Valid Names Results
Phenacoccus madeirensis Green, 1923 (Pseudococcidae: Phenacoccus)Nomenclatural History
- Phenacoccus madeirensis Green 1923b: 90. Type data: MADEIRA: Funchal, on unidentified plant. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (Willia1987c,347). Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Phenacoccus grenadensis Green & Laing 1924: 416. Type data: GRENADA: on egg-plant [= Solanum melongena]. Lectotype, female, by subsequent designation (Willia1987c,347). Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Willia1987b, 347). Illustr.
- Phenacoccus harbisoni Peterson 1965: 96. Type data: U.S.A.: California, Imperial County, sand hills near Gray's Well, on Helianthus tephrodes. Holotype, female, Type depository: Davis: The Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, California, USA; junior synonym (discovered by Willia1987b, 347).
- Phenacoccus gossypii; Tranfaglia 1981: 11. misidentification
- Phenacocus madeirensis; Macharia, et al. 2021: 6. misspelling of genus name
- Phenacoccus madeiriensis Green, 1923; Evans & Abd-Rabou 2023: 61. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
- Madeira mealybug MuniapShWa2011
- Cochinilla harinosa de Madeira KondoWaTa2022
- madeira-kona-kaigaramushi KondoWaTa2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 57 | Genera: 162
- Acanthaceae
- Acanthus mollis | Sinaco1995
- Crossandra | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Hemigraphis repanda | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Pachystachys coccinea | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992 | (= Jacobinia coccinea)
- Ruellia simplex | YerlikBaKa2023 | (= Ruellia brittoniana)
- Thunbergia erecta | MirabaGaCa2018
- Amaranthaceae
- Amaranthus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Amaranthus viridis | YerlikBaKa2023
- Iresine | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Amaryllidaceae
- Narcissus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Anacardiaceae
- Mangifera indica | BenDov1994 KondoEsKa2002 Willia1987c
- Annonaceae
- Annona montana | KondoEsKa2002
- Apiaceae
- Petroselinum crispum | MazzeoLoRu1994 | (= Petroselinum hortense)
- Apocynaceae
- Catharanthus roseus | YerlikBaKa2023
- Hoya carnosa | MazzeoLoRu1994 MazzeoSuRu2008
- Mandevilla laxa | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Mandevilla splendens | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | (= Dipladenia splendens)
- Nerium oleander | YerlikBaKa2023
- Araceae
- Dieffenbachia seguine | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | (= Dieffenbachia maculata)
- Araliaceae
- Aralia | BenDov1994 Tranfa1981
- Heptapleurum actinophyllum | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | (= Schefflera actinophylla)
- Polyscias | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Schefflera arboricola | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Asparagaceae
- Agave | MazzeoLoRu1994 MazzeoSuRu2008
- Asphodelaceae
- Bulbine frutescens | PachecKaBa2020
- Asteraceae
- Ageratina adenophora | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992 | (= Eupatorium adenophorum)
- Ageratina altissima | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Ageratum houstonianum | Granar2003
- Ambrosia artemisiifolia | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Artemisia californica | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Artemisia gorgonum | LagowsGoHo2022
- Aster | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Bidens | BenDov1994 KondoEsKa2002 Willia1987c
- Bidens pilosa | KondoEsKa2002 WangZhTi2018
- Calendula | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Calendula arvensis | YerlikBaKa2023
- Chromolaena odorata | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992 | (= Eupatorium odoratum)
- Chrysanthemum | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Chrysopsis | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Cineraria | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Erigeron philadelphicus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Eupatorium capillifolium | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Eupatorium serotinum | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Farfugium japonicum | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | (= Ligularia tussilaginea)
- Gazania | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Gazania rigens | YerlikBaKa2023
- Gerbera jamesonii | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Gynura aurantiaca | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Haplopappus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Helianthus annuus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Helianthus niveus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | ssp. tephrodes
- Helianthus tuberosus | YerlikBaKa2023
- Helichrysum | Willia2004a
- Leucanthemum vulgare | Granar2003 | (= Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)
