Valid Names Results
Bambusaspis Cockerell, 1902 (
Nomenclatural History
- Asterolecanium (Bambusaspis)
1902g: 114.
Type species: Chermes miliaris Boisduval
by subsequent designation
accepted valid name
- Bambusaspis
Cockerell, 1902;
1960d: 133.
by present designation
change in status (level)
- Banbusaphis
1978: 413;.
misspelling of genus name
- Ambusaspis
1992: 68;.
misspelling of genus name
- Structure: Adult female usually subcircular to elongate oval, covered by a glassy semitranslucent test with a fringe of waxy filaments around margin; superficially resembling whitefly pupae. Characteristics of slide-mounted adult female body subcircular to elongate oval, often tapering towards apex. Dorsal derm membranous. Large dorsal 8-shaped pores distributed in a continuous or partial row around body margin, sometimes also elsewhere on dorsum. (Lambdin & Kondo, 2022) Venter with interrupted row of submarginal setae, these absent forwards from anterior spiracles (Moghaddam & Watson 2024).
- Biology: Species of Bambusaspis are usually confined to bamboo hosts (Moghaddam & Watson 2024).
- General Remarks: Definition and characters by Russell (1941), Borchsenius (1960d), Gill (1993), Tang & Hao (1995), Williams & Watson (1990), Kosztarab (1996) and by Stumpf& Lambdin (2006).
- MoghadWa2024: pp.21
Adult (F)
[Genera of Asterolecaniidae in Iran]
- GranarGoSt2023: pp.2
Adult (F)
[Genera of Asterolecaniidae in Argentina]
- GiliomKo2008: pp.285
Adult (F)
[bambusaspis species of South Africa]
- StumpfLa2006: pp.20-22
Adult (F)
[Asterolecaniidae genera of North and South America]
- TangHa1995: pp.349-353
Adult (F)
- WilliaWa1990: pp.201
Adult (F)
[Tropical South Pacific]
- WangZh1987: pp.37-38
Adult (F)
Associated References
- Ali1970a:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 143
- Bodenh1951:
taxonomy, pp. 328
- Borchs1950a:
taxonomy, pp. 781
- Borchs1960d:
description, taxonomy, pp. 132-134
- Cocker1902g:
taxonomy, pp. 114
- Giliom2001:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 85-89
- GiliomKo2008:
taxonomy, pp. 282, 285
- Gill1993:
taxonomy, pp. 97,102
- GullanMiCo2005:
structure, taxonomy, pp. 163,173-178
- HodgsoLa2011:
taxonomy, pp. 15
- Koteja1974b:
taxonomy, pp. 83
- KozarDr1998a:
catalog, pp. 20
- LambdiKo2022:
diagnosis, taxonomy, pp. 362
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 22
- Paik1978:
taxonomy, pp. 413
- Russel1941:
taxonomy, pp. 4
- Sander1906:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 3
- StumpfLa2001a:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 153-156
- StumpfLa2006:
description, taxonomy, pp. 83-84,1-231
- TangHa1995:
description, key, taxonomy, pp. 335, 348-353
- Tao1999:
taxonomy, pp. 40
- Varshn1985a:
catalog, pp. 23
- WangZh1987:
key, taxonomy, pp. 36-41
- WilliaWa1990:
description, key, taxonomy, pp. 199, 201
- Zhang1992aX:
taxonomy, pp. 63-69
- ZhangZh1997:
taxonomy, pp. 12-14
61 Species