Valid Names Results
Formicococcus njalensis (Laing, 1929) (Pseudococcidae: Formicococcus)Nomenclatural History
- Pseudococcus njalensis Laing 1929a: 472. Type data: SIERRA LEONE: Njala, on coffee berries. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name Illustr.
- Pseudococcus exitiabilis Laing 1944: 91. Type data: GHANA: Tafo, on Theobroma cacao. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; junior synonym (discovered by Hall1945, 305). Illustr.
- Pseudococcus bingervillensis Magnin 1955: 238. Type data: IVORY COAST: Bingerville, on Alchornea cordifolia. Syntypes, female, junior synonym (discovered by WilliaMa2020, 439-440). Notes: Type material probably lost, D. Matile-Ferrero, 1989, personal communication to Y. Ben-Dov.
- Planococcoides njalensis (Laing, 1929); Ezzat & McConnell 1956: 55. change of combination
- Planococcus lamabokensis Balachowsky & Ferrero 1966: 69. Type data: CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: La Maboke, on Theobroma cacao. Holotype, female, Type depository: Paris: Museum National d'Histoire naturelle, France; junior synonym (discovered by WilliaMa2005a, 146). Illustr.
- Planococcoides lamabokensis (Balachowsky & Ferrero, 1966); Cox & Freeston 1985: 720. change of combination
- Formicococcus lamabokensis (Balachowsky & Ferrero, 1966); Williams & Matile-Ferrero 2005a: 146. change of combination
- Formicococcus njalensis (Laing, 1929); Williams & Matile-Ferrero 2005a: 150. change of combination
- Planoccoides njalensis; Ahmed, et al. 2023: 743. misspelling of genus name
Common Names
- cacao mealybug Bartle1978e
Ecological Associates
Families: 33 | Genera: 73
- Acanthaceae
- Brillantaisia owariensis | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Brillantaisia nitens)
- Anacardiaceae
- Anacardium occidentale | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Annonaceae
- Annickia chlorantha | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Enantia chlorantha)
- Annona muricata | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985
- Uvariodendron | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Xylopia parviflora | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985
- Apocynaceae
- Carissa spinarum | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Carissa edulis
- Motandra guineensis | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Pergularia daemia | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Pergularia extensa)
- Tabernaemontana | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Conopharyngia)
- Voacanga africana | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Araliaceae
- Cussonia | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Asteraceae
- Aspilia latifolia | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Klasea cardunculus | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Erythrina nitida)
- Vernonia conferta | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Bignoniaceae
- Newbouldia laevis | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Bromeliaceae
- Ananas comosus | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Cannabaceae
- Trema orientalis | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Trema guineensis)
- Caricaceae
- Carica papaya | SosanAjUd2020
- Cucurbitaceae
- Telfairea occidentalis | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Ebenaceae
- Diospyros canaliculata | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985
- Euphorbiaceae
- Alchornea cordifolia | BenDov1994 Hall1945 Magnin1955
- Codiaeum | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Macaranga barteri | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Macaranga heudelotii | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Ricinodendron heudelotii | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | subsp.africanum
- Fabaceae
- Acacia pennata | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Albizia ferruginea | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Baphia nitida | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Chidlowia sanguinea | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Delonix regia | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Hymenostegia afzelii | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Leptoderris | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985
- Lonchocarpus | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Parkia filicoidea | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Senna siamea | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Cassia siamea)
- Tetrapleura tetraptera | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985
- Hypericaceae
- Harungana madagascariensis | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985
- Lamiaceae
- Clerodendrum | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Platystoma africana | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Vitex grandifolia | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Lauraceae
- Persea americana | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | )= Persea gratissima)
- Lecythidaceae
- Petersianthus macrocarpus | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Combretodendron africanum)
- Malvaceae
- Ceiba pentandra | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Cola acuminata | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Cola chlamydantha | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Cola cordifolia | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Cola millenii | BenDov1994 Hall1945 | (= Cola togoensis)
- Desplatsia chrysochlamys | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985 Strick1947a
- Desplatsia dewevrei | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Desplatsia lutea)
