Schneider, B., Podoler, H., & Rosen, D. 1987 Population dynamics of the Florida wax scale, Ceroplastes floridensis (Homoptera: Coccidae), on citrus in Israel. 4. Abundance.. Acta Oecologica, Oecologia Applicata 8(3): 217-228.

Notes: Changes in density of Florida wax scale populations, Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock, were studied in three geographic regions of Israel from 1980 to 1982. Two annual generations were produced; the first, designated as the spring generation, persisted from April to September, and the second, designated as the fall generation, persisted from September to the following April. Maximum fecundity was determined at 800 eggs per female and average fecundity at 284 eggs per female. No significant density-dependent mortality was found. Key stage mortality was generally in the pre-ovipositional stage and also in the LI-LII stage category.