Crouch, C.D., Hofstetter, R.W., Grady, A.M., Edwards, N.N.S., & Waring, K.M. 2024 Oystershell scale (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) population growth, spread, and phenology on aspen in Arizona, USA. Environmental Entomology


  • biology
  • dispersal
  • economic importance
  • Notes: This study sought to fill these gaps by addressing 3 questions: (i) What is the short-term rate of aspen mortality in OSS-infested stands in northern Arizona, USA? (ii) What are the short-term rates of OSS population growth on trees and OSS spread among trees in aspen stands? (iii) What is the phenology of OSS on aspen and does climate influence phenology? We provide recommendations for future OSS research, including suggestions for more precise quantification of OSS phenology, and discuss how our results can inform management of OSS and invaded aspen ecosystems.

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