- Matricaria chamomilla | MirabaGaCa2018
- Mikania micrantha | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Osteospermum ecklonis | YerlikBaKa2023
- Osteospermum jucundum | StathaKaDa2015
- Parthenium hysterophorus | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Pluchea odorata | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Solidago | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Sphagneticola trilobata | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | (= Wedelia trilobata)
- Stevia rebaudiana | ElekciKa2021
- Stokesia | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Taraxacum officinale | MazzeoLoRu1994
- Verbesina virginica | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Begoniaceae
- Begonia | BenDov1994 MazzeoLoRu1994 Willia1987c
- Bignoniaceae
- Jacaranda | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Boraginaceae
- Cordia curassavica | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Symphytum officinale | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Brassicaceae
- Brassica oleracea | KondoEsKa2002 | ssp. capitata
- Brassica rapa | KondoEsKa2002 | (= Brassica campestris rapifera)
- Bromeliaceae
- Ananas comosus | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Tillandsia | Granar2003
- Tillandsia spiculosa | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Cactaceae
- Selenicereus undatus | MazzeoLoRu1994 MazzeoSuRu2008 | (= Hylocereus undatus)
- Campanulaceae
- Campanula | SzitaFeBe2017
- Lobelia cardinalis | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Convolvulaceae
- Ipomoea setifera | MatileGe2004
- Jacquemontia blanchetii | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Crassulaceae
- Adromischus cristatus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Aeonium | PachecKaBa2020
- Kalanchoe blossfeldiana | KatbehAlKa2019
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucumis sativus | YerlikBaKa2023
- Cupressaceae
- Juniperus chinensis | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Dioscoreaceae
- Tacca | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Ebenaceae
- Diospyros | BeltraSo2011
- Ericaceae
- Arbutus unedo | MazzeoLoRu1994
- Euphorbiaceae
- Acalypha | GermaiSt2004
- Acalypha bicolor | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Acalypha hispida | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Acalypha wilkesiana | BenDov1994 KondoEsKa2002 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Cnidoscolus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Codiaeum | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Codiaeum variegatum | WangDaTi2019
- Croton glandulosus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Croton punctatus | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Euphorbia pulcherrima | BenDov1994 DeLott1977
- Jatropha integerrima | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | (= Manihot diversifolia)
- Manihot | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Manihot aesculifolia | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Manihot carthaginensis | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985 | ssp. glaziovii
- Manihot esculenta | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Manihot michaelis | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Manihot rhomboidea | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Ricinus communis | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Fabaceae
- Acacia macracantha | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992 | (= Acacia flexuosa)
- Cajanus cajan | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Cassia | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Coronilla | BeltraSo2011
- Desmodium tortuosum | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Erythrina | BeltraSo2011
- Erythrina caffra | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Erythrina fusca | Sinaco1995 | (= Erythrina viarum)
- Glycine max | KondoEsKa2002
- Mimosa pudica | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Sophora secundiflora | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Sophora tomentosa | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Vigna radiata | KondoEsKa2002 | (= Phaseolus aureus)
- Geraniaceae
- Geranium | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Pelargonium | BenDov1994 MazzeoLoRu1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Pelargonium crispum | ElekciKa2021
- Pelargonium domesticum | YerlikBaKa2023
- Pelargonium graveolens | PachecKaBa2020
- Pelargonium hortorum | Granar2003
- Pelargonium hybridum | YerlikBaKa2023
- Pelargonium zonale | KondoEsKa2002
- Gesneriaceae
- Chrysothemis pulchella | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992 | (= Tussacia pulchella )
- Nematanthus wettsteinii | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Paradrymonia decurrens | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | (= Episcia decurrens)
- Lamiaceae
