Valid Names Results
Praelongorthezia praelonga (Douglas, 1891) (Ortheziidae: Praelongorthezia)Nomenclatural History
- Orthezia praelonga Douglas 1891b: 246-247. Type data: TRINIDAD: on Capsicum. Syntypes, female, Type depository: London: The Natural History Museum, England, UK; accepted valid name Notes: There are two slides in the BMNH. The first is labeled "Trinidad/ Bot. Gardens/ on Capsicum/ BM 1945, 121/ Orthezia praelonga Doug./Cotype female/ Ex coll. Douglas/Nov. 26th 1890/ R.N." the second is labeled the same, but is a larva (Williams, personal communication, October 14, 1998).
- Praelongorthezia praelonga (Douglas, 1891); Kozár 2004: 420. change of combination
- Praaelongorthezia praelonga; Meurgey 2011: 81. misspelling of genus name
Common Names
- citrus orthezia Ebelin1959
- croton bug Bourne1923
- horned lamellated scale Cocker1896
- Ortezia do los citricos Kondo2010
- Chinche algodonosa Szita2022
- chinche harinosa Szita2022
- Praelongorthezia praelonga Szita2022
- orthezido del café Szita2022
- piojo blanco harinoso de los cítricos Szita2022
- uraeronga-hakama-kaigaramushi Szita2022
- piolho branco dos citros Szita2022
Ecological Associates
Families: 30 | Genera: 58
- Acanthaceae
- Graptophyllum | LimaCa1974
- Hemigraphis alternata | LimaCa1974 | (= Hemigraphis colorata)
- Sanchezia | Morris1925
- Thunbergia | Morris1952
- Amaranthaceae
- Achyranthes | Morris1952
- Anacardiaceae
- Anacardium occidentale | LimaCa1974
- Mangifera | Morris1952
- Mangifera indica | Kondo2010
- Apiaceae
- Pimpinella anisum | LimaCa1974
- Apocynaceae
- Nerium oleander | LincanHoCa2010
- Plumeria alba | LimaCa1974
- Plumeria rubra | LimaCa1974
- Araceae
- Philodendron | LimaCa1974
- Araliaceae
- Hedera helix | LimaCa1974
- Schefflera | CulikMaVe2007
- Schefflera arboricola | Malump2014a
- Arecaceae
- Cocos nucifera | LimaCa1974
- Asteraceae
- Baccharis | Morris1952
- Vernonia | Morris1952
- Bignoniaceae
- Spathodea campanulata | LimaCa1974
- Tabebuia | CulikMaVe2007
- Caprifoliaceae
- Lonicera | Morris1925
- Caricaceae
- Carica | Morris1925
- Combretaceae
- Terminalia catappa | LincanHoCa2010
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cucurbita pepo | LimaCa1974
- Euphorbiaceae
- Acalypha | Morris1952
- Acalypha wilkesiana | GermaiDeLa2016
- Codiaeum | Morris1925
- Codiaeum variegatum | GermaiDeLa2016
- Croton scouleri | LincanHoCa2010
- Euphorbia | Morris1925
- Euphorbia tirucalli | LimaCa1974
- Manihot esculenta | LimaCa1974 | (= Manihot utilissima)
- Sapium | Morris1925
- Fabaceae
- Caesalpinia pluviosa | LimaCa1974 | var. peltophoroides
- Cajanus | Morris1952
- Gliricidia | Lauren1991
- Haematoxylum | Morris1925
- Gesneriaceae
- Besleria | Morris1952
- Lamiaceae
- Hyptis | Morris1925
- Leonotis nepetifolia | LimaCa1974
- Loranthaceae
- Loranthus | Morris1925
- Malpighiaceae
- Malpighia | Morris1925
- Malpighia glabra | Bourne1923
- Malvaceae
- Gossypium | Morris1925
- Hibiscus | LincanHoCa2010
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | LincanHoCa2010
- Hibiscus tiliaceus | LimaCa1974
- Malvastrum | LimaCa1974
- Malvastrum coromandelianum | LimaCa1974
- Malvaviscus | Morris1952
- Sida | LimaCa1974
- Theobroma cacao | Kirkpa1953
- Myrtaceae
- Syzygium jambos | LimaCa1974 | (= Eugenia jambos)
- Nyctaginaceae
- Bougainvillea | Germai2013 Morris1952
- Pisonia | Morris1952
- Phyllanthaceae
- Phyllanthus | Morris1952
- Phyllanthus acidus | LimaCa1974 | (= Phyllanthus distichus)
- Poaceae
