Darwish, Y.A., Mannaa, S.H., Abd El-Latif, A.O., & Salman, A.M.A. 2004a Impact of foraging ant exclusion on sugarcane infestation by the red-striped soft scale insect, Pulvinaria tenuivalvata (Newstead). The 4th Scientific Conference of Agricultural Sciences, Assiut, December, 2004 2004: 88-94.

Notes: The impact of foraging ants, Monomorium pharaonis on the population size of the honeydew-producing soft scale insect, Pulvinaria tenuivalvata was determined during the period from (May, 2002 to January, 2003) at Quose district, Quena Governorate. Data of the field experiments indicate that foraging ants were more abundant on the plants of untreated plots and were absent on the plants of treated plots with diazinon 60% EC (3 ml/L), during the duration of the experiment. Data obtained showed slight differences in the numbers of P. tenuivalvata between plots with and without ants during the first three sampling occasions (May 17, 24 and 31th.), but significantly greater numbers were occurred on plots with ants, in all subsequent sampling occasions. Mean number of P. tenuivalvata: on plants included foraging ants was substantially greater about two times than that on plants of foraging ants exclusion. The monthly mean numbers of scales through the whole season (May, 2002 to January, 2003) were ranged from (66 and 53 scales/100 leaves) in May to (1903 and 922 scales/100 leaves) in September, on plants containing ants and those from which ants were excluded, respectively. It may be concluded that the foraging ants can markedly stimulate the development of P. tenuivalvata in sugarcane plantations.