- Anisomeles indica | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992 | (= Epimeredi indicus)
- Coleus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Lamiaceae | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Lavandula dentata | PachecKaBa2020
- Mentha | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Ocimum basilicum | KatbehAlKa2019 MazzeoLoRu1994 PapadoCh2012
- Perilla frutescens | WangDaTi2019
- Plectranthus verticillatus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | (= Plectranthus nummularius)
- Salvia coccinea | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Salvia farinacea | PachecKaBa2020
- Salvia officinalis | YerlikBaKa2023
- Salvia splendens | KondoEsKa2002
- Liliaceae
- Lilium candidum | YerlikBaKa2023
- Loasaceae
- Petalonyx thurberi | BenDov1994 Peters1965 Willia1987c
- Lythraceae
- Cuphea hyssopifolia | PachecKaBa2020
- Malvaceae
- Abelmoschus esculentus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | (= Hibiscus esculentus)
- Abutilon theophrasti | WangDaTi2019
- Alcea rosea | LagowsGoHo2022 | (= Althaea rosea)
- Althaea | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Althaea officinalis | YerlikBaKa2023
- Corchorus olitorius | KondoEsKa2002
- Gossypium | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Hibiscus cannabinus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Hibiscus mutabilis | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | BenDov1994 JansenBeKa2011 MatileGe2004 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Hibiscus syriacus | GuenaoWaLa2019
- Malva | MazzeoLoRu1994
- Malvaceae | MartinLa2011
- Malvaviscus arboreus | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Pavonia fruticosa | MirabaGaCa2018
- Sida | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Theobroma cacao | Donald1956
- Triumfetta althaeoides | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992 | var. subtriloba
- Urena lobata | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Menispermaceae
- Cyclea insularis | KondoEsKa2002
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus altilis | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992 | (= Artocarpus communis)
- Ficus benghalensis | Willia2004a
- Ficus elastica | WangDaTi2019
- Nyctaginaceae
- Mirabilis jalapa | YerlikBaKa2023
- Oleaceae
- Ligustrum japonicum | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Olea europaea | Vatans2024
- Passifloraceae
- Passiflora edulis | KondoEsKa2002
- Phyllanthaceae
- Phyllanthus debilis | KondoEsKa2002
- Poaceae
- Avena sativa | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Polygonaceae
- Rumex | Willia2004a
- Portulacaceae
- Portulaca oleracea | YerlikBaKa2023
- Primulaceae
- Primula | BenDov1994 MarottTr1990
- Ranunculaceae
- Clematis tashiroi | KondoEsKa2002
- Rosaceae
- Fragaria x ananassa | PachecKaBa2020
- Malus domestica | MazzeoLoRu1994
- Malus sylvestris | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Rosa | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Rubiaceae
- Gardenia jasminoides | Granar2003
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Citrus limon | MazzeoLoRu1994 | (= Citrus limonium)
- Sapindaceae
- Nephelium lappaceum | Willia2004a
- Scrophulariaceae
- Capraria biflora | MirabaGaCa2018
- Leucophyllum | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Smilacaceae
- Smilax | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Solanaceae
- Brugmansia | YerlikBaKa2023
- Capsicum | YerlikBaKa2023
- Capsicum annuum | BenDov1994 MazzeoLoRu1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Capsicum frutescens | KondoEsKa2002
- Cestrum diurnum | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Cestrum nocturnum | BenDov1994 HalimaGeMd2014 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Datura metel | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Solanum jasminoides | YerlikBaKa2023 | var. album
- Solanum lycopersicum | BenDov1994 MazzeoLoRu1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992 | (= Lycopersicon esculentum)
- Solanum melongena | BenDov1994 MazzeoLoRu1994 Willia1987c Willia2004a WilliaGr1992
- Solanum nigrum | KondoEsKa2002
- Solanum paniculatum | KondoEsKa2002
- Solanum pseudocapsicum | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Solanum tuberosum | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Solanum wendlandii | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Urticaceae
- Parietaria floridana | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Pilea | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Urera | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Urtica | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Verbenaceae
- Aloysia citrodora | GuenaoWaLa2019 StathaKaDa2015
- Citharexylum spinosum | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Glandularia hybrida | BenDov1994 Willia1987c | (= Verbena hybrida)
