Valid Names Results
Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Granara de Willink, 1992 (Pseudococcidae: Paracoccus)Nomenclatural History
- Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Granara de Willink 1992: 320. Type data: MEXICO: Tabasco, Benito Juarez, on Manihot esculenta. Holotype, female, by original designation Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Paracoccus marginetus Williams & Granara de Willink, 1992; Tanga, et al. 2021: 8. misspelling of species epithet
Common Names
- La cochenille du papayer MatileEtTi2000
- papaya mealybug MillerMi2002 MillerWiHa2001
- Chinche harinosa de la fruta bomba WatsonSi2022
- cochenille du papayer WatsonSi2022
- cochinilla de la papaya WatsonSi2022
- marginal mealybug WatsonSi2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 58 | Genera: 192
- Acanthaceae
- Andrographis paniculata | SakthiKaKa2012 | a
- Crossandra infundibuliformis | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Crossandra undulifolia)
- Pachystachys lutea | MatileEt1998
- Aizoaceae
- Trianthema portulacastrum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Amaranthaceae
- Achyranthes aspera | SakthiKaKa2012
- Aerva javanica | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Aerva tomentosa)
- Aerva lanata | SakthiKaKa2012
- Alternanthera philoxeroides | LinShCh2024
- Alternanthera sessilis | GalaniJaVi2011
- Amaranthus spinosus | UmehGoAj2020
- Amaranthus viridis | SakthiKaKa2012
- Celosia | SakthiKaKa2012
- Celosia argentea | SakthiKaKa2012
- Digera muricata | SakthiKaKa2012
- Anacardiaceae
- Anacardium occidentale | UmehGoAj2020
- Mangifera indica | GalaniJaVi2011
- Spondias mombin | UmehGoAj2020
- Spondias pinnata | GalaniJaVi2011
- Annonaceae
- Annona | EFSA2023a
- Annona muricata | MatileEtTi2000
- Annona reticulata | GamaBiMa2020
- Annona squamosa | MatileEtTi2000 MillerMi2002
- Apiaceae
- Centella asiatica | GalaniJaVi2011
- Apocynaceae
- Adenium | EFSA2023a
- Allamanda blanchetii | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Allamanda violacea)
- Alstonia macrophylla | GalaniJaVi2011
- Calotropis gigantea | SakthiKaKa2012
- Calotropis procera | GamaBiMa2020
- Catharanthus roseus | SakthiKaKa2012
- Gymnema sylvestre | SakthiKaKa2012
- Nerium oleander | SakthiKaKa2012
- Periploca nigrescens | GamaBiMa2020
- Plumeria | HeuFuCo2007
- Plumeria alba | MatileEt1998 MatileEtTi2000
- Plumeria rubra | GalaniJaVi2011 MillerMi2002 | (= Plumeria acuminata)
- Rauvolfia serpentina | SakthiKaKa2012
- Voacanga africana | SimoGoTi2021
- Araceae
- Aglaonema | EFSA2023a
- Philodendron lacerum | MestreHoHa2015
- Xanthosoma sagittifolium | SimoGoTi2021
- Arecaceae
- Cocos nucifera | GalaniJaVi2011 SakthiKaKa2012
- Phoenix dactylifera | SakthiKaKa2012
- Roystonea regia | MartinBlSu2005
- Asparagaceae
- Polianthes tuberosa | SakthiKaKa2012
- Asteraceae
- Ageratum conyzoides | SakthiKaKa2012
- Ambrosia peruviana | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992 | (= Ambrosia cumanensis)
- Ambrosia psilostachya | EFSA2023a
- Aspilia africana | SimoGoTi2021
- Bidens | EFSA2023a
- Bidens pilosa | Germai2013
- Chromolaena odorata | UmehGoAj2020
- Cyanthillium cinereum | SakthiKaKa2012 EFSA2023a | (= Vernonia cinerea),(= Vernonia cinerea)
- Dahlia pinnata | EFSA2023a
- Eclipta prostrata | EFSA2023a
- Eupatorium cannabinum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Eupatorium perfoliatum | DineshVe2016
- Helianthus annuus | GalaniJaVi2011
- Parthenium hysterophorus | BenDov1994 PatilPaPa2011 SakthiKaKa2012 WilliaGr1992
- Sphagneticola calendulacea | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Wedelia calandulacea)(= Wedelia chinensis)
- Tagetes erecta | GalaniJaVi2011 SakthiKaKa2012
- Tithonia diversifolia | SimoGoTi2021
- Tridax procumbens | SakthiKaKa2012
- Verbesina gigantea | EFSA2023a
- Vernonia amygdalina | UmehGoAj2020
- Xanthium strumarium | GamaBiMa2020
- Zinnia elegans | SakthiKaKa2012
- Bignoniaceae
- Spathodea campanulata | GamaBiMa2020
- Tecoma stans | SakthiKaKa2012
- Bromeliaceae
- Ananas comosus | EFSA2023a
- Burseraceae
- Commiphora caudata | SakthiKaKa2012
- Dacryodes edulis | SimoGoTi2021 UmehGoAj2020
- Campanulaceae
- Lobelia | SakthiKaKa2012
- Capparaceae
- Cadaba farinosa | GamaBiMa2020
- Caricaceae
- Carica | EFSA2023a
- Carica papaya | BenDov1994 GermaiPaLu2010 HeuFuCo2007 MatileEt1998 MuniapShWa2011 SiriseWaHe2013 WilliaGr1992
- Cleomaceae
- Cleome viscosa | SakthiKaKa2012
- Combretaceae
- Terminalia catappa | SakthiKaKa2012
