Valid Names Results
Coccus Linnaeus, 1758 (
Nomenclatural History
- Coccus
1758: 455.
Type species: Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus
by subsequent designation
accepted valid name
- Calymmata
1828: 6.
Type species: Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus
junior synonym
Notes: Synonymy by community of type species.
- Calypticus
1829: 8.
Type species: Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus
by subsequent designation
junior synonym
(discovered by Fernal1903b
Notes: Type species as a misidentification of Saissetia oleae (Olivier); subsequently also designated by Fernald (1902: 178).
- Calymmatus
1835: 22;.
misspelling of genus name
- Calimmata
1835: 2;.
misspelling of genus name
- Caliptici
1835: 2;.
misspelling of genus name
- Coeus
Lopez y Ramos
1835: 15;.
misspelling of genus name
- Calypticus
1835: 1.
subsequent use
- Lecanium
1835: 69.
unavailable name that is placed
(discovered by ICZN1985: 139)
- Calymmatus
1839: 50.
subsequent use
- Calypticus
1839: 1.
subsequent use
- Calymnatus
1868: 511;.
misspelling of genus name
- Calymnatus
1869a: 856.
subsequent use
- Cocus
Watt & Mann
1903: 300;.
misspelling of genus name
- Cossus
1959: 625;.
misspelling of genus name
(discovered by MorrisMo1966: 47)
- Taiwansaissetia
Tao, Wong & Chang
1983: 77.
Type species: Lecanium formicarii Green
by monotypy and original designation
junior synonym
(discovered by LinKoGu2013: 249-264)
- Taiwansaissetia
Kosztarab, Ben-Dov & Kosztarab
1986: 16.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of authors.
- Taiwansaissetia
1994a: 566.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of authors.
- Systematics: Subfamily: Coccinae. Tribe: Coccini.
The generic name Lecanium Burmeister, 1835, was one of the most widely used names in the Coccidae, as well as in other families of scale insects, despite its obscure status. The status of this genus has been discussed by various authors, for example Morrison & Morrison (1966). The final rejection of this genus from the Coccoidea has been established by Opinion 1303 of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1985), which placed Lecanium on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic names in Zoology.
After Fernald (1903b) designated Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus as type species of Calypticus Costa, the latter was generally accepted as an objective synonym of Coccus. However, De Lotto (1970a) showed that the nominal type species of Calypticus was a misidentification by Costa (1829) of Saissetia oleae (Olivier). Saissetia oleae (Olivier) is also the type species of Bernardia Ashmead. Therefore, the case should be referred to ICZN. Calymmatus Costa, 1835, is a mis-spelling of Calypticus (see Morrison & Morrison, 1966).
Type species was designated following the application by Danzig and Kerzhner (1981a).
Gullan, et al., 2018 considered erecting a new genus for Macaranga-associated coccids but their close genetic relationship to C. hesperidum (the type species of Coccus) made this action untenable, despite the morphological distinctness of the Macaranga coccid species.
- Structure: Adult female. Body oval, elongate or pyriform; usually flat, moderately convex, or nearly hemispherical. Derm membranous; gradually increasing in thickness during ageing. Dorsal setae setose, spinose, clavate or cylindrical. Dorsal tubular ducts and dorsal submarginal tubercles present or absent. Preopercular pores present or absent, varying in number and shape. Anal plates together quadrate. Anal ring with 6 or 8 setae. Marginal setae simple to branched; stigmatic clefts deep or shallow, each with 2-8 stigmatic spines. Venter. Antennae 2-8 segmented. Legs well developed or reduced; with or without a tibio-tarsal articulatory sclerosis. Spiracular disc-pores with 5 loculi. Pregenital disc-pores mainly with 10 loculi, present around anal opening, or extending anteriorly, even as far as head. Ventral tubular ducts present or absent; when present located medially, or forming a sparse or dense submarginal band. (Wang & Feng, 2012)
- Economic Importance: Some Coccus species are pests of horticultural and ornamental plants in China (Wang & Feng, 2012a)
- General Remarks: Definition and characters given by Leonardi (1920), Steinweden (1929), Zimmerman (1948), Borchsenius (1957), De Lotto (1959; 1965a), Hodgson (1967; 1994a), Williams & Kosztarab (1972), Gill et al (1977), Tao et al. (1983), Hamon & Williams (1984), Williams & Watson (1994), Kosztarab (1996) and by Granara de Willink (1999).