- Saccharum | Morris1925
- Polygonaceae
- Coccoloba | Morris1925 Morris1952
- Coccoloba uvifera | Malump2014a
- Rosaceae
- Rosa | Morris1925
- Rubiaceae
- Chiococca alba | LincanHoCa2010
- Coffea | Morris1925
- Coffea arabica | LimaCa1974
- Coffea canephora | CulikMaVe2007
- Ixora chinensis | TrindaNaMu2016
- Ixora coccinea | GermaiDeLa2016
- Paederia | Morris1925
- Pentas | Morris1952
- Rutaceae
- Citrus | LincanHoCa2010
- Citrus reticulata | LimaCa1974
- Fortunella | Morris1952
- Solanaceae
- Capsicum | Dougla1891b
Families: 16 | Genera: 31
- Anthomyzidae
- Anthomyzidae | Fulmek1943
- Aphelinidae
- Cales noacki | KondoPeKo2013
- Chamaemyiidae
- Melaleucopis | KondoPeKo2013
- Chrysopidae
- Ceraeochrysa cubana | KondoPeKo2013
- Chrysopa | KondoPeKo2013
- Chrysopodes | KondoPeKo2013
- Clavicipitaceae
- Aschersonia | KondoPeKo2013
- Beauveria bassiana | KondoPeKo2013
- Metarhizium anisopliae | KondoPeKo2013
- Verticilium lecanii | KondoPeKo2013
- Coccinellidae
- Azya luteipes | KondoPeKo2013
- Cladis | KondoPeKo2013 Wolcot1960
- Harmonia | KondoPeKo2013
- Harmonia axyridis | KondoPeKo2013
- Hyperaspis | KondoPeKo2013
- Hyperaspis annexa | KondoPeKo2013
- Olla v-nigrum | KondoPeKo2013 | (= Olla abdominalis)
- Pentilia egena | KondoPeKo2013
- Scymnus | KondoPeKo2013
- Tenuisvalvae notata | KondoPeKo2013 | (= Hyperaspis notata)
- Cordycipitaceae
- Beauveria | KondoPeKo2013
- Lecanicillium longisporium | MascarGuAr2016 KondoPeKo2013
- Drosophilidae
- Gitona brasiliensis | ChirinAnCa2021
- Rhinoleucophenga brasiliensis | KondoPeKo2013
- Rhinoleucophenga hesperides | CarvalDuGo2019
- Encyrtidae
- Aenasius | RamosSaCo2018
- Encyrtus aurantii | RamosSaCo2018
- Eulophidae
- Aprostocetus | RamosSaCo2018
- Glomerellaceae
- Colletotrichum gloeosporioides | KondoPeKo2013 MarcelGoPa2009a
- Colletotrichum nymphaeae | MascarGuAr2016
- Miridae
- Ambracius | KondoPeKo2013
- Ambracius dufouri | KondoPeKo2013
- Ophiocordycipitaceae
- Syngliocladium | KondoPeKo2013
- Reduviidae
- Heza insignis | KondoPeKo2013
- Signiphoridae
- Signiphora | RamosSaCo2018
- Syrphidae
- Eosalpingogaster conopida | KondoPeKo2013
- Ocyptamus | KondoPeKo2013
Families: 4 | Genera: 6
- Davidiellaceae
- Cladosporium | KondoPeKo2013
- Cladosporium herbarum | KondoPeKo2013
- Formicidae
- Brachymyrmex | KondoPeKo2013
- Camponotus | KondoPeKo2013
- Solenopsis | KondoPeKo2013
- Solenopsis saevissima | KondoPeKo2013
- Glomerellaceae
- Colletotrichum | KondoPeKo2013
- Nectriaceae
- Fusarium | KondoPeKo2013
Geographic Distribution
Countries: 38
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua | Morris1925
- Barbuda | KondoPeKo2013
- Argentina | Morris1952
- Barbados | Morris1925
- Bolivia | Kondo2001 Morris1925
- Brazil | Kondo2001 Morris1925
- Amapa | AlmeidPeMa2018
- Bahia | AlmeidPeMa2018
- Espirito Santo | CulikMaVe2007
- Maranhao | RamosSaCo2018
- Para | AlmeidPeMa2018
- Pernambuco | AlmeidPeMa2018
- Rio Grande do Sul | AlmeidPeMa2018
- Rio de Janeiro | LimaCa1974
- Sao Paulo | Szita2022
- British Virgin Islands | Morris1925 | Szita2022
- Colombia | Kondo2001 Morris1952
- Congo | KondoPeKo2013
- Curaçao | Szita2022
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (=Zaire) | KondoPeKo2013
- Dominica | Morris1925
- Ecuador | Kondo2001 Morris1925
- French Guiana | Szita2022
- Galapagos Islands | LincanHoCa2010
- Gambia | Watson2022
- Grenada | Morris1925
- Guadeloupe | KondoPeKo2013 MatileEt2006
- Guiana | GermaiDeLa2016
