Sobirov, O.T., Qaxxorova, H.R., Turg'unova, O.S.H., & Rogojnikova, O.A. 2024 Sphaerolecanium prunastri Turining Molekulyar Genetik Tahliliga Oid [Molecular genetic analysis of Sphaerolecanium prunastri species]. Zoologiya Fanini Rivojlantirishda Zamonaviy Tadquiqotlar: Muammolar Va Istiqbolli Yechimlar [Modern Research in the Development of the Science of Zoology: Problems and Prospective Solutions] Surxon ilm nashri Termiz 419


  • molecular biology
  • phylogeny
  • Notes: [In the phylogenetic tree, among the 16 studied species, Sphaerolecanium prunastri is the closest species to Eulecanium sp. and the distant species is Milviscutulus mangiferae. The compared species belong to genera such as Celorastis, Pulvinaria, Eulecanium, Milviscutulus, Coccus. This result obtained serves as a molecular phylogenetic confirmation of the results of our previous studies on the systematics and phylogeny of Sphaerolecanium prunastri.]

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