Tunçyürek, M.S. 1977 Effet des Aphelinides parasites sur la population de cochenilles diaspines nuisibles aux citrus dans la partie egeenne de la Turquie. [The effect of aphelinid parasites on the population of citrus scale insects in the Aegean region].. Fruits 32(6): 200-212.

Notes: [Abstract also in Russian.] Surveys of representative tangerine trees were made in several orchards. Where populations of the parasitic species Aphytis melinus and Aspidiotiphagus citrinus were greatest, scale populations were lowest and the number of clean fruit highest. The important scale species were Aonidiella citrina, which tended to become dominant where parasites were abundant, A. aurantii, and Chrysomphalus dictyospermi, which fell to very low levels. Despite the occurrence of parasites, the rate of heavily infested fruit was never below 25% in the Aegean district. Where infestation exceeded three scales/cm2 of leaf surface an early-summer application of white oil was advised but later treatments could be harmful to the parasites.