Stauffer, S., & Rose, M. 1997 3.2.2 Biological control of soft scale insects in interior plantscapes in the USA.. Soft Scale Insects - Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control [Vol. 7B]. Elsevier Amsterdam & New York 442 pp.

Notes: Discusses differences of interior plantscapes from other crops under protected cultivation; comparison of pests of interior plantscapes with those of other protected cultivations; standard controls compared to biological controls; pest identification and the status of key pests; education of interior plantscape managers; natural enemies; common coccid pests include Ceroplastes cirripediformis, C. floridensis, Chloropulvinaria psidii, Coccus hesperidum, C. longulus, Eucalymnatus tessellatus, Parasaissetia nigra, Philephedra tuberculosa, Saissetia coffeae, S. miranda, S. neglecta and S. oleae.