- Commelinaceae
- Commelina benghalensis | GamaBiMa2020
- Convolvulaceae
- Convolvulus arvensis | LaneesSuBa2020
- Ipomoea | GamaBiMa2020
- Ipomoea aquatica | GalaniJaVi2011
- Ipomoea batatas | SimoGoTi2021
- Ipomoea carnea | MillerMi2002
- Ipomoea involucrata | SimoGoTi2021
- Ipomoea pes-tigridis | SakthiKaKa2012
- Costaceae
- Cheilocostus speciosus | GalaniJaVi2011 | (= Costus speciosus)
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucumis maderaspatanus | SakthiKaKa2012
- Luffa acutangula | SakthiKaKa2012
- Luffa cylindrica | GamaBiMa2020
- Momordica | GamaBiMa2020
- Momordica charantia | SakthiKaKa2012
- Mukia maderaspatana | SakthiKaKa2012
- Euphorbiaceae
- Acalypha | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Acalypha indica | SakthiKaKa2012
- Acalypha wilkesiana | MillerMi2002
- Alchornea cordifolia | SimoGoTi2021
- Bernardia corensis | EFSA2023a
- Cnidoscolus aconitifolius | GamaBiMa2020
- Codiaeum variegatum | SahuJoGa2019
- Croton | SakthiKaKa2012
- Croton bonplandianus | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Croton sparsiflorus)
- Euphorbia | GamaBiMa2020
- Euphorbia hirta | SakthiKaKa2012
- Euphorbia pulcherrima | GermaiSoBu2014
- Euphorbia tithymaloides | GamaBiMa2020
- Hevea brasiliensis | GalaniJaVi2011
- Jatropha curcas | GalaniJaVi2011
- Jatropha glandulifera | SakthiKaKa2012
- Jatropha gossypiifolia | SakthiKaKa2012
- Jatropha integerrima | HeuFuCo2007 MatileEt1998
- Jatropha multifida | SakthiKaKa2012
- Jatropha podagrica | SakthiKaKa2012
- Jatropha tanjorensis | SakthiKaKa2012
- Manihot chlorosticta | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Manihot dichotoma | SimoGoTi2021
- Manihot esculenta | BenDov1994 MatileEtTi2000 WilliaGr1992
- Ricinus communis | MartinBlSu2005
- Fabaceae
- Abrus precatorius | EFSA2023a
- Acacia | MillerMi2002
- Acacia ferruginea | SakthiKaKa2012
- Acacia leucophloea | SakthiKaKa2012
- Arachis hypogaea | SakthiKaKa2012 | Arachis
- Bauhinia | MillerMi2002
- Bauhinia purpurea | SakthiKaKa2012
- Cajanus cajan | MatileEt1998
- Calliandra surinamensis | SimoGoTi2021
- Calopogonium mucunoides | SimoGoTi2021
- Cassia fistula | SakthiKaKa2012
- Clitoria ternatea | SakthiKaKa2012
- Crotalaria juncea | SakthiKaKa2012
- Desmanthus virgatus | Germai2013
- Erythrina abyssinica | MartinBlSu2005
- Erythrina variegata | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Erythrina indica)
- Gliricidia sepium | MartinBlSu2005
- Glycine max | SakthiKaKa2012
- Lablab purpureus | EFSA2023a
- Leucaena leucocephala | SakthiKaKa2012
- Macroptilium atropurpureum | EFSA2023a
- Mimosa pigra | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Mimosa pudica | SakthiKaKa2012
- Phaseolus | GamaBiMa2020
- Phaseolus vulgaris | GalaniJaVi2011
- Pithecellobium dulce | GamaBiMa2020
- Prosopis juliflora | SakthiKaKa2012
- Rhynchosia minima | SakthiKaKa2012
- Senna alexandrina | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Cassia angustifolia)
- Senna auriculata | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Cassia auriculata)
- Senna multijuga | EFSA2023a
- Senna siamea | GamaBiMa2020
- Senna tora | SimoGoTi2021 | (= Cassia tora)
- Sesbania grandiflora | GalaniJaVi2011
- Sesbania punicea | PatilPaPa2011
- Tamarindus indica | SakthiKaKa2012
- Tephrosia noctiflora | Germai2013
- Tephrosia purpurea | SakthiKaKa2012
- Teramnus labialis | MatileEt1998
- Vicia faba | EFSA2023a
- Vigna mungo | SakthiKaKa2012
- Vigna radiata | SakthiKaKa2012
- Vigna unguiculata | GalaniJaVi2011 SakthiKaKa2012 | ssp. sesquipedalis,
- Heliconiaceae
- Heliconia | SakthiKaKa2012
- Lamiaceae
- Anisomeles malabarica | SakthiKaKa2012
- Clerodendrum | UmehGoAj2020
- Clerodendrum paniculatum | SimoGoTi2021
- Coleus forskohlii | SakthiKaKa2012
- Coleus monostachyus | SimoGoTi2021
- Leonotis ocymifolia | GamaBiMa2020 | var. raineriana (= Leonotis mollissima)
- Leucas aspera | GamaBiMa2020
- Mentha arvensis | SakthiKaKa2012
- Monarda fistulosa | LaneesSuBa2020
- Ocimum basilicum | GamaBiMa2020
- Ocimum tenuiflorum | LaneesSuBa2020 | (=Ocimum sanctum)
- Origanum majorana | SakthiKaKa2012
- Tectona grandis | MartinBlSu2005
- Lauraceae
- Persea americana | MillerMi2002
- Lythraceae
- Lawsonia inermis | SakthiKaKa2012
- Punica granatum | GalaniJaVi2011 SakthiKaKa2012
- Malpighiaceae
- Malpighia emarginata | SakthiKaKa2012
- Malpighia glabra | MatileEt1998 SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Malpighia punicifolia)
- Malvaceae