- Lantana camara | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Lantana montevidensis | BenDov1994 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Vitaceae
- Vitis vinifera | MazzeoLoRu1994
- Zingiberaceae
- Curcuma longa | KondoEsKa2002
- Zingiber mioga | KondoEsKa2002
Families: 6 | Genera: 29
- Chrysopidae
- Chrysoperla carnea | AcevedRoLo2024
- Plesiochrysa ramburi | SattayUrSu2016
- Coccinellidae
- Clitostethus neuenschwanderi | Fursch1987
- Diomus austrinus | ChongOeOs2005
- Diomus hennesseyi | Fursch1987
- Nephus phenacoccophagus | Fursch1987
- Nephus regularis | VidyaBh2017
- Scymnus coccivora | VidyaBh2017
- Tenuisvalvae notata | AlfredDAsPa2020 SantosCaPe2017 | (= Hyperaspis notata)
- Encyrtidae
- Acerophagus angelicus | KondoWaTa2022 AcevedRoLo2024 | (=Pseudaphycus angelicus)
- Acerophagus coccois | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Acerophagus nubilipennis | KondoWaTa2022
- Acerophagus pallidus | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Aenasius flandersi | KondoWaTa2022
- Anagyrus | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Anagyrus amnestos | KondoWaTa2022
- Anagyrus bermudensis | KondoWaTa2022
- Anagyrus elgeri | KondoWaTa2022
- Anagyrus fusciventris | AcevedRoLo2024
- Anagyrus loecki | KondoWaTa2022
- Anagyrus pseudococci | JaposhYeKa2023
- Anagyrus qadrii | AcevedLoRo2024
- Anagyrus sinope | KondoWaTa2022
- Anagyrus tristis | AcevedLoRo2024
- Apoanagyrus elgeri | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Blepyrus insularis | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Bothriocraera bicolor | KondoWaTa2022
- Cheiloneurus carinatus | KondoWaTa2022
- Coccidoxenoides perminutus | KondoWaTa2022
- Dicarnosis ripariensis | LomeliLiGo2021
- Gyranusoidea | KondoWaTa2022
- Holcencyrtus myrmicoides | KondoWaTa2022
- Homalotylus ephippium | JaposhYeKa2023
- Leptomastidea abnormis | AcevedRoLo2024
- Leptomastix baspinari | JaposhYeKa2023
- Leptomastix dactylopii | KondoWaTa2022
- Leptomastix epona | AcevedRoLo2024
- Metanotalia maderensis | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Prochiloneurus aegyptiacus | ShylesJo2012
- Prochiloneurus bolivari | KondoWaTa2022
- Prochiloneurus javanicus | ShylesJo2012
- Prochiloneurus pulchellus | KondoWaTa2022
- Zarhopalus zancles | KondoWaTa2022
- Eulophidae
- Anaprostocetus | KondoWaTa2022
- Phytoseiidae
- Amblyseius degenerans | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Euseius stipulatus | AlfredDAsPa2020
- Typhlodromus foenilis | AlfredDAsPa2020 | (= Anthoseius foenilis)
- Platygastridae
- Allotropa gundlupetensis | VeenakBuMo2013
Families: 3 | Genera: 3
- Betaproteobacteria
- Candidatus Tremblaya phenacola | ChoiLe2022
- Capnodiaceae
- Capnodium | AcevedRoLo2024
- Formicidae
- Tetramorium | BenDovSa2015
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 94
- Algeria | GuenaoWaLa2019
- Angola | Almeid1973 BenDov1994 CABI2000 DeLott1977
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Barbuda | BenDov1994 CABI2000 WilliaGr1992
- Argentina
- Tucuman | Granar2003 GranarCl2003 GranarSz2007
- Bahamas | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Barbados | KondoWaTa2022
- Benin | CABI2000
- Bermuda | BenDov1994 CABI2000 HodgsoHi1990 HodgsoHi1991 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Bolivia | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Bonin Islands (=Ogasawara-Gunto) | KondoWaTa2022
- Brazil | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Bahia | CABI2000
- Espirito Santo | CulikMaVe2007
- Minas Gerais | CABI2000
- Rio de Janeiro | CABI2000
- Sao Paulo | CABI2000
- British Virgin Islands | CABI2000
- Cameroon | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Cape Verde | BenDov1994 CABI2000 SchmutPiKl1978 VanHarCoWi1990 Willia1987c
- Cayman Islands | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- China
- Fujian (=Fukien) | WangDaTi2019
- Guangdong (=Kwangtung) | WangZhTi2018
- Hainan | WuNaLu2010
- Xianggang (=Hong Kong) | WangDaTi2019
- Colombia | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Kondo2001 WilliaGr1992
- Congo | CABI2000
- Costa Rica | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Cote d'Ivoire (=Ivory Coast) | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Crete | JansenBeKa2011
- Croatia | MastenSiMa2015
- Cuba | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Cyprus | UlgentHo2019
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (=Zaire) | KondoWaTa2022
- Dominica | BenDov1994 CABI2000 WilliaGr1992
- Dominican Republic | BenDov1994 CABI2000 WilliaGr1992
- Ecuador | BenDov1994 CABI2000 WilliaGr1992
- Egypt | EvansAb2023
- Federated States of Micronesia | CABI2000
- France | MatileGe2004 MatileGePi2004
- French Guiana | KondoWaTa2022
- Gabon | CABI2000
- Gambia | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Germany | WangDaTi2019
- Ghana | CABI2000
- Greece | PapadoCh2012 SzitaFeBe2017
- Grenada | BenDov1994 CABI2000 GreenLa1924 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Guadeloupe | BenDov1994 CABI2000 MatileEt2006 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Guam | CABI2000
