Witt, A.B.R., Nunda, W., Makale, F., & Reynolds, K. 2020 A preliminary analysis of the costs and benefits of the biological control agent Dactylopius opuntiae on Opuntia stricta in Laikipia County, Kenya. BioControl https://doi.org/10.1007/s10526-020-10018-


  • biological control
  • Notes: Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw (Cactaceae) is invasive in Laikipia County, Kenya, impacting negatively on biodiversity and livelihoods. To control this invasive plant the biocontrol agent Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell) (Hemiptera; Dactylopiidae) ‘stricta’ biotype was released in 2014. A preliminary once-off survey to determine the impact of the cochineal revealed that it had contributed to a significant reduction in the number of cladodes, flowers and fruit of plants with cochineal.