Valid Names Results
Lecanodiaspis Targioni Tozzetti, 1869 (
Nomenclatural History
- Lecanodiaspis
Targioni Tozzetti
1869: 261.
Type species: Lecanodiaspis sardoa Targioni Tozzetti
by monotypy
accepted valid name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1870a: 272;.
misspelling of genus name
Notes: Signoret (1870a: 272) published the misspelling (Lecaniodiaspis) of the genus name Lecanodiaspis.
- Lecanodiaspis
1870a: 285.
subsequent use
Notes: Correct spelling of genus name, whereas Signoret (1870a: 272) published the misspelled name Lecaniodiaspis.
- Lecaniodiaspis
1891: 100;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1893h: 76;.
by present designation
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1893h: 76;.
misspelling of genus name
Notes: Lecaniodiaspis; , Misspelling of genus name.
- Birchippia
1900e: 450-451.
by monotypy and original designation
junior synonym
(discovered by Green1901a: 295)
- Lecaniodiaspis
1903b: 54;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1911: 100;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodaspis
1915: 760;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1917: 169;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1920: 115;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1921: 187;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1926a: 29;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1934d: 148;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1935: 260;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1937: 287;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1937: 6;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
Lizer y Trelles
1938: 348;.
by present designation
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1950: 69;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1955a: 44;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
De Lotto
1955: 269;.
misspelling of genus name
Notes: Lecaniodiaspis; De Lotto, Misspelling of genus name.
- Lecaniodiaspis
1959a: 841;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
1960d: 233;.
misspelling of genus name
- Lecanodiaspis
Morrison & Morrison
1966: 24105.
subsequent use
Notes: Correct spelling of genus name
- Lecaniodiaspis
Munting & Giliomee
1967: 102;.
misspelling of genus name
- Prosopophora
Howell, Lambdin & Kosztarab
1973: 46;.
incorrect synonymy
(discovered by KozarDr1998i: 418)
- Systematics: Lecanodiaspis was established by Targioni Tozzetti (1869: 261). Signoret (1870a: 272) first published the misspelling Lecaniodiaspis, whereas on page 285 he used the correct spelling Lecanodiaspis. Most subsequent authors used, until the late 1960's, the misspelled name Lecaniodiaspis, as listed here: Ashmead (1891: 100), Cockerell (1893h: 76), Cockerell (1893h: 76), Fernald (1903b: 54), Newstead (1911: 100), Froggatt (1915: 760), Lawson (1917: 169), Brain (1920: 115), MacGillivray (1921: 187), Hall (1926a: 29), Balachowsky (1934d: 148), Bodenheimer (1935: 260), Green (1937: 287), Ferris (1937: 6), Lizer y Trelles (1938: 348), Takahashi (1950: 69), De Lotto (1955: 269), Ferris (1955a: 44), Borchsenius (1959a: 841), Borchsenius (1960d: 233), and Munting & Giliomee (1967: 102). Morrison & Morrison (1966: 24,105) discussed the erroneous usage of the misspelled generic name, and re-introduced the name Lecanodiaspis.
Borchsenius (1959a) established the family Lecanodiaspididae (type-genus Lecanodiaspis Targioni Tozzetti, 1869), while misspelling both the genus and family names, Lecaniodiaspis and Lecaniodiaspididae.
Howell & Kosztarab (1972) divided Lecanodiaspis into four species groups, namely, eucalypti (which includes 21 species), africana (includes 7 species), quercus (includes 8 species) and the prosopidis group with 14 species.
- General Remarks: Definition and characters, based on the adult female, by Ferris (1955a), Borchsenius (1960d), Howell & Kosztarab (1972) and by Hodgson (1973a). Definition and characters, based on the first-instar nymph, by Williams & Kosztarab (1970).
- BenDov2009: pp.449
Adult (F)
[Lecanodiaspis species in the Mediterranean region]
- LambdiKo1973: pp.23
Adult (F)
- LambdiHoKo1973: pp.4-6
Adult (F)
[Species in the Quercus group]
- HowellKo1972: pp.24-25,95-97,110-113
Adult (F)
- WilliaKo1970: pp.13-16
First instar
- Borchs1959a: pp.841, 845-846
Adult (F)
[Genera of Lecanodiaspididae]
- McKenz1958: pp.172
Adult (F)
[North American genera of Asterolecaniidae] Key as: Lecaniodiaspis
- Brain1920: pp.115
Adult (F)
[Lecanodiaspis species of South Africa]
Associated References
- Ashmea1891:
taxonomy, pp. 100
- Balach1934d:
taxonomy, pp. 148
- BenDov2006b:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 322-323
- BenDov2009:
taxonomy, pp. 449-452
- Bodenh1935:
taxonomy, pp. 260
- Borchs1959a:
taxonomy, pp. 840-846
- Borchs1960d:
description, taxonomy, pp. 233
- Brain1920:
description, taxonomy, pp. 115
- Cocker1893h:
taxonomy, pp. 76
- Cocker1899a:
taxonomy, pp. 392
- DeLott1955:
taxonomy, pp. 269
- Ferris1955a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 44-45
- Fuller1897c:
taxonomy, pp. 7
- GomezM1937:
description, taxonomy, pp. 239-240
- Green1900e:
description, taxonomy, pp. 448-449
- Green1901a:
taxonomy, pp. 293-295
- Green1937:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 287
- GullanCo2001:
phylogeny, taxonomy, pp. 91-99
- GullanMiCo2005:
structure, taxonomy, pp. 168,208-210
- Hall1926a:
taxonomy, pp. 29
- HowellKo1972:
description, taxonomy, pp. 1-248
- KozarDr1998i:
catalog, pp. 417
- LambdiHoKo1973:
taxonomy, pp. 1-26
- LambdiKo1973:
taxonomy, pp. 60-61
- Lawson1917:
description, taxonomy, pp. 169
- Lizery1938:
taxonomy, pp. 348
- MacGil1921:
taxonomy, pp. 182,189
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 24, 105
- MuntinGi1967:
taxonomy, pp. 102
- Newste1911:
taxonomy, pp. 100
- Paik1978:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 413
- Russel1941:
taxonomy, pp. 3
- Signor1870a:
taxonomy, pp. 270,273,285-286
- Takaha1950:
taxonomy, pp. 69
- Tao1999:
taxonomy, pp. 44
- Wang1982TC:
taxonomy, pp. 85
- WangWaZh2024:
distribution, pp. 328
- Willia1969a:
taxonomy, pp. 329
- WilliaKo1970:
taxonomy, pp. 3-16
56 Species