- Guyana (=British Guiana) | Kondo2001 Morris1925
- Jamaica | Morris1925
- Martinique | KondoPeKo2013
- Mexico | KondoPeKo2013
- Guerrero | Miller1996
- Montserrat | Szita2022
- Panama | Kondo2001 Morris1925
- Panama Canal Zone | Morris1925
- Peru | Kondo2001 Morris1952
- Puerto Rico & Vieques Island | Morris1952
- Republic of the Congo | KondoPeKo2013
- Reunion | Germai2013 GermaiMiPa2014
- Saint Croix | Beatty1944
- Saint Kitts and Nevis Islands | Szita2022
- Saint Lucia | Malump2014a
- Saint Martin & St. Barthelemy | KondoPeTo2013
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Szita2022
- Suriname | Szita2022
- Trinidad and Tobago | KondoPeKo2013
- U.S. Virgin Islands | Morris1952
- Venezuela | Kondo2001 Morris1952
- CaballKo2024: pp.3 ( Adult (F) ) [Species associated with coffee roots in Colombia]
- Watson2022: pp.340-341 ( Adult (F) ) [Genera of Ortheziidae in Africa]
- Kozar2004: pp.382 ( Adult (F) ) [Key to the species of Praelongorthezia]
- Morris1952: pp.7 ( Adult (F) ) [Species in the Praelonga group of Orthezia]
- Morris1925: pp.107 ( Adult (F) ) [Species of the Subgenus Orthezia]
- MacGil1921: pp.112 ( Adult (F) ) [Orthezia species]
- Structure: Adult female body is completely covered with very fragile white secretion dorsally, showing a more or less distinct, but at most narrow, bare streak near each margin, separating the dorsal and marginal plates, secretion evidently arranged in the usual lateral and dorsal tufts. Ovisac band is broad, made up of spines, with the addition of a large number of disk pores (Morrison, 1925). Beingolea (1971) states that the adult male is black. Adult male body length 1.85-2.34 mm. Antennae, nearly 1.6 times total body length, except for last two segments. Locular pores with mainly 3 loculi, sometimes 4 loculi, present on abdominal pleurites (absent on sternites and tergites), prothorax, and scutellum. (Vea, 2014) Antennae 8 (rarely 6 or 7) segmented; all segments covered with 4-10 spine-like, straight setae, subapical seta absent; sensory fleshy seta present on apical and subapical segments and on segment IV. (Kaydan, et al., 2016)
- Biology: P. praelonga became a key pest of citrus due to the difficulty in controlling it. The insects prefer to feed on the underside of leaves except in very high populations, when they occur on both leaf surfaces, and on twigs, flowers and trunks. (Kondo, et al., 2013)
- Economic Importance: P. praelonga, is known mainly due to the damage it causes to citrus trees in several countries of the Neotropical region. In the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, P. praelonga has been reported to cause the complete defoliation of trees (Kondo, et al., 2013) Ebeling (1959) states that this species is a pest of citrus in South America and Tropical North America. Neem oil was used to control this pest in Brazil (Guirado et al., 2001). Spraying to control this pest or other insect pests actually favored the spread of both adult females and nymphs by blowing the insects to other trees (Fernandes, et al., 2007). Colletotrichum nymphaeae is an important pathogen of P. praelonga and frequent use of synthetic pesticides may delay or reduce fungal epizootics.
- General Remarks: Original description by Douglas (1891b). Subsequent and more detailed description and illustration by Morrison (1925). Change of combination, redescription and illustration by Kozár (2004). Detailed description and illustration of adult male in Vea (2014).
