Xu, Q., Varaprasad, K.S., Wu, D.H., & Zhang, Z.P. 1999 [Biological characteristics and control methods of Drosicha corpulenta (Kanawa).]. Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science and Technology 26(1): 52-54.

Notes: Drosicha corpulenta occurs in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Liaoning and Jiangxi provinces, China, and mostly damages tree crops such as apple, pear, peach, walnut and chestnut. Poplar (Populus sp.) trees are an important crop in Ganyu county, Jiangsu, and suffer severe damage by this pest. Adults are 5-6 mm long, purplish-red with a wingspan of 10 mm. Insects overwinter as eggs laid 10-15 cm deep in the soil in a 2 m radius around the trunk. Nymphs emerge in February and early March. They then climb the trunk to the youngest branches and commence feeding on the young buds. Nymphs shed their skin in early April and again in late April, after which the males stop feeding, hide in cracks in the bark or on nearby vegetation where they pupate, which lasts 10 days. By early May most have pupated and fly around in search of females, which by this time have completed a third moult. Mating occurs in mid-May, after which females climb down the trunk to lay eggs in fissures in the soil or under stones. Each female lays 40-60 eggs and sometimes as many as 100. Occurrence of the pest is more common on sunny, sheltered sites. Warm winters promote early emergence and warm early summers delay egg laying. In trials, the best control (99-100%) was achieved with Rogor (dimethoate). In addition to spraying, the insecticide can be placed in holes (2-3 for small trees, 4-5 for large trees) drilled in the trunk. In years of major infestation a trench can be dug 30 cm deep in a 50 cm radius around the trunk which is filled with decoy vegetation ideal for laying eggs. The vegetation can then be destroyed in autumn.