Heu, R.A., Fukada, M.T., & Conant, P. 2007 Papaya Mealybug Paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).. State of Hawaii New Pest Advisory No.04-03 Updated March 2007

Notes: Specimens suspected to be the papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink, were first observed infesting papaya in Hawaii, in the central (Kahului) area of the island of Maui in early May 2004, by staff of the Cooperative Extension Service (CES) and Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA). In June 2004, specimens were determined to be the papaya mealybug by the USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS),Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) in Honolulu and confirmed by coccidologist, Dr.Gregory Evans,at the USDA Communication and Taxonomic Services Unit in Beltsville, Maryland. In September 2005, this mealybug was collected on Oahu. In August 2006 it was found on Kauai. In October 2006 it was found to be established on the Big Island. The papaya mealybug is found on leaves and fruits of host plants. Adult females are yellowish with short waxy filaments around the margin and measure 3 mm in length (Figure 1). The dispersal stage is the first instar crawler. When individuals of the mealybug genus Paracoccus are placed in alcohol, a bluish-black color appears within a couple days. State of Hawaii New Pest Advisory DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE No.04-03 Updated March 2007 http://www.hawaiiag.org/hdoa/npa/npa04-03-PMB.pdf