Valid Names Results
Pollinia Targioni Tozzetti, 1868 (
Nomenclatural History
- Pollinia
Targioni Tozzetti
1868: 734.
Type species: Coccus pollini A. Costa
by monotypy and original designation
accepted valid name
Notes: Original designation of type species was of Pollinia costae Targioni Tozzetti, 1868. The latter is an unjustified replacement name for Coccus pollini A. Costa, 1857.
- Cisticoccus
A. Costa
1877: 125.
Type species: Coccus pollini A. Costa
by original designation
junior synonym
(discovered by MorrisMo1966: 38-39)
- General Remarks: Definition and characters by Signoret (1870a), Leonardi (1920), Borchsenius (1949, 1950), Ferris (1955a), Gill (1993) and by Tang & Hao (1995).
- GranarGoSt2023: pp.3
Adult (F)
[Genera of Asterolecaniidae in Argentina]
- StumpfLa2006: pp.20-22
Adult (F)
[Genera of Nearctic region]
- McKenz1958: pp.172
Adult (F)
[North American genera of Asterolecaniidae]
- Ferris1955a: pp.14
Adult (F)
[North America]
Associated References
- Ashmea1891:
taxonomy, pp. 100
- Borchs1937a:
taxonomy, pp. 14
- Borchs1949:
taxonomy, pp. 154
- Borchs1950:
taxonomy, pp. 131, 132
- Cocker1893h:
taxonomy, pp. 76
- Cocker1899m:
taxonomy, pp. 276
- Costa1877:
taxonomy, pp. 1
- Fernal1903b:
taxonomy, pp. 59
- Ferris1955a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 64
- Gill1993:
taxonomy, pp. 97, 104
- GomezM1937:
description, taxonomy, pp. 243
- GomezM1958b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 135-136
- Green1909a:
taxonomy, pp. 340
- Leonar1920:
description, taxonomy, pp. 258-259
- Lindin1937:
taxonomy, pp. 182
- MacGil1921:
taxonomy, pp. 188-189
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 159
- Signor1870a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 274
- StumpfLa2001a:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 153-156
- TangHa1995:
description, taxonomy, pp. 280, 286-287
- Targio1868:
taxonomy, pp. 734
1 Species