Mastoi, M.I., Adam, N.A., Muhamad, R., Ghani, I.A., Gilal, A.A., Khan, J., Bhatti, A.R., Zia, A., & Sahito, J.G.M. 2018 Efficiency of Acerophagus papayae on Different Host Stage Combinations of Papaya Mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 55(2): 375-379


  • biological control
  • natural enemies
  • Notes: Acerophagus papayae a koinobiont endoparasitoid of the invasive papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus and has been introduced as a classical bio-control agent of the mealybug in many countries. Considering the importance, parasitism efficiency of A. papayae against various life stages of P. marginatus was conducted in choice experiments. Results suggested that A. papayae showed higher parasitism efficiency towards third instar female nymphs and adult female P. marginatus in comparison to second instar male. These results suggested that A. papayae has a tremendous potential to be utilized in classical biological control programs against P. marginatus as it showed more preference towards female hosts; hence not only reducing available pest population but also will affect the pest population of next generation.