Suh, S.-J., Basaglia, M., & Cho, M.R. 2013 A Report of Two Root Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Rhizoecidae) on Non-native Ornamental Plants in Korea. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 52(3): 255-259

Notes: Two root mealybugs, Ripersiella multiporifera Jansen and Rhizoecus albidus Goux, were collected on imported Dracaena plants (Dracaenaceae) and Schlumbergera truncata (Haw.) Moran (Cactaceae) grown in greenhouses in Korea. Both species were probably introduced into greenhouses via the plant trade. Therefore, it reiterates the need to focus attention on the detection of root mealybugs at the ports of entry to prevent their introduction and establishment in the Korean environment. In this paper, additional information for the two species is provided with diagnoses, photographs along with host plant and distribution data for accurate species identification.