosztaKo1988F Tsalev1968
- Cape Verde | VanHarCoWi1990
- China
- Henan (=Honan) | Wu1999b
- Nei Monggol (=Inner Mongolia) | Tao1999
- Ningxia (=Ningsia) | Tao1999
- Xizang (=Tibet) | Tao1999
- Yunnan | Tao1999
- Corsica | Foldi2003
- Crete | PellizPoSe2011
- Croatia | MastenSi2008
- Czech Republic | Morris1925
- Denmark | Kozarz1986
- Finland | Kozarz1986
- France | Foldi2001 Foldi2002 Morris1925
- Georgia (Republic of) | BatsanKaKi2017 Hadzib1963a
- Germany | Morris1925 SchmutHo2016
- Greece | Morris1925
- Hungary | KosztaKo1988F
- Iran | Bodenh1944b MoghadMo2015
- Iraq | Morris1952
- Ireland | Morris1952 OConnoGeMa2013
- Italy | LongoMaPe1995 Morris1925
- Sicily | LongoMaPe1995
- Latvia | Stalaz2021
- Lithuania | MalumpOsPy2010
- Luxembourg | Gertso2016 GertssSc2020
- Mongolia | Danzig1982a
- Morocco | Vayssi1924
- Netherlands | Jansen2001
- Poland | Morris1952 SimonKa2011 Szulcz1926
- Portugal | FrancoRuMa2011 Morris1952
- Romania | Morris1952
- Russia | Stalaz2021
- South Korea | ESKSAE1994
- Spain | Morris1952
- Sweden | Ossian1984
- Switzerland | KozarGuBa1994
- Turkey | KaydanKoSz2014b KaydanUlEr2007
- Turkmenistan | Lashin1956
- Ashkahabad Oblast | Morris1925
- USSR | Morris1952
- United Kingdom
- England | Morris1925
- Scotland | Morris1952
- Uzbekistan
- Tashkent Oblast | Cocker1927
- Yugoslavia | KosztaKo1988F
- Watson2022: pp.341 ( Adult (F) ) [Orthezia in continental Africa]
- Vea2014: pp.3-4 ( Adult (M) ) [Species of the Ortheziidae Based on Adult Males]
- KaydanKoSz2014b: pp.161-162 ( Adult (F) ) [Orthezia in Turkey]
- Kozar2004: pp.324-325 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to the world species of Orthezia]
- Danzig1988: pp.696 ( Adult (F) ) [Orthezia species of the Soviet far east]
- Ossian1984: pp.123 ( Adult (F) ) [Ortheziidae of Sweden]
- Danzig1971d: pp.806 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to species of the family Ortheziidae]
- Danzig1964: pp.621 ( Adult (F) ) [Orthezia species in SSSR]
- Morris1952: pp.11 ( Adult (F) ) [Species in the Urticae group of Orthezia]
- Morris1925: pp.109 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of the Subgenus Orthezia]
- MacGil1921: pp.113 ( Adult (F) ) [Orthezia species]
- Structure: Adult female is oval and covered with six rows of wax plates, but none are at the midline. Fully developed ovisac is longer than the body and is strongly dorsally ribbed. Detailed description of adult males and immatures in Kluge, 2010. Antennae 8 (rarely 6 or 7) segmented;all segments covered with 3-6 spine-like, straight setae; apical seta a strong blunt spine. (Kaydan, et al., 2016) A detailed analysis of the ventral and dorsal surfaces of wings of the males were examined under light and scanning electron microscopes by Franielczyk-Pietyra, et al., 2018.
- Biology: Detailed description of life history by Sikes (1928). All stages overwinter except first instars. Females lay 150-500 eggs and there is one yearly generation. This species can probably reproduce with or without fertilization (Kosztarab & Kozár, 1988). Orthezia urticae has been found in salt marshes on stems that are submerged at high tide (Harrison, 1916a).
- Economic Importance: Biological control of this species is discussed by Balachowsky (1928, 1930e), Herting & Simmonds (1972) and Kawai (1980).
- General Remarks: Original description by Vayssiere (1924). Detailed treatment of the male of the species by Koteja (1986e).
