Koren, T., Milevoj, L., & Jančar, M. 2004 [Altered development of black scale (Saissetia oleae Bern.) in Slovenian Istria.]. Zbornik referatov 1. Slovenskega sadjarskega kongresa z mednarodno udeležbo, Krško, Slovenia, 24-26 marec 2004. Del 2, 2004. Slovenian fruit growing association, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnology Faculty Ljubljana, Slovenia 817 pp.

Notes: [Original title: Spremljanje razvoja oljkovega kaparja (Saissetia oleae Bern.) v Slovenski Istri.] Following a description of this pest, its life cycle, factors influencing development and damage caused, results are presented of a survey of S. oleae on trees in a 14-year-old olive grove at Benesa (100 m above sea level), near Ankaran in the Istrian region of Slovenia. Trees were spaced 6 x 5 m apart. Samples from 10 trees, 5 of which were subjected to [unspecified] chemical control measures, were studied in the field and in the laboratory, with samples taken every 14 days from 5 April 2003. Living and dead individuals at different development stages were monitored on twigs as well as on upper and lower leaf surfaces. At all sampling dates, the population of L1 stage larvae in particular was assessed. Extreme climatic conditions in July and August that year significantly affected pest population levels. High temperatures and low relative humidity caused high L1 mortality, reaching 89.3% when maximum temperatures reached over 38 deg C in early August.