- AguilaSaNu1980: biological control, distribution, host, 99, 100
- AlmeidPeMa2018: distribution, host, 356
- AlvesJArMa1989: chemical control, 269
- Azeved1923A: taxonomy, 88
- Azeved1923aA: taxonomy, 151
- Bartle1978: biological control, distribution, host, 137
- Beatty1944: distribution, 125
- Beingo1965: distribution, host, 2
- Beingo1969: taxonomy, 97
- Beingo1971: description, distribution, host, illustration, taxonomy, 7-10
- Beingo1971a: distribution, host, 33-40
- Beingo1971b: distribution, host, 41, 43, 44
- Beingo1971c: chemical control, distribution, host, 52-55
- BitancFoAu1933: taxonomy, 87, 121
- Blanch1939: taxonomy, 182
- Bodkin1914: distribution, host, 118
- Bodkin1917: distribution, host, 107
- Bodkin1922: distribution, host, 60
- Bondar1914: taxonomy, 1103
- Bondar1915: taxonomy, 44
- Bondar1929: distribution, host, 50
- Bondar1939: distribution, host, 160
- Bourne1921: distribution, host, 14
- Bourne1923: distribution, host, 9
- Brown1958aSW: chemical, 429-434
- CaballKo2024: illustration, key, morphology, 3
- CabritPiPr1980: chemical control, distribution, host, 68
- CarvalDuGo2019: natural enemies,
- CassinGo1976: distribution, host, 5-8
- CassinLiAz1980: distribution, host, 166
- CassinLiBa1976: chemical control, 43-48
- CassinLiBa1976a: chemical control, distribution, host, taxonomy, 43-48
- CassinLiRa1991: biological control, description, distribution, host, 35-57
- CassinPeNa1993: distribution, ecology, host, 209-212
- CesnikBe1998: biological control, distribution, taxonomy, 261-268
- Chiesa1948: distribution, taxonomy, 219
- ChirinAnCa2021: natural enemies, 18
- Cocker1892a: distribution, 55
- Cocker1892b: distribution, 334
- Cocker1893a: distribution, 174
- Cocker1893j: distribution, 255
- Cocker1894d: distribution, 312
- Cocker1896: description, distribution, host, 10
- Cocker1896b: distribution, 327
- Cocker1896k: distribution, host, ii
- Cocker1900: distribution, host, 363
- Cocker1902p: distribution, 250
- Cocker1902q: distribution, 259
- CostaBaYa2006: economic importance, 395-401
- CostaL1928: distribution, host, 104
- CostaL1936: distribution, host, 201
- CruzOl1979: distribution, host, 1-2
- CulikMaVe2007: distribution, host, 64
- Dash1916: distribution, host, 43
- Delucc1975a: distribution, 24
- Dinthe1960: distribution, host, 43
- Donova1938: chemical control, distribution, host, 4, 9
- Dougla1891b: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 246-247
- Ebelin1959: distribution, host, 249, 272, 278
- Fennah1942: distribution, host, 9
- Fernal1903b: distribution, host, 36
- FernanCaDe2007: biological control, chemical control, ecology, 249-253
- Figuer1946: distribution, host, 217
- FonsecAu1932a: distribution, host, 209
- Fulmek1943: biological control, catalog, distribution, 56
- Gavril2018: cytogenetics, 27,193
- Germai2013: distribution, host, 510
- GermaiDeLa2016: host, list of species, 3
- GermaiMiPa2014: distribution, host, 24
- Giacom1983: distribution, host, 948
- Gomes1940: distribution, 88
- GomesC1940: taxonomy, 353
- GoncalCa1978: biological control, chemical control, distribution, host, 1-5
- GoncalGo1976: distribution, taxonomy, 8
- Gowdey1921: distribution, host, 13, 38, 44
- Gowdey1926: distribution, host, 43
- Graven1977: distribution, host, 656
- GuiradSaAm2001: chemical control, 401
- Hart1896a: distribution, host, ii
- Haywar1939: description, distribution, 223
- Haywar1941: distribution, host, 88
- Hempel1900a: distribution, host, 377-378
- HertinSi1972: distribution, host, 107
- HodgsoHa2013: phylogeny, taxonomy,
- Hutson1916: distribution, taxonomy, 426
- KaydanVeSz2016: morphology, 180
- Kirkpa1957: illustration, taxonomy, 34, 205, 206
- Kondo2001: distribution, host, 34
- Kondo2010: distribution, host, 2
