Ortu, S., & DelRio, G. 1982 Osservazioni sull' impiego in campo del fermone sessuale di sintesi di Planococcus citri Risso (Homoptera, Coccidea). [Field trials with synthetic sexual pheromone of Planococcus citri (Homoptera, Coccoidea).]. Redia 65: 341-354.

Notes: In 1982, a synthetic sexual pheromone of P. citri (Risso) was tested in citrus orchards in central-southern Sardinia (Italy). Sticky traps gave the best results, but cylindrical traps were also effective having the advantage of only attracting the males. Captures increased linearly with the logarithm of the dose, which proved most convenient at 250 mu-g/trap. Attractability with this dose persisted for over two months, but showed substantial diminution after two weeks: range was mainly limited to the trap-tree, but probably extended to the immediate vicinity. At least 15 traps/ha were considered necessary for an efficient population survey. Male flight activity was maximum at 1000 h. Captures were directly related to maximum daily temperatures.