- Abelmoschus esculentus | GalaniJaVi2011 SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Hibiscus esculentus)
- Abelmoschus moschatus | SakthiKaKa2012
- Abutilon hirtum | FallahAbSa2014 SakthiKaKa2012
- Abutilon indicum | EFSA2023a EFSA2023a
- Abutilon pannosum | GamaBiMa2020 | var. figarianum
- Adansonia digitata | GamaBiMa2020
- Ceiba pentandra | SakthiKaKa2012
- Corchorus capsularis | SakthiKaKa2012
- Corchorus olitorius | SimoGoTi2021
- Durio | EFSA2023a
- Gossypium | SakthiKaKa2012
- Gossypium hirsutum | GamaBiMa2020
- Guazuma | MillerMi2002
- Guazuma ulmifolia | MartinBlSu2005 | (= Guazuma tomentosa)
- Hibiscus | BenDov1994 HeuFuCo2007 MatileEt1998 WilliaGr1992
- Hibiscus acetosella | SimoGoTi2021
- Hibiscus cannabinus | GamaBiMa2020
- Hibiscus mutabilis | ChatteHa2017
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | MatileEt1998
- Hibiscus sabdariffa | SakthiKaKa2012
- Malvaviscus arboreus | MatileEt1998
- Sida | BenDov1994 WilliaGr1992
- Sida acuta | SakthiKaKa2012
- Sida rhombifolia | SimoGoTi2021
- Sida spinosa | GamaBiMa2020 | (= Sida alba)
- Theobroma cacao | SakthiKaKa2012
- Triumfetta pentandra | SimoGoTi2021
- Meliaceae
- Melia azedarach | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Azadirachta indica)(= Melia dubia)
- Moraceae
- Artocarpus | GalaniJaVi2011
- Artocarpus altilis | GalaniJaVi2011
- Artocarpus heterophyllus | SakthiKaKa2012
- Ficus | GalaniJaVi2011
- Ficus exasperata | SimoGoTi2021
- Ficus preussii | SimoGoTi2021
- Morus alba | SakthiKaKa2012
- Morus nigra | EFSA2023a
- Musaceae
- Musa | EFSA2023a
- Musa paradisiaca | GalaniJaVi2011 | (= Musa sapientum)
- Myrtaceae
- Eugenia uniflora | EFSA2023a
- Psidium guajava | GalaniJaVi2011 PatilPaPa2011
- Nyctaginaceae
- Boerhavia diffusa | SakthiKaKa2012
- Boerhavia erecta | SakthiKaKa2012
- Oleaceae
- Jasminum | GalaniJaVi2011
- Ligustrum | EFSA2023a
- Oxalidaceae
- Passifloraceae
- Passiflora edulis | GamaBiMa2020
- Pedaliaceae
- Sesamum indicum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Phyllanthaceae
- Phyllanthus emblica | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Emblica officinalis)
- Phyllanthus maderaspatensis | SakthiKaKa2012
- Phyllanthus niruri | LaneesSuBa2020
- Piperaceae
- Piper betle | SakthiKaKa2012
- Piper longum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Piper nigrum | RohmahHiMu2023
- Poaceae
- Saccharum | EFSA2023a
- Uniola paniculata | MillerMi2002
- Zea mays | MillerMi2002
- Polygonaceae
- Coccoloba | MillerMi2002
- Rhamnaceae
- Ziziphus mauritiana | SakthiKaKa2012
- Ziziphus spina-christi | GamaBiMa2020
- Rosaceae
- Pseudocydonia sinensis | WangZhTi2018 | (= Chaenomeles sinensis)
- Raphiolepis umbellata | MillerMi2002
- Rosa | MatileEt1998
- Rubiaceae
- Breonia chinensis | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Anthocephalus chinensis)
- Canthium inerme | LaneesSuBa2020
- Coffea canephora | SimoGoTi2021
- Gardenia | MuniapShWa2011
- Hamelia | MillerMi2002
- Ixora | GalaniJaVi2011
- Ixora coccinea | SakthiKaKa2012
- Morinda citrifolia | SakthiKaKa2012
- Mussaenda | MatileEtTi2000
- Mussaenda erythrophylla | SimoGoTi2021
- Mussaenda frondosa | GalaniJaVi2011
- Neonauclea purpurea | SakthiKaKa2012
- Spermacoce articularis | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Borreria articularis)
- Rutaceae
- Citrus limon | GamaBiMa2020
- Citrus paradisi | MillerMi2002
- Citrus sinensis | GithaeOnNd2021
- Murraya koenigii | GalaniJaVi2011
- Sapindaceae
- Nephelium lappaceum | GalaniJaVi2011
- Sapotaceae
- Manilkara zapota | SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Achras sapota)
- Simaroubaceae
- Ailanthus excelsa | SakthiKaKa2012 EFSA2023a
- Solanaceae
- Capsicum annuum | GalaniJaVi2011 SakthiKaKa2012
- Cestrum nocturnum | MatileEt1998
- Datura metel | SakthiKaKa2012
- Datura stramonium | GamaBiMa2020
- Nicotiana tabacum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Solanum | GamaBiMa2020
- Solanum americanum | EFSA2023a EFSA2023a
- Solanum lycopersicum | GalaniJaVi2011 SakthiKaKa2012 | (= Lycopersicum esculentum)
- Solanum macrocarpon | UmehGoAj2020
- Solanum melongena | MillerMi2002 SakthiKaKa2012
- Solanum nigrum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Solanum torvum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Solanum trilobatum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Solanum tuberosum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Solanum virginianum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Solanum xanthocarpum | SakthiKaKa2012
