Soria, S., Del Estal Padillo, P., & Viñuela Sandoval, E. 1998a Presencia en Espana de Odonaspis greeni (Cockerell) y Bambusaspis bambusae Boisduval sobre plantas ornamentales de bambu. [First detection of Odonaspis greeni (Cockerell) and Bambusaspis bambusae Boisduval on ornamental bamboos in Spain.]. Boletín de Sanidad Vegetal, Plagas 24: 2, 337-342.

Notes: Odonaspis greeni and Bambusaspis bambusae are two specific pests of some species of bamboo, and they have spread from the Asiatic region throughout many other world regions where bamboo is used for ornamental plantings. Both scales have been found for the first time in Spain. O. greeni in a glasshouse in Madrid on Bambusa ventricosa and B. bambusae on Bambusa sp. in the Canary Islands (Tenerife, La Palma and Las Palmas).