Trencheva, K.G., Gounari, S., Trenchev, G., Kapaxidi, E., & Karetsos, G. 2008 Scale insects on oak trees (Quercus spp) in Bulgaria and Greece.. Proceedings of the XI International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies, Oeiras, Portugal, 24-27 September 2007. ISA Press Lisbon, Portugal 322 pp.

Notes: Abstract: In a comparative study of honeydew producing insects on oak trees, an extensive sampling was done in Bulgaria and Greece, mainly from regions with beekeeping interest. Nine species of scale insect associated with the genus Quercus spp. have been collected as a result of the survey in Bulgaria. They belong to five families, the most numerous of which are the Coccidae (three species), Diaspididae (two species), Kermesidae (two species), Eriococcidae (one species), Asterolecaniidae (one species). Representatives from four families have been determined during the survey in Greece. Diaspididae (four species), Coccidae (two species), Asterolecaniidae (one species) and Eriococcidae (one species). Among them Diaspidiotus wuenni (Lindinger) (Diaspididae) is the first record for Greece and Asterodiaspis repugnans (Russell) (Asterolecaniidae) is new to Bulgaria. The sampling was done between April and October in 2005 and 2006. A list of scale insect species, including the place, date of sampling, development stage, first report in Bulgaria and Greece, host plant, distribution and some phenological data are given.