- Withania somnifera | SakthiKaKa2012
- Thymelaeaceae
- Daphnopsis americana | EFSA2023a | ssp. caribaea)
- Urticaceae
- Laportea aestuans | SimoGoTi2021 | (= Fleurya aestuans)
- Laportea ovalifolia | SimoGoTi2021 | (= Fleurya ovalifolia)
- Urtica | GamaBiMa2020
- Verbenaceae
- Duranta erecta | SakthiKaKa2012
- Lantana camara | SakthiKaKa2012
- Stachytarpheta cayennensis | GamaBiMa2020
- Vitaceae
- Cissus quadrangularis | SakthiKaKa2012
- Vitis vinifera | SinghKa2016
- Zingiberaceae
- Alpinia purpurata | EFSA2023a
- Zygophyllaceae
- Tribulus terrestris | SakthiKaKa2012
Families: 16 | Genera: 35
- Anthocoridae
- Orius | LaneesSuBa2020
- Aphelinidae
- Marietta leopardina | SinghKa2016
- Cecidomyidae
- Diadiplosis coccidarum | MatileEt1998
- Chrysopidae
- Apertochrysa | LaneesSuBa2020
- Chrysoperla carnea | SajjadSuKh2021
- Chrysoperla pallida | LaneesSuBa2020
- Mallada basalis | LaneesSuBa2020
- Clavicipitaceae
- Beauveria bassiana | SharmaMu2021
- Metarhizium anisopliae | SharmaMu2021
- Coccinellida
- Anegleis cardoni | SharmaMu2021
- Coccinellidae
- Brumoides suturalis | SahuJoGa2019
- Cheilomenes sexmaculata | SahuJoGa2019
- Chilocorus nigrita | SharmaMu2021
- Coccinella septempunctata | LaneesSuBa2020
- Coccinella transversalis | SharmaMu2021
- Cryptogonus orbiculus | LaneesSuBa2020
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri | Germai2013
- Diomus hennesseyi | ZhuangHuTa2023 | (= Diomus guilavoguii)
- Hyperaspis maindroni | KedarAnJo2024
- Nephus quadrimaculatus | SharmaMu2021
- Nephus regularis | LaneesSuBa2020
- Sasajiscymnus quinquepunctatus | HartmaGrGe2021
- Scymnus | PatilPaPa2011
- Scymnus coccivora | VidyaBh2017
- Scymnus latemaculatus | SharmaMu2021 | (= Scymnus taiwanus)
- Scymnus quadrillum | LaneesSuBa2020
- Stethorus | LaneesSuBa2020
- Cordycipitaceae
- Lecanicillium lecanii | SharmaMu2021 | (=Verticillium lecanii)
- Encyrtidae
- Acerophagus | GalaniJaVi2011 | (=Pseudaphycus)
- Acerophagus papayae | NoyesSc2003 OthimOpRw2024 PatilPaPa2011
- Anagyrus californicus | GalaniJaVi2011
- Anagyrus kamali | Germai2013
- Anagyrus loecki | AlfredDAsPa2020 MuniapMeSe2006
- Cheiloneurus | LaneesSuBa2020
- Prochiloneurus pulchellus | WyckhuGrBu2017
- Pseudleptomastix mexicana | MuniapMeSe2006 NoyesSc2003
- Entomophthorales
- Neozygites | LaneesSuBa2020
- Lycaenidae
- Spalgis epius | AlfredDAsPa2020 BorkakSaBu2018 ChatteHa2017 DineshVe2016 PatilPaPa2011
- Spalgius epius | LaneesSuBa2020
- Pseudococcidae
- Paracoccus marginatus | PooranAnTh2024
- Salticidae
- Phintella vittata | SharmaMu2021
- Signiphoridae
- Chartocerus | LaneesSuBa2020
- Syrphidae
- Ischiodon scutellaris | SharmaMu2021
- Trichocomaceae
- Paecilomyces | SharmaMu2021
Families: 5 | Genera: 9
- Betaproteobacteria
- Candidatus Tremblaya princeps | ChoiLe2022
- Formicidae
- Camponotus compressus | ChatteHa2017
- Monomorium indicum | SharmaMu2021
- Solenopsis geminata | SharmaMu2021
- Tapinoma melanocephalum | SharmaMu2021
- Pseudococcidae
- Ferrisia virgata | SimoGoTi2021
- Phenacoccus solenopsis | SimoGoTi2021
- Pseudomonadaceae
- Pseudomonas | HarishAr2022
- Staphylococcaceae
- Staphylococcus | HarishAr2022
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 70
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua | MillerWiHa2001
- Barbuda | AhmedHeWu2015
- Australia
- Northern Territory | YadavPaKi2025
- Bahamas | GamaBiMa2020
- Bangladesh | MuniapShWa2011
- Barbados | AhmedHeWu2015
- Belize | BenDov1994 MillerWiHa2001 WilliaGr1992
- Benin | MuniapShWa2011
- British Virgin Islands | MillerMi2002 MillerWiHa2001
- Burkina Faso | FinchWyRw2024
- Cameroon | WatsonSi2022
- Cayman Islands | AhmedHeWu2015
- China
- Guangdong (=Kwangtung) | AhmedHeWu2015
- Hainan | WangZhTi2018
- Yunnan | AhmedHeWu2015 WuLiSh2014
- Costa Rica | BenDov1994 MillerWiHa2001 WilliaGr1992
- Cote d'Ivoire (=Ivory Coast) | FinchWyRw2024
- Cuba | MartinBlSu2005 MestreHaHo2015
- Dominican Republic | MillerMi2002
- Federated States of Micronesia | EFSA2023a
- French Guiana | WatsonSi2022
- French Polynesia
- Tahiti | HartmaGrGe2021
- Gabon | MacharKiKo2018
- Ghana | MuniapShWa2011 WihBi2012
- Grenada | GamaBiMa2020
- Guadeloupe | MatileEt1998 MatileEt2006
- Guam | DownieGu2004 MeyerdMuWa2004
- Guatemala | BenDov1994 MillerWiHa2001 WilliaGr1992
- Guiana | MatileEtTi2000
- Haiti | PerezG2008
- Hawaiian Islands
- Hawaii | HeuFuCo2007
- Maui | HeuFuCo2007
- Oahu | HeuFuCo2007
- India | AhmedHeWu2015
- Andhra Pradesh | LalithSaSa2015
