Valid Names Results
Pulvinaria Targioni Tozzetti, 1866 (
Nomenclatural History
- Calypticus
1844: 273.
Type species: Calypticus mesembrianthemi Costa
by subsequent designation
(= Coccus mesembryanthemi, Vallot )
junior synonym
(discovered by BenDov1993: 290)
Notes: Costa (1844) presented observations on a soft scale insect, which he found on Mesembryanthemum acanaciforme at Posilipo Beach near Napoli, to which he referred to as Calittico and Calypticus. He did not state a species name, but Signoret, 1869a: 861) cited the species as Calypticus mesembrianthemi Costa .Although Calypticus (= Calittico) antedated Pulvinariella, it was regarded by Ben-Dov (1993) as an objective synonym of Pulvinariella, which is a subjective synonym of Pulvinaria.
- Gasteralphe
1864: 55.
replacement name that is unjustified
- Pulvinaria
Targioni Tozzetti
1866: 146.
Type species: Coccus vitis Linnaeus
by monotypy and original designation
accepted valid name
- Pulvinaria
Targioni Tozzetti
1867: 13.
subsequent use
- Pulvinaria
Targioni Tozzetti
1868: 727.
subsequent use
- Pluvinaria
1935b: 771;.
misspelling of genus name
- Pulvineria
1936: 218;.
misspelling of genus name
- Chloropulvinaria
1952: 299.
Type species: Coccus floccifera Westwood
by original designation
junior synonym
(discovered by BenDov1993: 63)
- Pulvinariella
1953: 287.
Type species: Coccus mesembryanthemi Vallot
by original designation
junior synonym
(discovered by BenDov1993: 270)
- Eupulvinaria
1953: 288.
Type species: Eupulvinaria peregrina Borchsenius
by original designation
junior synonym
(discovered by Danzig1980b: 260)
- Pulviferia
1959: 429;.
misspelling of genus name
- Pulvinaria (Eupulvinaria)
Borchsenius, 1953;
1980b: 260.
change in status (level)
- Saccharipulvinaria
Tao, Wong & Chang
1983: 85.
Type species: Coccus iceryi Signoret
junior synonym
(discovered by Hodgso1994a: 528)
- Saccharipulvinaria
Kosztarab, Ben-Dov & Kosztarab
1986: 14.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of authors.
- Saccharipulvinaria
1991: 267.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of authors.
- Saccharipulvinaria
1994a: 525.
by present designation
subsequent use
Notes: Incorrect citation of authors.
- ulvinaria
2009: 34;.
misspelling of genus name
Notes: Misspelling of 'ulvinaria' for 'Pulvinaria'.
- Systematics: Subfamily: Coccinae. Tribe: Pulvinariini.
Costa (1844) published observations on a soft scale insect, collected on Mesembryanthemum acanaciforme at Posilipo Beach near Naples, Italy, to which he referred as Calittico sp. Signoret (1869a: 861) named the above Calypticus mesembryanthemi Costa. Although Calittico antedated Pulvinariella the former was considered by Ben-Dov (1993) as an objective synonym of Pulvinariella. Chloropulviaria and Eupulvinaria are here considered subjective synonyms of Pulvinaria.
The genus Saccharipulvinaria Tao, Wong & Chang, 1983, was established with Pulvinaria iceryi Signoret as type species. However, their illustration of the type species is clearly not P. iceryi, but of P. elongata Newstead (see Williams & Watson, 1990; Hodgson, 1994a). Until the status of Saccharipulvinaria will be clarified, within a comprehensive revision of the grass-inhabiting group of Pulvinariini species, the genus is here regarded a subjective synonym of Pulvinaria. Borchsenius (1953) described a new genus Pulvinarella. Although, 3 species (mesembryanthemi and hemiacantha and delottoi) were assigned to a this genus, the division of Pulvinaria has been controversial. Most recent authors have chosen to follow Gill (1988), Ben-Dov (1993) and Hodgson & Henderson (2000) and return the species that were placed in Pulvinariella to Puvinaria.
The recent molecular phylogenetic analysis of the family Coccidae conducted by Choi & Lee (2019) showed that the genus Pulvinaria is probably polyphyletic and, from the perspective of cladistic taxonomy, should be split into several genera. Choi & Lee (2019) pointed out that further studies based on both morphological and molecular data are needed for the revision of this genus. (Tanaka, 2020)
- Structure: White ovisac secreted from under body surface; several types of ventral tubular ducts present and distributed in submarginal band and/or medial area of body; few dorsal tubular ducts present or
absent; tibio-tarsal articulatory sclerosis present in each leg. (Hodgson, 1994a) Adult female secretes an ovisac of white wax filaments, mostly from the posterior end, its bulk often tilting up the rear end of the insect to almost vertical. In many species the ovisac becomes longer than the body at maturity and may also almost cover the insect. The dead females can drop off the ovisac, whereas the empty ovisacs persist on the plant for weeks after egg hatching. (Kondo, Watson, Gavrilov-Zimin & Pellizzari, 2022)
- General Remarks: Definition and charactesr by Borchsenius (1957), Kosztarab & Kozar (1988), Hodgson (1994a), Kosztarab (1996) and by Granara de Willink (1999).
