Valid Names Results
Planococcus Ferris, 1950 (
Nomenclatural History
- Planococcus
1950b: 164.
Type species: Dorthesia citri Risso
by original designation
accepted valid name
- Allococcus
Ezzat & McConnell
1956: 13.
Type species: Allococcus inamabilis Hambleton
by monotypy and original designation
(= Planococcus vovae, (Nasonov) )
junior synonym
(discovered by CoxBe1986: 481-489)
Notes: A subjective synonym of Planococcus.
- Plannococcus
1958: 64;.
misspelling of genus name
- lanococcus
2009: 34;.
misspelling of genus name
Notes: Misspelling of lanococcus for Planococcus.
- Systematics: Subfamily: Pseudococcinae (Choi & Lee, 2022)
Planococcus planococcoides was transferred to Nipaecoccus as N. planococcoides by Danzig and Gavrilov-Zimin (2015), because it has conical setae on dorsum and additional cerarii along body midline. However, since it has an anal lobe bar present on each anal lobe, marginal cerarii numbering 18 pairs and claw without a denticle, here we follow Tang (1992) and place it under Planococcus.
- Structure: Adult female body oval.Anal lobes with characteristic anal lobe bars. Antennae 8-segmented. Legs well developed; coxae, tibiae and sometimes femora of hind legs with translucent pores. Circulus usually present. Spiracles well developed. Multlocular pores numerous on ventral parts of abdominal segments. Tubular ducts present on both body sides; usually dorsal ducts larger and sometimes with collars. Cerarii usually totallyin 18 pairs. all cerarii with two conical setae (sometimes cerarii on head with 3 conical setae); additional flagellate setae present in C18. (Danzig & Gavrilov, 2010)
- General Remarks: Definition and characters given by Ferris (1950b), Ezzat & McConnell (1956), McKenzie (1967), Ter-Grigorian (1973), Danzig (1980b), Williams (1985), Cox (1987), Williams & Watson (1988a), Williams & Granara de Willink (1992), Kosztarab (1996) and by Danzig & Gavrilov (2010).
- KaydanEr2025: pp.2
Adult (F)
[Genera of Pseudococcidae occurring on citrus plantations in Turkey]
- ZarkanErAp2023: pp.158
Adult (F)
[Mealybug genera in Indonesia]
- ZarkanFeDj2023: pp.4
Adult (F)
[Pseudococcidae on citrus in Indonesia]
- MoghadWa2022: pp.20-22
Adult (F)
[Pseudococcidae in Iran]
- Tanaka2022: pp.336
Adult (F)
[Mealybugs with anal lobe bars, without oral rim ducts in Asia]
- AmouroZa2021: pp.3-4
Adult (F)
[mealybug genera of Chile]
- PachecKaSi2019: pp.529
Adult (F)
[Genera on annonaceous plants]
- DongZhWu2017: pp.594-595
Adult (F)
[Pseudococcinae in China]
- PachecKaGe2016a: pp.65-66
Adult (F)
[Key to Pseudococcinae genera occurring on fruit trees and in vineyards in Brazil]
- DanzigGa2015: pp.198
Adult (F)
[Palaearctic genera]
- Moghad2013: pp.7-8
Adult (F)
[Key to genera of Iranian Pseudococcidae based on adult female morphology]
- Gonzal2011: pp.70
Adult (F)
[Key to the genera of Pseudococcidae of primary importance to export fruit.]