- Arunchal Pradesh | PrasadArMo2012
- Assam | GamaBiMa2020
- Gujarat | LalithSaSa2015
- Jammu & Kashmir | SharmaBhSh2013
- Karnataka | PatilPaPa2011
- Kerala | SharmaBhSh2013
- Maharashtra | SharmaBhSh2013
- Odisha (=Orissa) | SharmaBhSh2013
- Punjab | SinghKa2016
- Rajasthan | GamaBiMa2020
- Sikkim | EFSA2023a
- Tamil Nadu | MuniapShWa2008
- Tripura | SharmaBhSh2013
- West Bengal | LalithSaKu2018 LalithSaSa2015
- Indonesia | AhmedHeWu2015
- Bali | AhmedHeWu2015
- Java | MuniapShWa2008 NurkomTrAi2021
- Sulawesi (=Celebes) | AhmedHeWu2015
- Israel | MendelWaPr2016
- Japan | Tanaka2021
- Kampuchea (=Cambodia) | GrazioMiAl2015 MuniapShWa2011
- Kenya | HeyaKhKe2020 MacharKiKo2018
- Laos | GrazioMiAl2015
- Liberia | FinchWyRw2024
- Malawi | GamaBiMa2020
- Malaysia | MastoiAzNu2011
- Maldives | AhmedHeWu2015
- Martinique | GermaiGr2005 MatileEt2006
- Mauritania | FinchWyRw2024
- Mauritius | GermaiSoBu2014 MauremPaBa2019
- Mexico | BenDov1994 MillerWiHa2001 WilliaGr1992
- Baja California Norte | MillerMi2002
- Colima | MillerMi2002
- Guerrero | MillerMi2002
- Jalisco | MillerMi2002
- Michoacan | MillerMi2002
- Tabasco | MillerMi2002
- Veracruz | MillerMi2002
- Yucatan | GongorMaAg2018
- Montserrat | AhmedHeWu2015
- Mozambique | AhmedHeWu2015
- Netherlands Antilles | AhmedHeWu2015
- Nigeria | MacharKiKo2018
- Northern Mariana Islands | AhmedHeWu2015
- Oman | AhmedHeWu2015
- Pakistan | MunwarMaGi2016
- Palau | MuniapMeSe2006
- Philippines | MuniapShWa2011
- Luzon | MuniapShWa2011
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island
- Puerto Rico | MillerWiHa2001
- Reunion | Germai2013 GermaiMiPa2014 GermaiPaLu2010
- Saint Kitts and Nevis Islands
- Saint Kitts | MillerWiHa2001
- Saint Lucia | AhmedHeWu2015
- Saint Martin & St. Barthelemy
- Saint Barthelemy | MatileEt1998 MatileEt2006 MillerWiHa2001
- Saint Martin | MatileEt2006 MillerWiHa2001
- Senegal | FinchWyRw2024
- Sierra Leone | FinchWyRw2024
- South Sudan | FinchWyRw2024
- Sri Lanka | GalaniJaVi2011 MuniapShWa2011
- Sudan | GamaBiMa2020
- Taiwan | AhmedHeWu2015
- Tanzania | MacharKiKo2018
- Thailand | GrazioMiAl2015 MuniapShWa2011
- Togo | MuniapShWa2011
- U.S. Virgin Islands | MillerWiHa2001
- Uganda | IPPC2022
- United States
- Florida | MillerMi2002 MillerWiHa2001
- Texas | EFSA2023a
- Vietnam | GrazioMiAl2015
- ZhangLiLi2024: pp.9 ( Adult (F) ) [Paracoccus from China]
- JoshiSuRe2021: pp.118-119 ( Adult (F) ) [Field characters of mealybugs in cassava]
- JoshiSuRe2021: pp.119-120 ( Adult (F) ) [Microscopic characters of mealybugs in cassava]
- Suh2019a: pp.2-6 ( Adult (F) ) [mealybugs interepted in S. Korea]
- PachecKaGe2016: pp.3 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to adult females of Paracoccus found in the Neotropical region excluding those known only from Mexico]
- SiriseWaHe2013: pp.78-80 ( Adult (F) ) [Mealybugs on Fruit Crops in Sri Lanka]
- ParsaKoWi2012: pp.10-Aug ( Adult (F) ) [Key to mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) recorded on Manihot spp. (Euphorbiaceae) in the World]
- WilliaGr1992: pp.295 ( Adult (F) ) [Central and South America]
- Systematics: In slide-mounted adult females from the Oriental region, this is the only species of Paracoccus that totally lacks oral rim ducts in the sub-median or median areas of the dorsum. (Muniappan, et al., 2009) Diagnostic characteristics of the slide-mounted adult female: members of the genus Paracoccus possess up to 18 pairs of cerarii on body margins, eight-segmented antennae, ventral anal lobe bars, translucent pores on the hind coxa and usually on the tibia; auxiliary setae are present in the anal lobe cerarii only, and oral rim ducts are present some-where on the body. [P. marginatus differs from other members of the genus as follows: dorsal surface with short, slender setae; cerarii numbering 16 or 17 pairs only; oral rim tubular ducts restricted to marginal areas of dorsum and venter; hind leg with translucent pores present on coxa only (Williams & Granara de Willink (1992); Miller & Miller (2002)). The eight-segmented antenna distinguishes this species from the pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green), which has a nine-segmented antenna. Miller & Miller (2002).
