Panis, A. 1970a Méthode d'estimation de la densité de population de Saissetia oleae Bernard (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Coccidae) sur agrumes pour une étude ecologique à l'échelle d'un arbre.. Al Awamia 37: 25-31.

Notes: Title in English: [Method of estimating the population of density of Saissetia oleae Bernard (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Coccidae) on citrus for an ecological study of the scale on a tree.] summaries also in Arabic and Spanish. Conference held in Morocco 26 to 31 October 1970, O.I.L.B., Groupe de Travail "Cochenilles des Agrumes".] A method of sampling the population of Saissetia oleae on a single Citrus tree was developed in France with a view to carrying out precise studies on population fluctuations of the Coccid in relation to density-dependent or density-independent factors. The total population, together with the numbers of leaves and length of twigs and shoots on one tree were counted at one point in the life-cycle of the insect (namely, when females were in the process of oviposition) and then the relative density during all the following generations was evaluated to within about 10% by counts on sample leaves or leaves, twigs and shoots; sampled parts of the tree were not detached from it.