- Alfken1930: taxonomy, 56
- Ali1970: catalog, taxonomy, 92
- AlimdzBr1956: distribution, host, 148
- Amyot1848: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 489-490
- Archan1923: distribution, host, 266
- Archan1937: distribution, host, 23, 25, 139, 140
- Babaev1980: distribution, host, 55
- BaetaN1947: taxonomy, 134
- Balach1927: distribution, host, 190
- Balach1929a: distribution, host, 317
- Balach1930e: taxonomy, 221
- Balach1930f: biological control, 21-23
- Balach1932: taxonomy, 14
- Balach1933e: distribution, host, 7
- Balach1935b: distribution, host, 265-266
- Balach1935c: distribution, host, 6
- Balach1953h: distribution, host, taxonomy, 93-95
- BarbagBiBo1995: distribution, 38
- BatsanKaKi2017: distribution, host, 262
- Bazaro1962: distribution, host, 62
- Bazaro1963: distribution, host, 64
- Bazaro1968a: distribution, host, 66
- Bazaro1971c: taxonomy, 91
- Beards1968: taxonomy, 1457
- Beingo1971b: taxonomy, 41
- Bielen1962: distribution, host, 9
- Blanch1897: description, distribution, taxonomy, 678-683
- Bodenh1928: biological control, 310
- Bodenh1935: distribution, host, taxonomy, 242,251, 260, 266
- Bodenh1943: distribution, host, 27, 28
- Bodenh1944a: distribution, 85, 86, 98
- Bodenh1944b: distribution, 85
- Bodenh1953a: distribution, host, 157-158
- Bohner1935: taxonomy, 451
- Boraty1955: distribution, host, 67
- BoratyWi1964: taxonomy, 94
- Borchs1934: distribution, host, 9
- Borchs1937a: distribution, host, 174
- Borchs1938: distribution, host, 134
- Borchs1950b: distribution, host, 26
- Borchs1950c: distribution, host, 370
- Borchs1963a: distribution, host, 37, 136, 166, 177
- Borchs1973: distribution, host, 136, 143, 192
- BoscdA1784: taxonomy, 173
- Brozek2006: physiology, structure, 255-264
- Bruno1932: taxonomy, 371
- Buchne1965: distribution, host, 247, 251-252
- BugajNJuKa2021: distribution, host, list, 306
- Bustsh1960: distribution, host, 167
- Cocker1896b: taxonomy, 327
- Cocker1898: taxonomy, 19
- Cocker1899a: taxonomy, 390
- Cocker1899m: taxonomy, 274
- Cocker1901c: taxonomy, 92
- Cocker1902q: distribution, 259
- Cocker1922: taxonomy, 309
- Cocker1927: distribution, 836
- Cook1935: distribution, host, 419
- Costan1950: distribution, host, 1
- Danzig1959: distribution, host, 444, 453
- Danzig1964: distribution, host, 621
- Danzig1969: host, 1579
- Danzig1971d: taxonomy, 806
- Danzig1972: distribution, host, 189
- Danzig1977a: distribution, host, 196
- Danzig1977b: distribution, host, 39, 54
- Danzig1978: distribution, host, 6
- Danzig1978a: distribution, host, 73
- Danzig1980b: distribution, host, 104
- Danzig1982a: distribution, host, 140
- Danzig1985: distribution, host, 146
- Danzig1988: taxonomy, 696
- DeMarzRoTr1990: structure, 42
- Dougla1881: distribution, host, 176, 203-204
- Dougla1881a: distribution, host, life history, 297-299
- Dougla1881b: distribution, host, 447, 448
- Dougla1884: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 81-86
- Dziedz1977: distribution, host, 57
- Dziedz1988: distribution, host, 93
- ESKSAE1994: distribution, list, 110
- Efimof1937: distribution, host, 34, 99
- Elliot1933: distribution, host, 142
- Fabric1794: taxonomy, 228
- Fernal1903b: distribution, host, 35, 35a, 36
- Ferris1918: structure, 87
- Ferris1950: taxonomy, 14
- FetykoKoDa2010: distribution, 296
- Flachs1931: host, 171, 214, 473
- Foldi2000: distribution, host, 77
- Foldi2001: distribution, economic importance, 303, 307
- Foldi2002: distribution, 244
- FoldiCa1985: structure, ill
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, 11
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 18,25
- FranieDeWe2018: histology, male, morphology, 101-114
- FranieWe2016: morphology, 90, 92-93
- Freder1910: taxonomy, 129
- Fulmek1943: biological control, catalog, 56
- Gangul1979: taxonomy, 12
- Gavalo1932: distribution, host, 145