- Structure: The live adult female is soft, oval, (about 2.5 mm long and 1.5 mm wide) and is evenly covered in powdery, white wax, without any longitudinal depressions. Short waxy filaments develop around the body margin including short caudal filaments. The body contents are yellow in life but turn black in less than one day after death, even when preserved in alcohol. Muniappan, et al., 2009) Colour photograph by Heu et al. (2007). Germain et al. (2010) presented colour photo of damaged papaya fruits. Adult male P. marginatus is a sexual species. The adult male appeared yellow and was approximately 1.0mm long, with an elongate oval body widest at the thorax (about 0.3mm). The antennae are 10-segmented; the thorax and head were heavily sclerotized, and the wings were well developed; the genital capsule is distinctly sclerotized, and a pair of lateral pore clusters occurred near the apex of the abdomen. The lateral pore clusters secreted a pair of white wax caudal filaments in life. (Galanihe, et al., 2010) The eggs were rhombus in shape and greenish yellow in color (Fig. 1a). The females laid eggs in an ovisac on the ventral side of the body. Incubation period of eggs was recorded 4.9±1.50 days. Freshly emerged first instar nymph were rhombus in shape and light yellow in color. Second instar female nymph were rhombus shaped and yellow colored. Second instar female nymph took 4.4±1.07days to convert itself to third instar. Third instar females were also rhombus in shape and yellow in color and complete its development within 6.2±1.3 days. The second instar male nymph of P. marginatus was pinkish in color with yellowish pattern. It completed its development in 4.3±1.9 days. Third instar male nymphs were pink and diamond shaped. Duration of third instar male was recorded 3.2±0.95 days. At the end of developmental period of third instar, males nymph started making cocoons which are cylindrical in shape and white in color. It took 5.6±0.43 days to change into matured adult. (Munwar, et al., 2016)
- Biology: Paracoccus marginatus reproduces sexually. There are three nymphal instars and no pupal stage in the wingless female, and eggs are laid in a small, white ovisac of woolly wax. The winged male has two nymphal stages, a pre-pupa and a pupal stage. There are several generations per year. (Muniappan, et al., 2009) Population build-up is weather dependent as there is a significant positive correlation with maximum temperature and significantly negative correlation with relative humidity and rainfall. (Seni & Sahoo, 2015) In polyphagus insects, life history can vary with the plant species it feeds on. From the experiment on the biology of P. marginatus by Seni & Sahoo, on parthenium, it was found that the female nymphs moulted three times for becoming adults, while the male required four moultings. The sex ratio of female and male was 1.97 : 1 in a population of 101 mealybugs on potted papaya plant. It was also found that they reproduced entirely sexually. The females laid 247-332 (291±33.31) eggs within 4-9 (6.2±0.82) days. Based on the studies of papaya mealybug on three different host plants, it can be inferred that papaya plant is the preferred host than brinjal and parthenium plant. (Seni & Sahoo, 2015)
- Economic Importance: Paracoccus marginatus is a major threat to the ecological, social, and economic wellbeing of people in the countries it invades. Though the pest prefers papaya, it is extremely polyphagous, The situation is compounded by the fact that farmers practice mixed cropping of known hosts of the pest on the same pieces of land, thus ensuring continuous availability of alternative hosts for easy perpetuation. It is estimated that Kenya loses more than USD 29.8 million annually to papaya mealybug damage with individual households losing between USD 51–740 depending on locality and market available to them (Ndlela, et al., 2022) Sooty mold developing on honeydew excreted by this mealybug covers the leaves, fruits and stems, impeding photosynthesis and gaseous exchange. On papaya, P. marginatus infests the veins of older leaves, which turn yellow, dry up and are shed prematurely, and all parts of young leaves and fruits. Tender leaves become crinkled and curly; flowers and young fruits drop and shoots become bunchy. Papaya trees die within a few months of becoming infested. Infestation of Plumeria causes the leaves to curl and new leaves fail to expand fully. On Hibiscus, leaves and flowers attacked by PM become distorted and the shoots appear bunchy.(Muniappan, et al., 2009). Muniappan et al. (2006) reported on successful biological control of this species in the Republic of Palau, following the introduction of three species of encyrtid parasitoids.