- Guatemala | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Guiana | GermaiDeLa2016
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Haiti | BenDov1994 CABI2000 PerezG2008 WilliaGr1992
- India
- Karnataka | ShylesJo2012
- Kerala | VidyaBh2017
- Tamil Nadu | KondoWaTa2022
- Italy | BenDov1994 LongoMaPe1995 MarottTr1990 MazzeoLoRu1994 MazzeoSuRu2008
- Sicily | CABI2000 LongoMaRu1995 RussoMa1997 Sinaco1995
- Jamaica | BenDov1994 CABI2000 WilliaGr1992
- Japan | WangDaTi2019
- Kyushu | KondoWaTa2022
- Shikoku | KondoWaTa2022
- Jordan | KatbehAlKa2019
- Kampuchea (=Cambodia) | GrazioMiAl2015
- Kenya | MacharKiHe2021
- Laos | GrazioMiAl2015
- Liberia | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Madeira Islands | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Green1923b
- Malawi | KondoWaTa2022
- Martinique | GermaiSt2004 MatileEt2006
- Mauritius | KondoWaTa2022
- Mexico | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Mexico State | LomeliLiGo2021
- Montserrat | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Morocco | JansenAl2023
- Mozambique | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Netherlands | JansenAl2023
- Nigeria | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Pakistan | Willia2004a
- Panama | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Paraguay | BenDov1994 CABI2000 WilliaGr1992
- Peru | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Philippines | Willia2004a
- Portugal | FrancoRuMa2011
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | BenDov1994 CABI2000 WilliaGr1992
- Reunion | GermaiMiPa2014
- Rwanda | WangDaTi2019
- Ryukyu Islands (=Nansei Shoto) | KondoWaTa2022
- Saint Kitts and Nevis Islands
- Nevis | BenDov1994 CABI2000 WilliaGr1992
- Saint Kitts | BenDov1994 Willia1987c
- Saint Lucia | BenDov1994 CABI2000 WilliaGr1992
- Sao Tome and Principe | CABI2000
- Senegal | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Seychelles | GermaiAtBa2008
- Sierra Leone | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Spain | BeltraSo2011 SzitaGoPa2022
- Swaziland (=Eswatini) | AssefaMa2018
- Taiwan | YehLiCh2006
- Thailand | MuniapShWa2011
- Togo | CABI2000
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tobago | BenDov1994 CABI2000 WilliaGr1992
- Trinidad | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Tunisia | HalimaGeMd2014
- Turkey | KaydanErUl2012
- U.S. Virgin Islands | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992 | KondoWaTa2022
- United States
- Alabama | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- California | BenDov1994 CABI2000 DownieGu2004 Peters1965 Willia1987c
- Florida | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Illinois | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Louisiana | CABI2000
- Maryland | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Minnesota | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Mississippi | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- New York | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- North Carolina | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Texas | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Virginia | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Wisconsin | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- Uruguay | PachecKaBa2020
- Venezuela | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c WilliaGr1992
- Vietnam | Willia2004a
- Yemen | WangDaTi2019 | PorcelPe2019
- Zimbabwe | BenDov1994 CABI2000 Willia1987c
- PowellDeMo2024: pp.7 ( Adult (F) ) [Slide-mounted Phenacoccus species in Florida]
- EvansAb2023: pp.8-13 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococccidae of Egypt]
- TanakaSaCh2022: pp.313 ( Adult (F) ) [Phenacoccus species in Japan]
- JoshiSuRe2021: pp.118-119 ( Adult (F) ) [Field characters of mealybugs in cassava]
- JoshiSuRe2021: pp.119-120 ( Adult (F) ) [Microscopic characters of mealybugs in cassava]
- PachecKaBa2020: pp.504-505 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcidae in Uruguay]
- Suh2019a: pp.2-6 ( Adult (F) ) [mealybugs interepted in S. Korea]
- ZhaoWaSu2014: pp.116-117 ( Adult (F) ) [Phenacoccus in China]
- TanakaUe2012: pp.414 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to separate four new invasive mealybug species: Dysmicoccus neobrevipes, Ph. defectus, Ph. parvus and P. solenopsis from other mealybugs occurring in the Ryukyu Archipelago]
- ParsaKoWi2012: pp.10-Aug ( Adult (F) ) [Key to mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) recorded on Manihot spp. (Euphorbiaceae) in the World]
- WilliaMa2009a: pp.97-101 ( Adult (F) ) [Pseudococcidae species from Mauritius]
- GranarSz2007: pp.41-43 ( Adult (F) ) [Phencoccus species of South America]
- Willia2004a: pp.590-591 ( Adult (F) ) [Phenacoccus species of southern Asia]
- MarottPa1997: pp.114 ( Adult (F) ) [Italian mealybugs on Geranium sp.]