- Octolobus spectabilis | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Sterculia | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Sterculia rhinopetala | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Sterculia setigera | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Sterculia tragacantha | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Theobroma bicolor | GyamweDoAk2023
- Theobroma cacao | BalachFe1966 BenDov1994 Entwis1958 Laing1944 KoffiBaDe2025
- Moraceae
- Ficus sur | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985
- Napoleonaceae
- Napoleonaea angolensis | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Napoleona parviflora)
- Napoleonaea vogelii | BenDov1994 Hall1945 | (= Napoleona voegelii)
- Ochnaceae
- Lophira alata | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Pandaceae
- Microdesmis puberula | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Phyllanthaceae
- Antidesma laciniatum | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Polygalaceae
- Carpolobia lutea | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Rubiaceae
- Coffea canephora | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985
- Coffea liberica | BenDov1994 Hall1945 Strick1947a | (= Coffea excelsa)
- Craterispermum cerinanthum | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Cuviera acutiflora | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Fleroya stipulosa | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Mitragyna stipulosa)
- Psychotria | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Psydrax subcordata | BenDov1994 Hall1945 | (= Canthium glabriflorum)
- Rothmannia whitfieldii | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985 Strick1947a | (= Randia malleifera)
- Sabicea ferruginea | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985
- Rutaceae
- Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Fagara xanthoxyoides)
- Salicaceae
- Homalium | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Sapindaceae
- Blighia sapida | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Blighia unijugata | BenDov1994 Strick1947a | (= Phialodiscus unjugatus)
- Chytranthus | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Lecaniodiscus cupanioides | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Paullinia pinnata | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Sapotaceae
- Synsepalum dulcificum | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Solanaceae
- Solanum torvum | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Strombosiaceae
- Strombosia pustulata | BenDov1994 Hall1945
- Urticaceae
- Musanga | BenDov1994 Strick1947a
- Musanga cecropioides | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985 | (= Musanga smithii)
- Myrianthus arboreus | BenDov1994 Hall1945
Families: 4 | Genera: 14
- Cecidomyiidae
- Triommata coccotroctes | Hargre1937
- Coccinellidae
- Nephus ornatulus | Hargre1937
- Novius occidentalis | Hargre1937
- Scymnus | AhmedApKa2023
- Encyrtidae
- Acerophagus | AhmedApKa2023 | (=Pseudaphycus)
- Acerophagus notativentris | AhmedApKa2023
- Acerophagus pallidus | AhmedApKa2023
- Aenasius abengouroui | Risbec1949
- Aenasius martinii | AhmedApKa2023
- Anagyrus aurantifrons | AhmedApKa2023
- Anagyrus beneficians | AhmedApKa2023
- Blepyrus saccharicola | AhmedApKa2023
- Hambletonia pseudococcina | GilCoMa2023
- Leptomastix dactylopii | Risbec1949 AhmedApKa2023 | (= Leptomastix bifasciatus)
- Prochiloneurus aegyptiacus | BenDov1994 Trjapi1989
- Tetracnemoidea sydneyensis | AhmedApKa2023
- Tropidophryne melvillei | AhmedApKa2023
- Formicidae
- Odontomachus haematodus | EvansLe1971
Families: 2 | Genera: 2
- Caulimoviridae
- BSV | PalmaJBlGu2019 WatsonKu2005
- Cacao swollen shoot virus | GyamweDoAk2023 KoffiBaDe2025
- Formicidae
- Oecophylla longinoda | VayssiGrSi2020 KoffiBaDe2025
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 12
- Benin | VayssiGrSi2020
- Cameroon | BenDov1994 CABI1974
- Central African Republic | BalachFe1966 BenDov1994
- Cote d'Ivoire (=Ivory Coast) | BenDov1994 CouturMaRi1985 Magnin1955
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (=Zaire) | BenDov1994 CABI1974
- Ghana | BenDov1994 Campbe1983 Laing1944
- Guinea | BenDov1994 CABI1974
- Liberia | BenDov1994 CABI1974
- Nigeria | BenDov1994 CABI1974
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Principe | BenDov1994 CABI1974
- Sao Tome | BenDov1994 CABI1974
- Sierra Leone | BenDov1994 CABI1974 Hargre1937 Laing1929a
- Togo | BenDov1994 CABI1974
- Systematics: Species in the genus Formicococcus Takahashi usually possess 18 pairs of cerarii, four of which occur on the head. Many of the cerarii each possess more than two conical cerarian setae. In an extensive study of the number of cerarii and numbers of cerarian setae on both sides of the body, on specimens from different localities and host plants in West Africa, Hall (1945) found wide variation. Hall (1945) also discussed the wide variation in numbers of setae and their lengths in the Formicococcus specimens he studied. the characters used to separate Pseudococcus bingervillensis from F. njalensis in Ivory Coast fall within the range of variation in specimens of F. njalensis from other parts of West Africa. Therefore, Williams and Matile-Ferrero (2020) concluded that the name Pseudococcus bingervillensis Magnin is a junior synonym of Formicococcus njalensis (Laing)
- Biology: Magnin (1953) studied the life history and reproduction mode of this mealybug in the Ivory Coast. The dispersal by movement of crawlers was studied by Cornwell (1959), and Cornwell (1961) evaluated the role air currents in dispersal of the insect on cacao in Ghana. Biology and pest status on coffee presented by Le Pelley (1968). Campbell (1983) assessed the presence and spatial distribution on cocoa trees in Ghana. Natural enemies discussed by Bartlett (1978) and by Moore (1988). Parasites in Palaearctic region discussed by Trjapitzin (1989).
