Morales, C.F., Hill, M.G., & Walker, A.K. 1988 Life history of the sooty beech scale (Ultracoelostoma assimile) (Maskell), (Hemiptera: Margarodidae) in New Zealand Nothofagus forests.. New Zealand Entomologist (11): 24-37.

Notes: Abstract: Descriptions of adult females, 4 female instars and 5 male instars; biology; description of honeydew production and effect on host; parasites found include a pteromalid (Hymenoptera) and its hyperparasite, and a melandryiid (Coleoptera); a clerid (Coleoptera) was found feeding on live scales; caterpillars of the families Oecophoridae and Coleophoridae were found associated with scale tests but their role is uncertain; life history is compared with other margarodids in New Zealand and elsewhere. Keywords: biological control; biology.