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Williams & Granara de Willink (1992). Description and illustration of adult female, adult male, nymphs, prepupa and pupa by Miller & Miller (2002). Ahmed, et al. 2015 analyzed the genetic identities of Chinese populations of P. marginatus and compared them with genetic identities of P. marginatus populations from 6 other countries in Asia and Africa. The results indicated that only 1 haplotype is present across all sampled countries
- AhmedHeWu2015: distribution, genetics, 1157-1162
- AlfredDAsPa2020: economic importance, host, natural enemies, 995
- AmarasChEp2008: ecology, life history, 1798-1804
- AmarasMaOs2008: life history, 630-635
- AramasMaEp2010: biological control, 1506-1512
- ArshadMaWa2019: natural enemies,
- ArunkuBaGo2018: chemistry, wax, 145-152
- BenDov1994: catalog, 273
- BorkakSaBu2018: natural enemies,
- CABI2000c: distribution, host, 1-2
- ChatteHa2017: distribution, economic importance, host, natural enemies,
- ChenLiLi2022: control, host,
- ChenShCh2024: DNA sequencing, control, economic importance, molecular biology,
- ChoiLe2022: endosymbiont, phylogeny, 358,359
- ConstanMaMu2023: biological control, natural enemies,
- DineshVe2016: biological control, natural enemies,
- DivyaKa2019: chemistry, illustration, wax, wax glands,
- DownieGu2004: distribution, host, molecular data, phylogeny, 258-259
- EFSA2021a: biology, distribution, economic importance, host, 22, 32-33, 97-97, 107
- EFSA2023a: biology, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration,
- ElAalaRaKa2024: biological control, entomopathogenic fungi, 11
- ErensoBlGo2023: phylogeny, 4
- FinchBeCh2020: distribution, radiation,
- FinchWyRw2024: biological control, distribution, natural enemies,
- GalaniJaVi2011: biological control, chemical control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 81-86
- GalaniWa2012: distribution, economic importance, 7
- GamaBiMa2020: control, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration,
- GermaiGr2005: distribution, host, 330
- GermaiPaLu2010: distribution, economic importance, host, 9-10
- GermaiSoBu2014: distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 27
- GongorMaAg2018: distribution, ecology, economic control, host, 110-117
- GonzalViMi1999: biological control, distribution, host, 142-143
- GowthaShVe2019: chemical control,
- GrazioMiAl2015: climate change, description, distribution, economic importance, 1071-1073
- HardyGuHo2008: molecular data, phylogeny, taxonomy, 51-71
- HarishAr2022: endosymbionts, resistance,
- HartmaGrGe2021: distribution, host, illustration, natural enemies,
- HasanTaDi2018: ecology,
- HeuFuCo2007: distribution, economic importance, host, 1-2
- HeyaKhKe2020: control, distribution, economic importance, genebank, phylogeny, radiation,
- Hodgso2012: taxonomy, 64
- IPPC2022: distribution, economic importance, host,
- JansenAl2023: dispersal, host, 29
- JinWaHu2024: ecology, life cycle,
- JoseKrGa2020: ecology, phylogeny, symbionts,
- JoshiRaAm2024: economic importance, 1
- JoshiSuRe2021: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key,
- KansiiRwMu2020: control, economic importance, natural enemies,
- KaydanCaUl2013: economic importance, 169
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 24
- KrishnJoJa2020: biological control,
- KumarToPr2014: biology, control,
- KumaraKoRa2024: biological control, natural enemies, 3
- LalithSaKu2018: distribution, host, natural enemies, 523-528
- LalithSaSa2015: distribution, economic importance, host,
- LaneesShSu2018: biology, host, 307-310
- LaneesShSu2018a: biological control, natural enemies,
- LaneesSuBa2020: ant association, biological control, chemical control, diagnosis, distribution, ecology, economic importance, host,
- LeTrTr2023: biological control,
- LiChCh2024: biology, chemical control, genetics, life cycle,
- LiChWa2022: biological control, chemical control, natural enemies, resistance,
- LinShCh2024: host, life cycle, reproduction,
- LiuNiLu2022: phylogenetics,
- MacharKiKo2018: distribution, host, 142-150
- Malump2012b: distribution, economic importance, 207
- Malump2014a: distribution, host, 81
- MalumpHaMa2012: distribution, economic importance, 114
- ManiJoKa2013: biological control, host, 242
- MartinBlSu2005: distribution, host, 125-127
- MartinBlSu2005: distribution, host, 125-127
- MartinMoPe2000: distribution, economic importance, host,
- MastoiAdMu2018: biological control, natural enemies, 375-379
- MastoiAzNu2011: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 1247
- MatileEt1998: biological control, distribution, host, 142
- MatileEt2006: distribution, host, 180-181
- MatileEtTi2000: distribution, economic importance, host, 485-486
- MauremPaBa2019: distribution, history, 504
- McComi2000: distribution, economic importance,
- MendelWaPr2016: description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, 1-3
