Brandt, J.F., & Ratzeburg, J.T.C. 1833 . Medizinische Zoologie oder Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der Thiere, ... in systematischer Folge herausgegeben. Zweiter Band. Gedruckt bei Trowitzsch und Sohn. Berlin I-IV, 364 pp.

Notes: Full title: Medizinische Zoologie oder Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der Thiere, in der arznetmittellehre in Betracht kommen in systematischer Folge herausgegeben. Volume 2, published in 1833 with pages I-IV, 1-364, also contains Supplement 1 to Volume 1 on pages 347- 348, and Supplement 2 on pages 349-364. This volume includes fishes and scale insects. It is indicated on pages III-IV of Volume 2 that Ratzeburg was responsible for the fish section and the article on Coccus on pages 214-228 with Tafel XXVI (figs 1-15). It also indicated that Brandt was responsible for both supplements including the description of Porphyrophora on page 355 and the descriptions of P. hamelii and P. frischii on page 356. Volumes 1 and 2 are usually bound together in libraries.