- Gavril2018: cytogenetics, illustration, reproduction, 14,27,193,194
- Gavril2021a: cytogenetics, nymph, 261
- Gavril2021b: reproduction, 244
- Gertso2016: distribution, host, 153
- Gertss1997: distribution, 112
- Gertss2001: distribution, 125
- Gertss2008: catalog, 55
- Gertss2008: catalog, taxonomy, 56
- GertssSc2020: distribution, 136
- Giard1897b: taxonomy, 262
- Giard1898: distribution, host, taxonomy, 10
- GiardBu1895: taxonomy, 385
- GomezM1937: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 383-384, 385-387,422
- GomezM1948: distribution, host, 118
- GomezM1954: distribution, host, 144
- GomezM1957: distribution, host, 86
- GomezM1958a: distribution, host, 8, 11
- GomezM1960O: distribution, host, 204
- GomezM1965: distribution, host, 114
- Goux1931: distribution, host, 330
- Goux1941a: distribution, 39
- Green1918: host, 230, 232, 234, 236,2
- Green1921: distribution, host, 28
- Green1922b: distribution, host, 12, 23
- Green1927: distribution, host, 1
- Green1928: distribution, host, 12
- Green1928a: distribution, host, 30
- Green1934d: distribution, 114
- Hadzib1941: distribution, host, 181, 182
- Hadzib1963a: description, distribution, host, 616-618
- Hadzib1983: distribution, host, 266
- Harris1916: distribution, host, 28
- Harris1916: distribution, ecology, host, 173
- Harris1916a: distribution, 93
- Harris1944: distribution, host, 111
- Hase1927: taxonomy, 60-61
- Hellri2004: distribution, host, 82
- Henrik1921: distribution, host, 311
- HertinSi1972: biological control, 107
- HodekHo2009: biological control, 235
- HodgsoHa2013: phylogeny, taxonomy,
- Hollan1911: chemistry, 297-300
- Hua2000: distribution, host, taxonomy, 132
- Hunt1939: taxonomy, 556
- ICZN2017: nomenclature, taxonomy, 2-4
- Iherin1897: distribution, host, 404
- Iukhne1958: taxonomy, 103
- Jaap1914: taxonomy, 142
- Jansen2001: distribution, 199
- John1930: taxonomy, 6
- KSPP1972: taxonomy, 108
- Kalten1859: taxonomy, 218
- Kalten1874: taxonomy, 484
- Kanda1941a: distribution, 9
- Kaussa1957: distribution, host, 2
- Kawai1980: biological control, description, 81
- Kaweck1935: distribution, host, 89-90
- Kaweck1936: distribution, host, 324
- Kaweck1985: distribution, taxonomy, 7-8
- KaydanKoSz2014b: diagnosis, host, illustration, key, taxonomy, 162-163
- KaydanUlEr2007: catalog, distribution, host, 90-106
- KaydanVeSz2016: morphology, 180
- Killin1932: taxonomy, 18
- Kirchn1912: distribution, host, illustration, 1-17
- Kiritc1928: distribution, host, 112
- Kiritc1931: distribution, host, 307
- Kiritc1931: distribution, host, 307-308
- Kiritc1932: distribution, host, 65
- Kiritc1935: distribution, 1
- Kirkal1906a: distribution, host, 253
- Kluge2010: description, illustration, life history, 249- 270
- Knecht1930: distribution, host, 232
- Kohler1983: distribution, host, life history, 443-453
- Kohler1984: distribution, host, 361-363
- Komosi1977: distribution, host, 21
- KomosiPo1967: distribution, host, 683
- Koreck1974: taxonomy, 86
- KosztaKo1978: distribution, host, 13, 14
- KosztaKo1988F: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 41-43
- Koteja1971a: host, 320
- Koteja1974a: taxonomy, 246
- Koteja1974b: taxonomy, 71
- Koteja1980: distribution, host, 75, 79, 83
- Koteja1986e: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 324-341
- Koteja1987a: taxonomy, 246-247
- Koteja1996a: illustration, taxonomy, 76
- Koteja2000a: distribution, 170
- Koteja2000d: distribution, 242
- KotejaLi1976: taxonomy, 658
- KotejaZa1969: distribution, host, 358
- KotejaZa1983: distribution, host, 470
- Kozar1980: distribution, host, 66
- Kozar1983a: distribution, host, 139
- Kozar1985: distribution, host, 202
- Kozar1999a: distribution, host, 138
- Kozar2004: catalog, description, distribution, host, illustration, 372
- Kozar2009a: distribution, 581
- KozarDr1991: distribution, taxonomy, 362
- KozarFoZa1996: distribution, 64
