Valid Names Results

Pseudaonidia paeoniae (Cockerell, 1899) (Diaspididae: Pseudaonidia)

Nomenclatural History

Common Names

Ecological Associates


Families: 14 | Genera: 16


Families: 3 | Genera: 3

  • Aphelinidae
  • Coccinellidae
  • Encyrtidae
    • Adelencyrtus intersectus | Muraka1970 Trjapi1989 | (= Anabrolepis extranea) (= Epitetracnemus zetterstedtii)

Geographic Distribution

Countries: 8



  • Structure: Cockerell (1899i) did not describe the scale cover. Ferris (1938a) described: "Female scale dark gray or brown, circular, high convex, exuviae subcentral; scale of the male elongate, exuvia near one end. Takagi (1974) described: "Female scale is circular, but the expected concentric pattern of growth is rather obscure owing to the agglutination of filaments. The inner surface appears more irregular as to the running direction of filaments (which are secreted for lining), but some filaments may be seen running along the margin. The central area is further lined by fine filaments, which may be produced by microducts occurring submedially and submarginally in the prepygidial region. The male test is smaller and elongate, but, when magnified, much the same as the female test in both the dorsal and ventral views".
  • Biology: Occurring on the bark (Ferris, 1938a).
  • Economic Importance: The peony scale has been recorded as a pest of ornamental plants in various regions (English & Turnipseed, 1940; Davidson & Miller, 1990; Kosztarab, 1996).
  • General Remarks: Description and illustration of adult female by Kuwana (1933), Ferris (1938a), Balachowsky (1951), Tippins et al. (1981), Chou (1985, 1986), Danzig (1993) and by Kosztarab (1996). Description and illustration of first instar nymph by Takagi (2000).