- CaoWaHo2022: pp.119
Adult (F)
[Key to separate adult females of Coccus from Prococcus)]
- DubeyKaJo2022: pp.513
Adult (F)
[Coccidae infesting Areca catechu in Karnataka]
- GranarPiFe2010: pp.397
Adult (F)
[Species on Coffea in Brazil]
- HodgsoHe2000: pp.195
Adult (F)
[New Zealand]
- Granar1999: pp.25
Adult (F)
- Koszta1996: pp.337
Adult (F)
[Northeastren North America]
- AvasthSh1991: pp.329-330
Adult (F)
- Tang1991: pp.75-78
Adult (F)
[China] Key as: Taiwansaissetia
- WilliaWa1990: pp.82
Adult (F)
[Tropical South Pacific]
- Gill1988: pp.26
Adult (F)
[USA, California]
- HamonWi1984: pp.38
Adult (F)
[USA, Florida]
- HamonWi1984: pp.16-17
Adult (F)
[Genera in SE USA]
- TaoWoCh1983: pp.63
Adult (F)
[Taiwan] Key as: Taiwansaissetia
- Kawai1980: pp.141-142
Adult (F)
- Wang1980: pp.26-27
Adult (F)
- GillNaWi1977: pp.12-Oct
Adult (F)
[North America]
- Hodgso1969a: pp.5
Adult (F)
- Hodgso1967: pp.2
Adult (F)
- Beards1966: pp.480, 482-483
Adult (F)
- DeLott1966: pp.41-43
Adult (F)
[South Africa]
- DeLott1965a: pp.190-191
Adult (F)
- DeLott1960: pp.389
Adult (F)
- DeLott1959: pp.153-154
Adult (F)
- GomezM1958b: pp.63
Adult (F)
- Borchs1957: pp.294
Adult (F)
[Palaearctic Region]
- Borchs1957: pp.291
Adult (F)
[Palaearctic Region]
- DeLott1957c: pp.295-296
Adult (F)
- Borchs1950b: pp.144-146
Adult (F)
- Zimmer1948: pp.293-294
Adult (F)
- Morris1921: pp.
Adult (F)
- Cocker1905b: pp.199
Adult (F)
[USA, Colorado]
Associated References
- Almeid1969:
taxonomy, pp. 21
- Almeid1973b:
taxonomy, pp. 4
- Ashmea1891:
taxonomy, pp. 97
- Avasth1993:
taxonomy, pp. 73
- AvasthSh1991:
description, taxonomy, pp. 329-330
- Beards1966:
taxonomy, pp. 480,482
- BenDov1993:
catalog, pp. 14-15,64
- Bodenh1953a:
taxonomy, pp. 94
- Borchs1950b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 144-146
- Borchs1957:
description, taxonomy, pp. 292-294
- Burmei1835:
taxonomy, pp. 61
- CaoWaHo2022:
diagnosis, key, pp. 119
- CebeciSe2004:
taxonomy, pp. 209
- ChoiSoLe2018:
diagnosis, taxonomy, pp. 20-22
- Cocker1893g:
taxonomy, pp. 49
- Cocker1905b:
taxonomy, pp. 199
- Cocker1929b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 150
- Costa1828a:
taxonomy, pp. 1-8
- Costa1828b:
taxonomy, pp. 449-454
- Costa1829:
taxonomy, pp. 8
- Costa1835:
taxonomy, pp. 1
- Dalman1826:
taxonomy, pp. 350-374
- DeLott1957c:
taxonomy, pp. 295-296
- DeLott1959:
taxonomy, pp. 150-154
- DeLott1960:
taxonomy, pp. 389
- DeLott1965a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 189-191
- DeLott1966:
taxonomy, pp. 41-43
- DeLott1971:
taxonomy, pp. 145
- DeLott1971d:
description, taxonomy, pp. 257-258
- DeLott1978:
taxonomy, pp. 139
- DietzMo1916a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 245
- EzzatHu1969:
description, taxonomy, pp. 391
- Fernal1902:
taxonomy, pp. 177-178
- Fernal1902a:
taxonomy, pp. 232-233
- Fernal1903b:
pp. 167
- Fernal1906:
description, taxonomy, pp. 125-126
- Ferris1950a:
taxonomy, pp. 75
- Gill1988:
description, taxonomy, pp. 26
- GillNaWi1977:
description, taxonomy, pp. 1-44
- GomezM1937:
description, taxonomy, pp. 295
- GomezM1958b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 48, 62-63
- Granar1999:
description, taxonomy, pp. 80-81
- GranarPiFe2010:
taxonomy, pp. 391-399
- GullanCo2001:
phylogeny, taxonomy, pp. 91-99
- GullanKoFi2018:
ant association, diagnosis, host, illustration, taxonomy, pp. 8-12
- Hadzib1983:
description, taxonomy, pp. 126
- HamonWi1984:
description, key, taxonomy, pp. 17,36-38
- Hodgso1967:
description, taxonomy, pp. 2
- Hodgso1969a:
taxonomy, pp. 4-5
- Hodgso1994a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 182-185, 306, 566-56
- HodgsoHe2000:
taxonomy, pp. 195
- ICZN1985:
taxonomy, pp. 139-141
- Kawai1980:
description, taxonomy, pp. 141-142
- KondoWaGa2022:
diagnosis, taxonomy, pp. 248-249
- Koszta1996:
description, taxonomy, pp. 324,336-337
- Koteja1974:
taxonomy, pp. 306
- Lawson1917:
description, taxonomy, pp. 195
- Leonar1920:
taxonomy, pp. 319
- LinKoGu2013:
molecular data, taxonomy, pp. 250
- Linnae1758:
description, taxonomy, pp. 455
- LongoMaPe1995:
taxonomy, pp. 122
- Lopezy1835:
taxonomy, pp. 15
- Mamet1949:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 23
- Mamet1950:
taxonomy, pp. 21
- Mamet1951:
taxonomy, pp. 224
- Mamet1954:
taxonomy, pp. 13
- Mamet1959a:
taxonomy, pp. 376
- Mamet1978:
taxonomy, pp. 105
- MatileNo1984:
taxonomy, pp. 63
- Miller1996:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 70
- Morris1921:
description, taxonomy, pp. 653-654
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 27-28,42,47
- Paik1978:
description, taxonomy, pp.
- Rehace1959:
description, taxonomy, pp. 625
- Rehace1960:
description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, pp. 44
- Savesc1982:
description, taxonomy, pp. 274
- Signor1868:
description, taxonomy, pp. 511
- Signor1869:
catalog, description, taxonomy, pp. 856
- Steinw1929:
description, taxonomy, pp. 222-223
- Sulzer1776:
description, taxonomy, pp. 107-112
- Tang1991:
description, taxonomy, pp. 71-78, 84-85
- Tao1978:
description, taxonomy, pp. 79
- Tao1999:
taxonomy, pp. 53
- TaoWoCh1983:
description, taxonomy, pp. 62-63, 77-80
- Terezn1981:
description, taxonomy, pp. 148
- Tranfa1976:
taxonomy, pp. 128
- UedaQuIt2008:
ant association, phylogeny, taxonomy, pp. 2319-2326
- VarshnMo1987:
taxonomy, pp. 173
- Walker1852:
taxonomy, pp. 1080
- Wang1980:
description, taxonomy, pp. 26-27
- WangFe2012a:
taxonomy, pp. 60
- Willia2007b:
taxonomy, pp. 427-490
- WilliaBe2009:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 1-64
- WilliaKo1972:
description, taxonomy, pp. 54
- WilliaWa1990:
description, taxonomy, pp. 60-61,81-83
- Xie1998:
taxonomy, pp. 65
- XieXuZh2006a:
taxonomy, pp. 1-7
- Yang1982:
description, taxonomy, pp. 166
- Zimmer1948:
description, taxonomy, pp. 293-294
115 Species