Abdel-Moniem, A.S.H. 2003 Ecological studies on the red-striped sugarcane soft scale, Pulvinaria tenuivalvata (Newstead) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) in Upper Egypt.. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 36(3/4): 161-172.

Notes: The red-striped soft scale P. tenuivalvata is a pest attacking sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) recently recorded in Upper Egypt governorates. Sugarcane plantations in Upper Egypt were thoroughly inspected for 2 years from January 2001 until December 2002 to record infestation with P. tenuivalvata and its population density. Crops, plants and weeds growing near sugarcane fields were examined to determine the host range of this pest. Soft scale insect pests have become increasingly dangerous on sugarcane in Egypt. These insects occurred from 3 to 8 months on the infested hosts. The red-striped soft scale was active from May to December. Sugarcane, cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) and Deccan grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) were the hosts, which harboured all insect stages. The infestation was restricted on the lower surface of the leaves and lower numbers were found on the upper surface. Damage to sugarcane included withering of the leaves and reduced yield, with reduction in the sucrose content of the juice. The growth rate of pest population infesting the sugarcane plants in 2001 increased gradually from June to September and decreased from October to December. The same trend was found for the growth rate of population in 2002. At high growth rates, it is advisable to use chemical control. The effect of weather factors on the population density of the P. tenuivalvata (the correlation between the total number of pests and temperature or relative humidity) was positive both years.