- Economic Importance: This species is the most important mealybug vector of "swollen shoot" virus disease of cacao in West Africa (Strickland, 1951, 1951a; Hanna et al., 1952, 1955, 1956; Hanna & Heatherington, 1957, 1959).
- General Remarks: Description and illustration of the adult female given by Ezzat & McConnell (1956) and by Balachowsky & Ferrero (1966) (as Planococcus lamabokensis). Description and illustration of the female and male larvae and adults, and the spermatophores given by Magnin (1953). Good description and illustration of the adult female synomym Pseudococcus bingervillensis given by Magnin (1955).
- AbrokwDzGa2016: vector, virus,
- Adegbo1971: economic importance, life history, 75-82
- AduAmpAdOw1999: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 24-26
- AhmedApKa2023: control, virus transmission, 743
- BalachFe1966: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 69-72
- Bartle1978e: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, 156, 157
- BenDov1994: catalog, 351-353, 380
- BruntKe1971: disease transmission, economic importance, host, 591-602
- Buckle1987: ecology, life history, 53-85
- CABI1974: distribution,
- Campbe1983: life history, 137-151
- Campbe1984: distribution, ecology, host, life history, 163-174
- Clause1958: biological control, economic importance, 291-310
- Cornwe1956: disease transmission, distribution, host, life history, 137-166
- Cornwe1959: biology, 613-630
- Cornwe1961: biology, 175-201
- CouturMaRi1985: description, taxonomy, 280
- CoxFr1985: taxonomy, 720
- Entwis1958: distribution, economic importance, host, 31-36
- Entwis1977: biological control, distribution, economic importance, host, life history, 346-348
- EntwisJoDu1959: distribution, host, 2040
- EvansLe1971: natural enemies,
- EzzatMc1956: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 55-59
- Firemp1981: ecology, economic importance, life history, 229-232
- Firemp1982a: biological control, ecology, economic importance, life history, 100-101
- Gavril2018: reproduction, 221
- Greath1971: biological control, distribution, host,
- GyamweDoAk2023: virus transmission, 12
- HakkonPi1984: biological control, 1109-1121
- Hall1945: distribution, host, 305
- HannaHe1957: control, disease transmission, distribution, economic importance, host, 473-480
- HannaHeJu1952: control, disease transmission, distribution, economic importance, host, 334-335
- HannaHeMa1959: control, disease transmission, distribution, economic importance, host, 209-225
- HannaJuHe1955: control, disease transmission, distribution, economic importance, host, 669-710
- HannaJuHe1956: control, disease transmission, distribution, economic importance, host, 219-227
- Hargre1937: distribution, host, 505-520
- KoffiBaDe2025: DNA, ant association, distribution, host, illustration, natural enemies, virus transmission, 10
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 23
- Laing1929a: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 472-473
- Laing1944: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 91-93
- Magnin1955: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 238-240
- MealybSt1987: control, economic importance, life history, 24-30
- Moore1988: biological control, 209-225
- NGuessYaNg2019: distribution, host, 3,4
- Nicol1952: chemical control, 120
- NicolOwSt1950: distribution, economic importance, host, 490
- ObodjiNGNG2015: virus, virus transmission,
- Posnet1947a: distribution, economic importance, host, 388-402
- Risbec1949: biological control, distribution, host, 578-581
- RojterBoLe1966: biological control, distribution, host, 110-114
- SosanAjUd2020: distribution, ecology, host,
- Strick1947a: distribution, host, 507-508
- Trjapi1989: biological control, 315
- TurgutUl2007: ant association, 313
- VayssiGrSi2020: ant association,
- WilliaMa2005a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 146
- WilliaMa2005a: taxonomy, 150