Matile-Ferrero, D. 1979 Description d'un Chorizococcus nouveau inféodé au riz au Cameroun; remarques sur les genres voisins. [Description of Chorizococcus mireorum, new species infesting rice in Cameroon: Remarks on related genera (Homoptera, Coccoidea, Pseudococcidae).]. Revue Française d'Entomologie 1: 70-74.

Notes: C. mireorum; key to three Chorizococcus species living on rice; list of 11 mealybugs injurious to rice, as well as a key to the three spp. of Chorizococcus living on this host plant: C. ilu Williams, C. lii Brookes and C. mireorum. A comparative diagnostic table and remarks are presented for the related genera Atrococcus, Spilococcus, Allococcus, Paracoccus, Allotrionymus, Maconnellicoccus, Chorizococcus and Vryburgia.