Kapranas, A., Wajnberg, E., & Luck, R.F. 2009 Sequences of sex allocation and mortality in clutches of Metaphycus parasitoids of soft scale insects and the prevalence of all-female broods.. Ecological Entomology 34(5): 652-662

Notes: 1. In many gregarious or quasi-gregarious parasitoids that experience local mate competition, precise sex ratios with low variance are observed. Precise sex ratios can be achieved by laying male and female eggs in non-random sequences. 2. Developmental mortality can also alter sex ratios of emerging offspring, and subsequently influence sex ratio optima. 3. The present study investigates sex allocation by Metaphycus flavus Howard, M. luteolus Timberlake, and M. angustifrons Compere (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), endoparasitoids of soft scale insects, in the laboratory. 4. All three Metaphycus species had precise secondary sex ratios when parasitising brown soft scale, Coccus hesperidum, L. in the laboratory. Moreover, we documented that all three species lay fertilised (= female) eggs first followed by unfertilised (= male) eggs at the end of the oviposition bout. However, there were significant differences in sex allocation sequences among species. 5. Mortality rates of eggs allocated within an oviposition bout also varied considerably, indicating that there is a significant interspecific variation in sequence position-specific mortality. 6. Using a stochastic Monte Carlo simulation approach, we provide evidence that the incidence of all-female broods in these parasitoid wasps appears mainly due to developmental mortality and not due to decisions by the ovipositing female. In two species the prevalence of all-female broods was independent of clutch size, contrary to what is expected from theory. The influence of mortality on optimal sex allocation in these parasitoids is discussed.