Seljak, G. 2001 Pulvinaria hydrangeae Steinwedenn (Homoptera, Coccidae) - nova vrsta kaparja v sloveniji. [Pulvinaria hydrangeae Steinweden (Homoptera, Coccidae) - a new soft scale species in Slovenia.]. Zbornik predavanj in referatov 4. Slovenskega Posvetovanja o Varstvu Rastlin 337-343.

Notes: [Proceedings of the 5th Slovenian Conference on Plant Protection, Catez ob Savi, Slovenia, 6-8 March 2001.] The cottony hydrangea sale (Pulvinaria hydrangeae Steinweden) is a new soft scale species for Slovenia. The Slovene population originates evidently from Italy. At the moment it is already diffused in Brda, in the Valley of Soca and Vipava, as well as in the Slovene Istria. In the present paper the morphology and the taxonomy of this species are described in comparison with other species of the genus Pulvinaria known up to the present in the territory of Slovenia.