Zhou, Y., Wu, J., Lin, S., He, J., Deng, Y., He, J., & Cheng, D. 2022 The synergistic effects of rosehip oil and matrine against Icerya aegyptiaca (Douglas) (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) and the underlying mechanisms. Pest Management Science DOI 10.1002/ps.6983


  • control
  • Notes: Insecticides generally fail to achieve the desired control of I. aegyptiaca because of difficulties penetrating this wax shell. Plant essential oils are rich in terpenoids and have strong penetrability and expansibility, which can enable the rapid penetration and absorption of insecticides, thereby improving the control effect. Matrine is a botanical insecticide with contact and stomach toxicity, low toxicity toward non-target organisms and is environmentally friendly. In this study, we tested the insecticidal activity of rosehip oil (Ro)/matrine combinations and revealed the synergistic mechanism of Ro and its components with matrine in terms of physiology and biochemistry.