- MestreHaHo2015: distribution, host, 37
- MestreHoHa2015: distribution, host, 14
- Meurge2011: distribution, 81
- MeyerdMuWa2004: biological control, distribution, host, 110-114
- MillerMi2002: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 1-23
- MillerWiHa1999: distribution, host,
- MillerWiHa2001: distribution, economic importance, host, 179-181
- MirabaGaCa2018: distribution, host, 194
- MuniapMeSe2006: biological control, distribution, host, 212-217
- MuniapShWa2008: description, distribution, economic importance, 37-39
- MuniapShWa2011: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, 168, 170
- MuniapShWa2011: distribution, host, 168
- MunwarMaGi2016: behavior, life history, life cycle, reproduction, 65-69
- MwanauNdVe2021: chemical control,
- Nalini2016: morphology, 675
- NdlelaNiMo2022: climate change, distribution, host,
- NishaKe2017: ecology, illustration, life history, life cycle, 91-102
- NiuLiXu2024: DNA sequencing, S1 Table
- NoyesSc2003: biological control, 180-185
- NurkomTrAi2021: distribution, host,
- OthimOpRw2024: biological control, natural enemies,
- PachecKaGe2016: distribution, taxonomy, 2
- PapayaMePa2000: distribution, economic importance, host,
- ParsaKoWi2012: taxonomy, 9
- PatilPaPa2011: biological control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, 692-693
- PerezG2008: distribution, 216
- Pollar1999: distribution, economic importance, host, 7
- PooranAnTh2024: economic importance, host, illustration, natural enemies, 531, 534
- PooranJoTh2022: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration,
- PrakasVeSh2024: anatomy, illustration,
- PrasadArMo2012: chemical control, distribution, host, illustration, 545-549
- RatheeDa2018: economic importance, 270
- RenAsHu2017: DNA, 4, 6
- RohimaRaSa2024: host, 299
- RohmahHiMu2023: virus, virus transmission,
- RostamHuSh2024: biological control, host, natural enemies,
- RostamShAb2024: control, diagnosis, distribution, economic importance, host,
- SaengyBu2012: biological control, 1-7
- SahuJoGa2019: host, natural enemies, 94. 95
- SahuJoGa2019: biological control, distribution, natural enemies,
- SaikiaDuSa2023: ecology, natural enemies,
- SajjadSuKh2021: natural enemies,
- SakthiKaKa2012: distribution, economic importance, 7-9
- SarmaBhBh2024: control, distribution, economic importance, host, natural enemies,
- SartiaSaSy2020: distribution, economic importance, host, 30
- SartiaWaNo2016: description, diagnosis, distribution, 4
- SeniSa2014: biology, diagnosis, distribution, life history, male, nymph, phenology, reproduction,
- SeniSa2015: biology, control, description, host, 722-727
- ShankaDeKa2020: natural enemies,
- SharmaBhSh2013: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, phylogenetics, taxonomy, 664-671
- SharmaMu2021: biological control, distribution, ecology, economic importance, entomopathogenic fungi, illustration, natural enemies,
- SharmaMu2022: biological control, ecology, illustration,
- SheraKaSh2017: natural enemies,
- ShivakChKe2024: control, genome, host, illustration,
- ShivakKePo2022: diagnosis, economic importance, host, illustration, natural enemies,
- ShivakPoJo2024: host, 2
- ShylesJo2012: dispersal, 272
- SimoGoTi2021: distribution, host,
- SinghKa2016: distribution, host, natural enemies,
- SiriseWaHe2013: diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, key, 71,73,75,77,79
- SongWaTa2024: phylogeny, 5, 8-9
- SongZhMa2023: control, irradiation,
- SosanAjUd2020: distribution, ecology, host,
- SounthSmKr2023: control,
- Stocks2013a: distribution, host, natural enemies, 243, 346-347
- SugawaUeTa2025: biology, chemistry, economic importance, reproductive system,
- Suh2019a: key, 4
- SupartYuWi2020: natural enemies, 4546
- Tanaka2021: distribution, host, illustration,
- ThammaChCh2024: biological control, control,
- TirunaSa2024: distribution, natural enemies, record,
- TokunaSeUt2018: distribution, history, host, 142, 143
- UmehGoAj2020: distribution, economic importance, host,
- VidyaBh2017: distribution, host, natural enemies, 215
- WahyunRaSa2019: distribution, natural enemies,
- WalkerHoMe2003: control, distribution, economic importance, host, 302
- WangZhTi2018: distribution, host, 2
- WardOnBo2024: phylogenetics, 4
- Watson2021: distribution, 526
- WatsonMi2017: dispersal, 34
- WatsonOu2021: dispersal, economic importance, 152
- WatsonSi2022: biology, diagnosis, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 160-162
- WihBi2012: distribution, host, 44
- WilliaGr1992: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 320-323
- WuLiSh2014: distribution, morphology, phylogenetics,
- WyckhuGrBu2017: ecology, host, natural enemies, 1-18
- XiYaLi2024: DNA, control, economic importance, honeydew, molecular biology,
- YadavPaKi2025: diagnosis, dispersal, distribution, genetics, illustration, nymph,
- ZarkanApTu2021: distribution, host, 182
- ZhangLiLi2024: key, 9
- ZhuangHuTa2023: natural enemies,