- KozarGuBa1994: distribution, host, 152
- KozarKiSa2004: distribution, 56
- KozarKo2002b: distribution, 374
- KozarKoFe2013: distribution, taxonomy, 56
- KozarKoSa2002: catalog, distribution, 36
- KozarOrKo1977: distribution, host, 70
- KozarOs1987: distribution, host, 91
- KozarPaPa1991: distribution, host, 63
- KozarSzFe2013: distribution, list of species, 78, 88, 102, 119, 139, 155, 186
- KozarTzVi1979: distribution, host, 129
- KozarWa1985: catalog, distribution, 66
- Kozarz1986: distribution, taxonomy, 307
- KozarzRe1975: distribution, host, 7, 10
- Krasuc1922: distribution, host, 62, 63
- Kunkel1967: distribution, host, 43
- Lagows1998a: ecology, 65
- Lagows2002: distribution, 241
- LagowsGo2020: distribution, 70
- LagowsKo1996: distribution, 30
- Laing1919: distribution, host, 234
- Laing1922: description, distribution, taxonomy, 254-255
- Laing1925: taxonomy, 383
- Lamarc1816: distribution, host, 463
- Lashin1956: distribution, host, taxonomy, 106-107
- Leonar1901a: distribution, host, 442
- Leonar1908b: distribution, host, 150-154
- Leonar1918: distribution, host, 215
- Lindin1907b: distribution, host, 8
- Lindin1908: taxonomy, 91
- Lindin1909b: distribution, host, 225
- Lindin1910: taxonomy, 155-330
- Lindin1911: distribution, host, 380-381
- Lindin1912b: distribution, host, 167
- Lindin1914: taxonomy, 157
- Lindin1921: distribution, host, 434
- Lindin1921a: taxonomy, 9
- Lindin1923: distribution, host, 144, 150, 151
- Lindin1928: distribution, host, 105
- Lindin1930: distribution, host, 107
- Lindin1931: distribution, host, 115, 121-122
- Lindin1931a: distribution, host, 90, 91
- Lindin1932d: distribution, host, 125
- Lindin1934b: distribution, host, 172, 175
- Lindin1935: taxonomy, 141
- Lindin1936: distribution, 161
- Lindin1937: taxonomy, 191
- Lindin1938: distribution, host, 11
- Lindin1943b: distribution, host, 223
- Lindin1957: taxonomy, 550
- Lindin1958: taxonomy, 370
- Linnae1758: taxonomy, 41
- Lomaki1967: distribution, host, 32
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 116
- LongoMaPe1999a: distribution, 144
- Lounsb1895: distribution, host, 132
- Low1884: distribution, host, 11-16
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, 133
- Mahdih1946b: taxonomy, 58
- MalumpBa2012: distribution, 18
- MalumpOsPy2010: distribution, host, illustration, 254
- Martin1985: distribution, host, taxonomy, 100
- MastenSi2008: catalog, distribution, host, 105-119
- Mateso1955: distribution, host, 201
- Mateso1968: host, 102
- Mateso1971: distribution, host, 25
- MatesoMiIu1962: distribution, host, 29
- MatilePe2002: distribution, host, 350
- Merkel1938: taxonomy, 99
- MichalSzKa2019: Wolbachia, bacteria, symbionts,
- MilonaKoKo2008a: distribution, 143-147
- Moghad2013a: distribution, host, 62
- MoghadMo2015: distribution, host, 37
- MoghadMo2015: distribution, host, 39
- MoghadTa2010: distribution, 40
- MoghadWa2024: diagnosis, distribution, history, host, illustration, 11, 17-18, 173-174
- Moreir1899: taxonomy, 89
- Morris1925: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 112, 140-142
- Morris1952: distribution, host, taxonomy, 14-15, 52-53
- Myarts1972: distribution, host, 54
- NastChKl1990: distribution, taxonomy, 119
- Neves1936: distribution, host, 210
- Newste1903: distribution, host, 230-233
- NormarJo2010: ecology, host, 3
- OConnoGeMa2013: distribution, host, 42
- Olivie1791: catalog, taxonomy, 99
- Ossian1959: distribution, host, 194
- Ossian1984: distribution, host, 123-127
- Paik1978: distribution, host, 144-147
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 68,69
- Perrie1926: distribution, host, 121
- Pesson1945: behavior, 50-67
- RSEA1915: taxonomy, 381
- Rao1952: taxonomy, 180
- Rasina1955: distribution, host, 68
- Rasina1959: distribution, host, 110, 114
- Reh1903: taxonomy, 303-304
- Renouf1932: distribution, 263, 264, 265
