Shiao, S.N. 1979 [Morphology, life history and bionomics of the palm scale Hemiberlesia cyanophylli (Homoptera, Diaspididae) in northern parts of Taiwan.]. Bulletin of Plant Protection. Taiwan 21: 267-276.

Notes: The palm scale, H. cyanophylli (Signoret) is one of the most important tea pests in northern Taiwan. It attacts tea leaves and causes yellow spots on the leaves with resultant dropping of the foliage. The female matures after two molts, while the male becomes a pupa after three molts. The scale completes about five generations which overlap in a year. The female lays at least 60 eggs in her life. About 93% of the eggs hatch. The sex ratio (female:male) is apprx 3:5. In 1978 the nymphal and adult density reached its peak in Aug. and Sept., respectively. The population was affected by temperature, rainfall a parasitoid and a fungus.