- KondoPeKo2013: biological control, chemical control, description, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, life history, mechanical control, natural enemies, taxonomy, 301-319
- KondoWa2022a: distribution, host, list, 22
- Koteja1986e: distribution, host, 324
- Kozar2004: catalog, description, distribution, illustration, taxonomy, 420
- Kuwana1902a: taxonomy, 29
- KuznetGaGr2021: chromosomes, 291
- Lauren1991: distribution, host, taxonomy, 29, 32
- LemesMaLe2019: economic importance, host, illustration,
- LeonKo2017: biological control, diagnosis, host, illustration, natural enemies, 83
- Lepage1938: catalog, distribution, host, 432
- LimaCa1973: chemical control, distribution, host, taxonomy, 39-40
- LimaCa1974: distribution, host, 73-74
- LincanHoCa2010: distribution, host, 6
- Lindin1958: taxonomy, 370
- Lizery1936: distribution, host, 115
- Lizery1939: catalog, distribution, host, 161, 162, 165
- Lizery1942: distribution, host, 70
- Lounsb1895: distribution, host, 126-127
- MacGil1921: distribution, host, 112
- Malump2014a: distribution, host, 79
- MarcelGoPa2009: biological control, 2
- Martor1976: distribution, host, 27, 49, 75
- MascarGuAr2016: biological control, entomopathogenic fungi, 43-51
- MatileEt2006: distribution, host, 81
- Maxwel1902: distribution, host, 269, 298, 301, 302
- Maxwel1903: distribution, host, 20
- Meurge2011: distribution, 81dist
- Miller1996: catalog, distribution, 80
- Miller2005: distribution, 493
- MiskimBo1970: distribution, host, 29
- Monte1930: distribution, taxonomy, 31-32
- Moore1915: distribution, host, 309
- Morris1925: taxonomy, 120
- Morris1952: description, distribution, host, taxonomy, 4, 7, 13, 43
- MurakaAbCo1984: distribution, economic control, host, 237
- Nakaha1983: distribution, host, 17
- NakahaMi1981: distribution, host, 36
- NakanoJoPa1974: taxonomy, 44
- Nascim1980: distribution, host, 1-4
- NascimPeCa1993: distribution, host, 213-215
- NegriCaGr1980: chemical control, distribution, 207
- NormarJo2010: ecology, host, 3
- Pace1939: taxonomy, 665
- PaziniDiBu1989: chemical control, 371
- PerezG2008: distribution, 217
- Pickel1928: taxonomy, 55
- Pierce1917: economic importance, taxonomy, 59
- PintoPr1982: distribution, host, taxonomy, 109
- PratesBr1989: chemical control, 322
- PratesBr1989a: chemical control, 323
- PuzziCa1963: description, distribution, host, 81-85
- Quayle1938: distribution, host, 280
- Quayle1938a: description, distribution, host, 280
- RamosSaCo2018: distribution, host, natural enemies, 274
- Reyne1964: distribution, host, 97, 98, 99
- SilvaViEm1979: chemical control, distribution, economic importance, host, taxonomy, 478-484
- SilvadGoGa1968: catalog, distribution, host, 190
- Silves1939a: biological control, distribution, host, 633
- SuplicSaMi1983: distribution, host, 19-24
- Szita2022: control, diagnosis, dispersal, distribution, economic importance, host, illustration, 57-59
- Talhou1975: distribution, host, 22
- TeixeiBeCe2001: economic importance, 352
- TeixeiBeCe2004: biological control, 356-358
- TrindaNaMu2016: distribution, host, 162
- Utra1901: taxonomy, 356
- VasconCrOl1980: distribution, host, life history, 189-197
- VasconCrOl1980a: distribution, host, taxonomy, 1-2
- Vea2014: description, illustration, structure, taxonomy, 4, 24-28
- VeaGr2016: evolution, 4
- Vernal1970: distribution, host, 29-32
- Watson2022: distribution, economic importance, illustration, key, 338,340,343,349
- Wheele1961: biological control, distribution, host, 750
- Willia1977ML: distribution, host, 89
- Willia2017a: catalog, list of species, 244
- Wilson1921: distribution, host, taxonomy, 21
- Wilson1922: distribution, host, 16, 20
- Wolcot1936: catalog, distribution, host, 121
- Wolcot1948: distribution, host, 160
- Wolcot1960: biological control, distribution, host, 169
- Yust1958: distribution, host, 60
- YustCe1956: distribution, host, 435