- MarottRuMa1997: pp.438 ( Adult (F) ) [World]
- WilliaGr1992: pp.348 ( Adult (F) ) [Central and South America]
- Willia1987c: pp.338 ( Adult (F) ) [North and South America]
- Beards1960: pp.211 ( Adult (M) ) [Hawaii]
- Systematics: Discussion, Williams (1987) mentioned three variants of this species, one of which was collected from Madeira, one collected from Colombia on Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae) and one collected from Louisiana, Baton Rouge (U.S.A), on Althaea sp. (Malvaceae). Kaydan, et al. found that the distribution and frequency of the multilocular pores on the dorsum and tubular ducts on the venter also varied. P. gossypii and P. madeirensis differ from P. franseriae and P. psidiarum by lacking dorsal cerarii on the abdomen and from each other by the presence in P. gossypii of dorsal submedial multilocular pores on the mesothorax that are absent from P. madeirensis, as was also recorded by Williams & Granara de Willink (1992). Their phylogenetic analysis, based on morphology, recovered P. gossypii and P. madeirensis in the same clade, although nesting in separate subclades (Granara de Willink & Szumik 2007). Watson, et al. 2017 morphological analysis shows that the absolute presence versus absence of dorsal multilocular pores on the thorax, is not sufficient to reliably separate P. gossypii from P. madeirensis. We suggest instead that pore counts could be used, with P. gossypii as currently understood having a total of more than 70 dorsal multilocular pores on the pro- and mesothorax versus P. madeirensis having fewer than five. However, this character does not allow separation of the cryptic species evidenced by their DNA analysis within the P. madeirensis complex. Three haplotypes (named H1, H2, and H3) were detected in the COI gene of P. madeirensis in GenBank. Individuals of haplotype H1 were from China [accessions KY372757, KY373159, KY372819, KY372762 (Wang et al., 2016) and KP692615, KP692619 (Ren et al., 2018)] and the Seychelles [accession KY372717 (Ren et al., 2017)]. Haplotype H2 was described from the USA [accessions KU550064 (Ellenrieder et al., 2016) and KY192523 (Watson et al., 2017)], Spain [accession JF714207 (Beltrà et al., 2012)] and France [accession JQ085561 (Abd-Rabou et al., 2012)], while haplotype H3 is from the USA [accession KY372827 (Ren et al., 2017)].
- Structure: Colour photograph of adult female by Matile-Ferrero et al. (2004). Phenacoccus madeirensis has a grey oval body covered by thin, white, mealy wax, with red legs and dark dorso-submedial bare spots on intersegmental areas of the thorax and abdomen. These areas form 1 pair of dark longitudinal lines on the dorsum. The ovisac covers the entire dorsum, with 18 pairs of lateral wax filaments, the posterior pairs being the longest. They were approximately the length of the body or a little shorter. (Papadopoulou & Chryssohoides, 2012)
- Biology: Phenacoccus madeirensis normally reproduces sexually, although there have been some reports of reproduction by parthenogenesis, possibly referable to some other group members (Kondo, et al., 2022) Life history, under laboratory conditions, in Sicily studied by Longo et al. (1995). In Sicily it develops 5-6 generations per year (Sinacori, 1995). Ho et al. (2009) identified and synthesized the female sex pheromone.
- Economic Importance: This mealybug is common on cassava, causing, however, little damage. It is often injurious to potatoes in Peru. It is extremely common in Africa, probably been introduced there from Neotropical region (Williams & Granara de Willink, 1992). In 2010 and 2011, a serious mealybug infestation was observed on Ocimum basilicum (large leaf or sweet basil) in Greece. (Papadopoulou & Chryssohoides, 2012)
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Williams (1958, 1987c), Williams & Granara de Willink (1992), Williams (2004a) and by Granara de Willink & Szumik (2007). The redescriptions and illustrations of the adult female given by Ferris in Zimmerman (1948), Ferris (1950b) and by McKenzie (1967), and of the adult male by Beardsley (1960) (of Hawaiian population) and Beardsley (1962) (of Californian populations) under the name of P. gossypii probably represent P. madeirensis. Likewise, the records of P. gossypii from Hawaii by Ferris in Zimmerman (1948) and by Beardsley (1960), and from Guam by Beardsley (1975) are probably misidentifications of P. madeirensis.