- DanzigGa2010: pp.48
Adult (F)
[Species in Russia]
- Willia2004a: pp.43
Adult (F)
[southern Asia]
- KwonDaPa2003a: pp.394
Adult (F)
[Genera of Korea]
- KwonDaPa2003a: pp.394
Adult (F)
[Genera of Korea]
- Millar2002: pp.189-195
Adult (F)
[Pseudococcidae genera of South Africa]
- Koszta1996: pp.169
Adult (F)
[Northeastern North America]
- Tang1992: pp.365
Adult (F)
- WilliaGr1992: pp.393-394
Adult (F)
[Central and South America]
- WilliaGr1992: pp.43
Adult (F)
[Central and South America]
- Cox1989: pp.3
Adult (F)
- Cox1989: pp.7-9
Adult (F)
[Species of the world]
- Danzig1988: pp.697
Adult (F)
[Far East of Russia]
- WilliaWa1988a: pp.19
Adult (F)
[Tropical South Pacific Region]
- TuWuLe1988: pp.73
Adult (F)
- TuWuLe1988: pp.73
Adult (F)
- AvasthSh1987: pp.3
Adult (F)
- Cox1987: pp.74
Adult (F)
[New Zealand]
- Cox1987: pp.14
Adult (F)
[New Zealand]
- CoxBe1986: pp.482
Adult (F)
[Mediterranean basin]
- Willia1985: pp.272
Adult (F)
- Willia1985: pp.38, 39
Adult (F)
- Wang1982TC: pp.20
Adult (F)
- Terezn1975: pp.159
Adult (F)
[Ukraine & Palaearctic region]
- TerGri1973: pp.36
Adult (F)
- AfifiKo1967: pp.11
Adult (F)
- McKenz1967: pp.46
Adult (F)
[North America]
- McKenz1967: pp.280
Adult (F)
[North America]
- Beards1966: pp.405
Adult (F)
[Federated States of Micronesia]
- Ferris1953a: pp.284
Adult (F)
[North America]
- Ferris1950b: pp.22
Adult (F)
[North America]
- Ferris1950b: pp.164
Adult (F)
[North America]
Associated References
- Afifi1968:
taxonomy, pp. 93-98
- AmouroZa2021:
key, pp. 4
- Beards1966:
taxonomy, pp. 432
- BenDov1994:
catalog, pp. 29-30, 354
- Cox1987:
description, taxonomy, pp. 73-74
- CoxBe1986:
taxonomy, pp. 481-482
- Danzig1980b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 110, 168
- DanzigGa2010:
description, taxonomy, pp. 39-40
- DanzigGa2015:
description, key, taxonomy, pp. 204-207
- DongZhWu2017:
key, pp. 595
- Entwis1958:
taxonomy, pp. 64
- Ferris1950b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 164
- Gonzal2011:
description, distribution, structure, taxonomy, pp. 70, 132-135
- GranarScTe1997:
economic importance, taxonomy, pp. 97
- Koszta1996:
description, taxonomy, pp. 77, 168-169
- KwonDaPa2003a:
taxonomy, pp. 394,406
- McKenz1967:
description, taxonomy, pp. 280
- Millar2002:
taxonomy, pp. 185-233
- Moghad2009:
taxonomy, pp. 34
- Moghad2013:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 8, 63
- MoghadWa2022:
destructor, diagnosis, key, pp. 21, 107
- MorrisMo1966:
description, taxonomy, pp. 157
- PachecKaSi2019:
host, key, pp. 529
- RungScEv2008a:
molecular data, taxonomy, pp. 525-532
- Tanaka2022:
key, pp. 336
- Tang1992:
taxonomy, pp. 364-365
- Tao1999:
taxonomy, pp. 24
- TerGri1973:
description, taxonomy, pp. 80
- Terezn1975:
description, taxonomy, pp. 225-226
- WatsonKo2022:
economic importance, taxonomy, pp. 177-178
- Willia1962:
taxonomy, pp. 30
- Willia1985:
description, taxonomy, pp. 38, 39, 272
- WilliaGr1992:
description, taxonomy, pp. 43, 392-394
- WilliaGu2010:
taxonomy, pp. 66-68
- WilliaMo2000:
taxonomy, pp. 32-33, 39-40
- WilliaWa1988a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 161, 163
- ZarkanErAp2023:
key, pp. 159
- ZarkanFaAp2024:
diagnosis, pp. 232-233
- ZhangDe2023:
description, distribution, host, illustration, molecular data, taxonomy, pp.
50 Species