Gomez, Y.Z. 2006 Manejo ecologico de la cochinilla rosada de la cayena Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) en el complejo docente "El Hatillo" -UNEMF, Falcon.. Croizatia 4(1-2): 1 pp.

Notes: Title in English: [Ecological management of the hibiscus pink mealybug Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) in the educational complex "El Hatillo" - UNEFM, Falcon.] The study was carried out in the gardens of the Educational Complex "El Hatillo", UNEFM, period January-December of the 2002, to evaluate the effect of radical prunings to the cayena plants (10-20cm of height) affected by the hibiscus pink mealybug Maconellicocus hirsutus (Green), in combination with the use of the natural enemies present in the area, by means of the immediate deposit of the cut material inside drums, which have been applied an adherent layer of 20cm in the internal and external faces of its superior border, in order to impede the exit of the apterous phases of the hibiscus pink mealybug and the associate ants, and to allow the exit of the natural enemies (parasitoids and predators) presents. 5 infestation levels were set for the cayena plants: healthy, light, medium, strong and very strong; before applying the treatment, the state of the total 112 plants were: 10.8% medium, 44.6% strong and 44.6% very strong. After applying the treatment in two opportunities (February 2002 and September 2002) it was possible to increase in 63.2% the presence of healthy plants, it increased to 13.3% the plants with light attacks and in 1.4% the plants with level of medium attack; on the other hand the plants with strong and very strong attacks diminished in 36.4% and 41.5%, respectively. Anagyrus, Apoanagyrus, Encyrtus, and Timberlakia were the more abundant parasitoids found in this study, while Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant was found in smaller number.