- AcevedLoRo2024: distribution, host, natural enemies, record,
- AcevedRoLo2024: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host,
- AlfredDAsPa2020: economic importance, host, natural enemies, 996
- Almeid1973b: distribution, host, 18
- AssefaMa2018: DNA sequencing, distribution, host,
- BellotReGu1985: distribution, economic importance, host, 393-416
- BellotSc1977: distribution, economic importance, host, 188-193
- BeltraSo2011: distribution, host,
- BeltraSoMa2012: molecular data, phylogenetics, 167-171
- BenDov1994: catalog, 328-330
- BenDovSa2015: distribution, host, 314
- BilginKeUl2021: host, life cycle,
- BilginKeUl2021: biology,
- CABI2000: distribution, host, 1-4
- ChoiLe2022: endosymbiont, phylogeny, 358,359
- ChongOe2006: biological control, life history, 39-50
- ChongOe2006a: biological control,
- ChongOe2006b: biological control, life history, 1188-1197
- ChongOe2006c: biological control, life history, 1198-1207
- ChongOe2006d: biological control, life history, 320-328
- ChongOe2007a: biological control, life history, 78-85
- ChongOe2008: biological control, life history, 169-176
- ChongOeOs2005: biological control, distribution, host, life history, 39-48
- ChongOeVa2003: distribution, host, life history, 539-543
- ChongVaOe2004: ecology, life history, 387-397
- CoccoPaBe2020: control,
- CouturMaRi1985: distribution, host, 280
- CulikMaVe2007: distribution, host, 1-5
- DeLott1977: distribution, host, 32
- Donald1956: biological control, distribution, host, 48-60
- DowellGiJe2016: distribution, 119
- DownieGu2004: distribution, host, molecular data, phylogeny, 258-259
- ElekciKa2021: distribution, host, 9
- EspinoGuOs2018: chemical control,
- EvansAb2023: distribution, host, taxonomy, 1,22
- EvansAb2023: distribution, host, illustration, key, taxonomy, 6, 9, 22, 61
- FoldiGe2018: distribution, list, 12
- FrancoCoLu2021: reproduction, 254
- FrancoRuMa2011: distribution, 19,25
- Fursch1987: biological control, 387-394
- GermaiAtBa2008: distribution, host, 129-135
- GermaiDeLa2016: host, list of species, 4
- GermaiMiPa2014: distribution, host, 24
- GermaiSt2004: distribution, host, 223-224
- Granar2003: distribution, host, 80-81
- GranarCl2003: distribution, host, 625-637
- GranarSz2007: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 77,83
- GrazioMiAl2015: climate change, distribution, economic importance, host, 1071-1073
- Green1923b: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 90-91
- GreenLa1924: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 416-417
- GuenaoWaLa2019: distribution, host, illustration,
- HalimaGeMd2014: distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, 1-2
- HardyGuHo2008: molecular data, phylogeny, taxonomy, 51-71
- HoKoCh2011: chemical control, chemistry, distribution, 823-826
- HoSuKo2009: chemical ecology, chemistry, 724-732
- HodgsoHi1990: distribution, host, 2-22
- HodgsoHi1991: distribution, host, 144
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 30,35
- JansenBeKa2011: distribution, host, 483-484
- JaposhYeKa2023: natural enemies, 578-582
- JoshiRaAm2024: economic importance, 1
- JoshiSuRe2021: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key,
- KatbehAlKa2019: distribution, host, illustration,
- KaydanCaUl2013: distribution, 169
- KaydanErUl2012: description, distribution, host, 68-74
- Kondo2001: distribution, host, taxonomy, 37
- KondoEsKa2002: distribution, host, 337-340
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 24
- KondoWaTa2022: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, importance, natural enemies, 165-167
- LagowsGoHo2022: distribution, host, list, 11
- LomeliLiGo2021: natural enemies,
- LongoMaPe1995: distribution, 119
- LongoMaRu1995: distribution, host, life history, 219-222
- LongoRu1990: distribution, host, 114-115
- LopezMBeRe2014: endosymbionts,
- MacharKiHe2021: distribution, host, 6
