Zhao, X.P., Liu, K.W., Yang, S.Z., Yu, D., & Ou, Z. 2001 Studies on free amino acids of Ericerus pela and its host plant.. Entomological Knowledge 38(6): 456-459.

Notes: Sixteen to seventeen kinds of free amino acids (FAAs) were detected in the female adults of Ericerus pela during their pre-overwintering, overwintering, and post-overwintering stages. The most abundant FAAs were Ala, Glu, Thr, Ser and Val. The concentrations of the total FAAs and FAAs decreased during the overwintering stage except Ala, Tyr and Arg. The concentrations of FAAs increased during the post-overwintering stage. The concentration of the total FAAs in March were higher than that during pre-overwintering stage. Comparative analyses of FAAs in the female adults, its excretion and its parasitic plant indicated that Ala, Thr and Ser were the most absorbed FAAs by the female adults, while Glu and Val were the moderately absorbed FAAs, and Asp was the least absorbed FAA.