- Richar1998: catalog, distribution, host, taxonomy, 448, 449
- Rogoja1958: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 305-308
- Roscis1989a: distribution, structure, 1-18
- Ruhl1930: taxonomy, 21
- Rungs1934: distribution, host, 24
- Rungs1948: distribution, host, 117
- Sachar1916: host, taxonomy, 327
- Sampai1898: distribution, 75
- SampoOl1976: taxonomy, 217
- Sander1904: taxonomy, 95
- Schmut1952b: distribution, host, 15
- Schmut1955: distribution, host, 161
- Schmut1959: illustration, structure, 38
- Schmut1974: host, taxonomy, 45
- Schmut1980: distribution, host, life history, 50
- SchmutHo2016: distribution, host, illustration, 15-16, 81
- Schuma1918b: taxonomy, 374
- Seabra1918: distribution, host, 3
- Seabra1930: taxonomy, 274
- Seabra1930a: taxonomy, 143
- Seabra1941: distribution, 7
- Signor1876a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 389-390
- Sikes1928: description, distribution, host, illustration, life history, taxonomy, 269-305
- Silves1939: distribution, host, 630-632
- SimonKa2011: distribution, 234
- Stalaz2021: distribution, host, 453, 468
- Step1929: distribution, 183
- Stewar1802: taxonomy, 120
- Strese1994: illustration, taxonomy, 79
- Suh2020: distribution, host, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11
- Szklar1997: physiology, 31-38
- SzklarBi1995: illustration, structure, 23-29
- Szulcz1921: distribution, host, 82
- Szulcz1926: distribution, host, taxonomy, 143
- Tang1984b: distribution, host, 123
- TangLi1988: distribution, host, 15-16
- Tao1999: distribution, host, 7
- Targio1868: distribution, host, taxonomy, 722
- Teodor1912: distribution, host, 77
- Teodor1935: distribution, host, 187, 188
- TerGri1962: distribution, host, 126
- Terezn1959b: distribution, host, 448
- Terezn1960a: distribution, host, 537
- Terezn1963: distribution, host, 184, 190
- Terezn1963a: distribution, host, 41
- Terezn1963b: distribution, host, 152
- Terezn1963c: distribution, host, 1527
- Terezn1966: distribution, host, 20
- Terezn1966a: distribution, host, 542
- Terezn1966c: host, 964
- Terezn1967a: distribution, host, 474
- Terezn1967b: distribution, host, 560
- Terezn1968c: host, 53
- Terezn1970: structure, 26
- Terezn1975: illustration, taxonomy, 12, 30, 63, 112, 113
- Thieba1825: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 289-291
- Thuneb1966: distribution, host, 157
- TorabiVaHo2010: distribution, host, 158
- Trabut1911: distribution, host, 52
- TranfaMa1988: distribution, host, 609
- Trembl1989b: physiology, 146, 148
- TrenchTo2014: distribution, 66
- Tsalev1968: distribution, host, 206
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S122
- Vayssi1923a: taxonomy, 423
- Vayssi1924: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 28-29
- Vea2014: structure, taxonomy, 4
- VeaGi2012: taxonomy, 762
- VeaGr2015: phylogeny, 62
- VeaGr2016: evolution, 4
- VogelgSz2001: chemistry, distribution, physiology, structure, 65-67
- VogelgSz2002: structure, 517
- Walczu1932: distribution, host, 626, 658-668, 723
- Wang1981TC: host, 283
- Wang1982c: description, 40
- Watson2022: distribution, illustration, key, 340,341,344
- Weber1930: taxonomy, 266, 390
- Weidne1963: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 5-28
- White1880: distribution, host, 305, 306
- Willia1982c: taxonomy, 27
- Willia2015: taxonomy, 579
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 244
- WilliaBe2009: catalog, 15,24
- WilliaMa2014: taxonomy, 7-12
- Wu1999b: distribution, list of species, 231
- WuXu2022: history, illustration, morphology, nomenclature, 164-168, 171
- Wunn1925c: distribution, host, 435, 438, 449
- Wunn1926: distribution, host, 27, 40
- Yang1982: taxonomy, 15
- Zahrad1972: distribution, host, 392
- Zahrad1977: taxonomy, 118
- ZahradRo1995: distribution, 205
- ZakOga1967: distribution, host, 212
- ZakOgaKo1964: distribution, 421, 435
- Zimsen1964: taxonomy, 341