- Malump2012b: distribution, 211
- Malump2014a: distribution, host, 81
- MarottTr1990: distribution, host, 109
- MartinLa2011: catalog, distribution, host, 47
- MastenSiMa2015: description, distribution, host, 318, 321-322
- MatileEt2006: distribution, host, 181
- MatileGe2004: distribution, host, 191-192
- MatileGePi2004: distribution, host, 35-37
- MazzeoLoPe2014: distribution, 57
- MazzeoLoPe2014: distribution, 58
- MazzeoLoRu1994: distribution, host, 202-203
- MazzeoSuRu2008: distribution, host, 149-152
- McKenz1967: description, distribution, host, taxonomy,
- MdelleAdZo2019: distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, phenology,
- Meurge2011: distribution, 82
- MirabaGaCa2018: distribution, host, 194
- MuniapShWa2011: distribution, 168,170
- OettinCh2002: biological control, 41-42
- Olivei2019: natural enemies,
- PachecBeBl2014: molecular data, 5
- PachecKaBa2020: distribution, host, key, phylogeny, 505, 506, 511
- PalmaJBlGu2019: distribution,
- PapadoCh2012: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, structure, 146-147
- ParsaKoWi2012: taxonomy, 9
- PellizChMi2015: distribution, 64,72
- PellizPoSe2011: distribution, host, 293
- PerezG2008: distribution, 216
- Peters1965: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 96-99
- PooranJoTh2022: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration,
- PowellDeMo2024: illustration, key, 3, 7
- PowellDeMo2024: morphology, 8
- RagusaTs1995: biological control, distribution, host, 301-307
- RenAsHu2017: DNA, phylogeny, 4, 6
- RhodesTuCh2019: ecology,
- RodrigNaVa2019: distribution, host, 470
- RossHaOk2012: phylogeny, taxonomy, 199
- RussoMa1997: distribution, 51
- SantosCaPe2017: natural enemies,
- SattayUrSu2016: biological control, natural enemies, 460-464
- SchmutPiKl1978: distribution, economic importance, host, 328
- ShylesJo2012: diagnosis, dispersal, distribution, economic importance, host, natural enemies,
- Sinaco1995: distribution, host, life history, 179-182
- SpodekBeMo2018: dispersal, 1
- StathaKaDa2015: distribution, host,
- StathaKaDa2021: distribution, host, illustration, 58-59
- Suh2019a: key, 4
- SzitaFeBe2017: distribution, 463
- SzitaGoPa2022: distribution, 3
- TanakaSaCh2022: key, 313
- TanakaUe2012: taxonomy, 414
- TokunaSeUt2018: distribution, host, 143
- UlgentErYa2022: distribution, host, S125
- UlusoyKaBi2022: chemical control, control, wax, wax secretion,
- UneliuElTw2011: molecular data, 170
- VanHarCoWi1990: distribution, host, 133
- Vatans2024: distribution, host, 143, 145
- VeenakBuMo2013: natural enemies, 223-225
- VidyaBh2017: distribution, host, natural enemies, 214
- WangDaTi2019: DNA sequencing, distribution, economic importance,
- WangZhTi2018: distribution, host, 2
- WaqasShCh2019: biology, reproduction,
- Watson2021: distribution, 526
- WatsonMi2017: dispersal, 34
- WatsonMi2017: dispersal, 35
- WatsonWiVo2017: distribution, molecular data, morphology, taxonomy, 115-126
- WeiLiLu2019: climate change, dispersal,
- Willia1958: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 230-232
- Willia1986c: distribution, host, taxonomy, 50-51
- Willia1987c: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 347-353
- Willia2004a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 600-603
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 247, 248
- WilliaGr1992: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 372-375
- WilliaMa2009a: taxonomy, 97-101
- WilliaMa2012: distribution, host, 89
- WinotaGoTa2010: distribution, 10N
- WuNaLu2010: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, structure, 8-12
- XiYaLi2024: DNA, control, molecular biology,
- YaylaKaCa2024: dispersal, distribution, economic importance, host plant, 62
- YehLiCh2006: distribution, host, life history, 329-342
- YerlikBaKa2023: distribution, host, illustration, list, 6,7
- ZhaoWaSu2014: key, 116
- ZouChMi2013: chemistry, 136