Suresh, S., Kumar, K., Geetha, K., & Palaniswamy, S. 2005 Efficacy Of Botanicals and Insecticides against Crawlers Of Chloropulvinaria psidii (Maskell) on Teak, Tectona grandis (Abstract only).. Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Scale Insect Studies, held at Plant Protection Research Institute, Adana/ Turkey, 19-23 April 2004. Adana Zirai Muscadele Arastirma Enstitusu. Adana, Turkey 408 pp.

Notes: Investigations were carried out to find the effective insecticides/botanicals against Choloropulvinaria psidii on Teak both in the field and lab. Spray solutions of neem oil land 2 per cent, three TNAU neem formulations viz., TNAU NO(A), TNAU NO (C) and TNAU NOPO (C) each at two per cent, acephate, dimethoate, methyl demeton and phosphamidon each at I millit.and fish oil rosin soap at 20 and 25 gllit. were prepared. In the lab 5 ern leaf discs of leaf were prepared and placed in a petridish containing a filter paper over moist cotton. There were twenty insets in each replication and replicated thrice. In the field infested leaves were tagged and five replications were maintained, each leaf serving as a replication. The above insecticides and botanicals were sprayed at the respective concentrations after taking the pre treatment count. Observations were made on the mortality of insects on 1,3 and 7 DA T both in the field and lab and percentage mortality worked out. The results indicated that all the insecticides and neem derivatives tested were found effective at 7DAT under laboratory and field conditions. Cent per cent mortality was observed in the treatments neem oil 2 per cent followed by TNAU NOPO (C ) at 2 per ecnt, methyl demeton, dimethoate, phosphamidon and FORS (87.13-94.77).TNAU NO (C) AND TNAU NO (A) at 2 per cent were found to be less effective.