Viggiani, G. 1991a Gravi infestazioni di Nidularia pulvinata(Planchon)(Homoptera: Kermesidae) al leccio (Quercus ilex L.) in alcune aree urbanee centro-meridionali italiane.. Atti del Convegno: Problematiche fitopatologiche del genere Quercus in Italia. Florence, Italy 218-225.

Notes: [Conference held in Florence, November 19-20, 1990. This paper discusses the scale insect life cycle, the complex of its natural enemies and control measures. Title in English: [Severe infestations by Nidularia pulvinata (Planchon)(Homoptera: Kermesidae) on holly oak (Quercus ilex L.) in some urban areas of central and southern Italy.]