Siewniak, M. 1983 [Investigations of the abundance, host parasite relations and population dynamics of the pine scale Matsucoccus pini (Homoptera, Coccoidea: Margarodidae)].. Folia Forestalia Polonica Series A 25: 49-77.

Notes: Title in English: [Investigations of the abundance, host parasite relations and population dynamics of the pine scale Matsucoccus pini (Homoptera, Coccoidea: Margarodidae).] Detailed study; author states that M. pini is a link in the so-called disease succession of pine. Studies were made on M. pini attack on Scots pine at various sites in E. Germany. In detailed studies at 5 sites in 1969, regression analysis indicated a negative relation between density of attack and needle whorl count (an indicator of 'vitality'). However, in the most heavily damaged stands, there was a (weak) positive relation between attack and vitality, presumably indicating the development of a secondary 'coccidiophobic' condition in trees in these stands. It is proposed that Scots pine trees can be grouped into 4 classes: 'primary coccidiophobic'; 'increasing coccidiophilic'; 'decreasing coccidiophilic'; and 'secondary coccidiophobic'. Results indicate that M. pini is a primary, permanent pest of Scots pine, and that it is an important part of the causal chain involved in the 'pine dieback' syndrome. Based on a dissertation for the Technische Universitat Dresden.