- MoghadWa2024: pp.36
Adult (F)
[Genera of Coccidae in Iran]
- Hodgso2020: pp.221-223
Adult (M)
[Coccidae species]
- ChoiLe2017a: pp.89-90
Adult (F)
[Pulvinariini in Korea]
- TanakaAmUe2006: pp.180
Adult (F)
[Pulvinaria species of Ryuku archipelago]
- Jansen2000: pp.2-3
Adult (F)
- Granar1999: pp.26
Adult (F)
- Granar1999: pp.26
Adult (F)
[Argentina] Key as: Pulvinariella
- Koszta1996: pp.375
Adult (F)
[Northeastern North America]
- QinGu1992: pp.
Adult (F)
- Tang1991: pp.139, 225-226, 234, 252, 268
Adult (F)
- WilliaWa1990: pp.148
Adult (F)
[Tropical South Pacific]
- Gill1988: pp.84-85
Adult (F)
[USA, California]
- KosztaKo1988F: pp.239
Adult (F)
[Central Europe]
- Kozar1986: pp.173
Adult (F)
- HamonWi1984: pp.87
Adult (F)
[USA, Florida]
- HamonWi1984: pp.16-17
Adult (F)
[Genera in SE USA]
- TaoWoCh1983: pp.62
Adult (F)
- Willia1982b: pp.113
Adult (F)
[Pulvinaria -iceryi group]
- Yang1982: pp.
Adult (F)
- Danzig1980b: pp.260
Adult (F)
[Far East Russia.]
- Kawai1980: pp.148-149
Adult (F)
- Wang1980: pp.31-34
Adult (F)
- DeLott1979a: pp.248
Adult (F)
[South Africa]
- KosztaKo1978: pp.121-123
Adult (F)
- WilliaKo1972: pp.119-120
Adult (F)
[USA, Virginia]
- Hodgso1969a: pp.29
Adult (F)
[Afrotropical region]
- Hodgso1968: pp.161
Adult (F)
- Danzig1967: pp.
Adult (F)
[USSR, Far East]
- Hodgso1967a: pp.198
Adult (F)
[Ethiopian Region]
- Beards1966: pp.480, 491
Adult (F)
- Danzig1964: pp.
Adult (F)
[USSR, European]
- Borchs1957: pp.203,205,221,228-229
Adult (F)
[Palaearctic region]
- Borchs1957: pp.203
Adult (F)
[Palaearctic Region] Key as: Pulvinariella
- Takaha1955e: pp.
Adult (F)
- Borchs1950b: pp.150-152
Adult (F)
- Zimmer1948: pp.332-333
Adult (F)
- Steinw1946: pp.14-15
Adult (F)
- GomezM1937: pp.279
Adult (F)
- Morris1920: pp.
Adult (F)
- DietzMo1916a: pp.238
Adult (F)
[USA, Indiana]
- Green1909: pp.
Adult (F)
[Sri Lanka]
- Green1909a: pp.258
Adult (F)
[Sri Lanka]
- Cocker1905b: pp.198
Adult (F)
[USA, Colorado]
Associated References
- Ali1971:
taxonomy, pp. 46-50
- Almeid1973b:
taxonomy, pp. 6
- Ashmea1891:
taxonomy, pp. 99
- Atanas1959:
taxonomy, pp. 429
- Beards1966:
taxonomy, pp. 479,491
- BenDov1993:
catalog, pp. 63,140,290,301
- BenDovHoMi1997:
taxonomy, pp. 202
- Bodenh1927c:
taxonomy, pp. 25-44
- Bodenh1953a:
taxonomy, pp. 94
- Borchs1950b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 150-152
- Borchs1952a:
taxonomy, pp. 296
- Borchs1953:
description, taxonomy, pp. 287
- Borchs1957:
description, taxonomy, pp. 203-205,220-229,252-253
- Brain1920a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 17-18
- Canard1965a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 411
- CebeciSe2004:
taxonomy, pp. 213
- ChoiLe2017a:
diagnosis, distribution, key, taxonomy, pp. 90, 93
- ChoiLe2017a:
diagnosis, key, taxonomy, pp. 93
- ChoiSoLe2018:
diagnosis, pp. 44
- Cocker1899a:
taxonomy, pp. 394
- Cocker1899j:
taxonomy, pp. 272
- Cocker1899n:
taxonomy, pp. 19
- Cocker1902p:
taxonomy, pp. 253
- Cocker1905b:
taxonomy, pp. 198
- Comsto1881a:
taxonomy, pp. 334
- Costa1844:
taxonomy, pp. 273-276
- Danzig1964:
taxonomy, pp. 639
- Danzig1967:
taxonomy, pp. 144
- Danzig1980b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 259-260
- Danzig1988:
description, taxonomy, pp. 714
- DeLott1965a:
taxonomy, pp. 216
- DeLott1979a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 248, 254
- DietzMo1916a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 238
- EzzatHu1969:
description, taxonomy, pp. 388,415,420
- Fernal1903b:
pp. 128
- Ferris1950a:
taxonomy, pp. 74
- Frogga1915:
description, taxonomy, pp. 413
- GavrilTr2008a:
chromosomes, taxonomy, pp. 131-138
- GavrilTr2008a:
chromosomes, taxonomy, pp. 131-138
- Gill1988:
description, taxonomy, pp. 84-85
- GomezM1937:
description, taxonomy, pp. 278-279
- GomezM1958b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 101-102
- Granar1999:
description, taxonomy, pp. 78,143-144
- Granar1999:
description, taxonomy, pp. 152
- Green1909a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 258
- Hadzib1983:
description, taxonomy, pp. 93-94,106
- HamonWi1984:
description, taxonomy, pp. 17,85-87
- Hodgso1967a:
taxonomy, pp. 198
- Hodgso1968:
taxonomy, pp. 161
- Hodgso1969a:
taxonomy, pp. 4,29,175-178
- Hodgso1994a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 506-509,524-528,502-506
- Hodgso2020:
key, pp. 222
- Jansen2000:
taxonomy, pp. 1-11
- Kawai1972:
taxonomy, pp. 14
- Kawai1980:
description, taxonomy, pp. 148-149
- KondoGu2010:
taxonomy, pp. 6
- KondoWaGa2022a:
control, diagnosis, host, illustration, taxonomy, pp. 314-331
- Koszta1996:
description, taxonomy, pp. 324,332,334,374-375
- KosztaKo1978:
description, taxonomy, pp. 121
- KosztaKo1988F:
description, taxonomy, pp. 177,238-239
- Koteja1964:
taxonomy, pp. 181
- Koteja1974:
taxonomy, pp. 306
- Koteja1974a:
taxonomy, pp. 249
- Kozar1986:
taxonomy, pp. 173
- Lagows1996:
description, taxonomy, pp. 7-8
- Lawson1917:
description, taxonomy, pp. 187
- Leonar1920:
description, taxonomy, pp. 277,329
- LongoMaPe1995:
taxonomy, pp. 124
- Mamet1949:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 26-27
- Mamet1957:
taxonomy, pp. 375
- Mamet1978:
taxonomy, pp. 105
- Miller1996:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 71
- Moghad2009:
taxonomy, pp. 34
- Morris1920:
description, taxonomy, pp. 182-183
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 36,74,158,169
- Newste1903:
description, taxonomy, pp.
- Newste1913:
taxonomy, pp. 77
- Paik1978:
description, taxonomy, pp.
- Qin1990:
taxonomy, pp. 79-81
- QinGu1992:
description, taxonomy, pp. 103-164
- Rehace1960:
description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, pp. 38-39
- Savesc1982:
description, taxonomy, pp. 270
- Shinji1935b:
taxonomy, pp. 771,775
- Signor1873:
description, taxonomy, pp. 29-31
- Steinw1929:
description, taxonomy, pp. 226-227
- Steinw1946:
description, taxonomy, pp. 1-28
- Sulc1942:
description, taxonomy, pp. 5-8
- Takaha1939b:
taxonomy, pp. 263
- Takaha1955d:
description, taxonomy, pp. 148-154
- TanakaAm2004:
taxonomy, pp. 265
- TanakaAmUe2006:
taxonomy, pp. 180
- TanakaKo2015:
description, taxonomy, pp. 113
- Tang1991:
description, taxonomy, pp. 225,233,251-252,267,280-281
- Tao1978:
taxonomy, pp. 82
- Tao1999:
distribution, host, taxonomy, pp. 52,58,64,65
- TaoWoCh1983:
description, taxonomy, pp. 83
- Targio1866:
description, taxonomy, pp. 146
- Targio1867:
description, taxonomy, pp. 13
- Targio1868:
taxonomy, pp. 727
- Targio1884:
taxonomy, pp. 398
- Targio1885:
taxonomy, pp. 112-114
- Terezn1963a:
taxonomy, pp. 52
- Terezn1966:
taxonomy, pp. 29
- Terezn1981:
taxonomy, pp. 132, 137
- VarshnMo1987:
taxonomy, pp. 174
- Wang1980:
description, taxonomy, pp. 31-34
- Willia1982a:
key, taxonomy, pp. 111-113
- WilliaKo1972:
description, taxonomy, pp. 118-120
- WilliaWa1990:
description, taxonomy, pp. 60-61,146-148
- Xie1998:
taxonomy, pp. 65
- Yang1982:
description, taxonomy, pp. 157,159
- Zimmer1948:
description, taxonomy, pp. 332-333
143 Species