Takagi, S. 2014 The Yabunikkei Complex and some other Species of Aulacaspis occurring on Lauraceae (Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea: Diaspididae). Insecta Matsumurana 70: 89-151

Notes: "Aulacaspis yahunikkei" or the Yahunikkei complex of Aulacaspis comprises three distinct species including two new ones in Japan: A. yahunikkei Kuwana associated with Cinnamomum spp., A neolitseae occurring on Neolitsea sericea unually and on Cinnamomum japonicum occasionally, and A sirodamo collected from N. sericea. The grounds adopted for recognizing the three species are explained. A small sample from Taiwan agrees with the revised concept of A yahunikkei; two other samples collected in Taiwan and Hong Kong are referred to A sirodamo tentatively. Seven other species of Aulacaspis all occurring on Lauraceae but not particularly related to the yahunikkei complex are described: Aulacaspis ferrisi Scott, originally described from "Kwangtung", China, and represented in the present study by samples collected in the Kowloon Peninsula, Malay Penninsula, Kathmandu Valley, and South India, and six new species occurring in the Malay Peninsula: A. obconica, A. ulukaliana, A. medangena, A kedahana, A cinnamomorum, and A. jeraiana.